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Just turned this on 15 minutes ago, how were the first two games? I'm stunned Newton is out, I quite fancied him to either reach the final or lose to Taylor if he's in his half of the draw.

Barney has been gash but that 160 could be the foot up the arse he so desperately needs.

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I don't often agree with Harrington but as he said around the start of the third set, Barney needs to realise how lucky he is to be so talented and to be making such a great living out of the sport. He needs a slap and told to stop going in huffs when he's not steamrolling his opponents. I can't be arsed with him at all these days, which is a shame as his match with Taylor in 2007 was the game which got me into darts in the first place.

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He's clearly got some mental issues so I don't think it's as easy as 'he needs to get his head in shape'.

Ive often wondered what darts players, Taylor aside, make. Barney will be earning a decent wedge but nothing out of this world IMO.

His two year running total on the OoM is 230k. That doesn't include the Premier League, any 9 darter bonuses, money from exhibitions or sponsorship.

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I wonder if Harrington knows what Barney's frame of mind is right now. I'm willing to bet he doesn't. If he did, he'd realise that Barney isn't going to be able to be slapped into form, or be able to just say "hey! im fine!", and I wonder if he realises that Barneveld probably won't ever turn this around. His head is in an awful place right now, as it has been for some time, and it takes more than just thinking "f**k me! im good!" to get over it.

If Harrington DID realise any of that, he wouldn't spout such simplistic and utter shite.

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He's throwing darts at a dartboard supposedly playing the game he loves and probably has enough in the coffers to have a right good retirement, whatever 'demons' he has he shouldn't show the pressure or the petulence he does on the oche. The petted lip comes out after the second or third leg it's embarrassing.

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He's throwing darts at a dartboard supposedly playing the game he loves and probably has enough in the coffers to have a right good retirement, whatever 'demons' he has he shouldn't show the pressure or the petulence he does on the oche. The petted lip comes out after the second or third leg it's embarrassing.

Correct. He shouldn't be on the stage if he's in that frame of mind, there's plenty players who would love to take the spot in the TV tournaments.

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Tennis players can be fined or banned for failing to try. The "tanking" rule.

No reason why darts can't bring that in either, if players are deemed not to be putting sufficient effort in.

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He's throwing darts at a dartboard supposedly playing the game he loves and probably has enough in the coffers to have a right good retirement, whatever 'demons' he has he shouldn't show the pressure or the petulence he does on the oche. The petted lip comes out after the second or third leg it's embarrassing.

That first point is a key one actually. The only reason I can see that Barney is continuing is that he still feels he needs to make a bit of money, and if so, he's more than entitled to. If he says he still loves darts, I don't believe it for a second. He's looked fucked off with it all for a while now. Like all confidence players, when it's going well, it's a different story.

It's not easy to keep the bad shit coming out when the head is down. Infact, it's close to impossible to keep a handle on. His confidence is utterly shot, and it'll be a mix of frustration, anger and downright sadness coming together. Been there and done it. If it was easy as keeping the head he'd have pulled through and won last night. It is obviously not that easy.

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Missed last night's action as I was in Manchester and couldn't get near a telly - good to see Hendo make it through to the quarters.

Looking forward to Burnett vs Ovens tonight.

Edited by The Naitch
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Missed last night's action as I was in Manchester and ciouldn't get near a telly - good to see Hendo make it through to the quarters.

Looking forward to Burnett vs Ovens tonight.

Last match on I think, if it`s anything like last night, it could be pretty late.

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