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What Are You Drinking ?

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Virgin Mary. Been having one every day at breakfast for a few months.

(To make it a bit more interesting than usual, I've been making it halfway between a gazpacho and a virgin mary by putting loads of stuff through the juicer.

A pile of ripe tomatoes, a few celery sticks, a couple of chillies, a few cloves of garlic, a red and a green pepper, some spring onions and a bunch of parsley... once these have all been through the juicer, I add tabasco, Lea & Perrins, a splash of olive oil, a dash of sherry vinegar, some black pepper, and celery salt, and put the mix in a jug in the fridge.

Every morning I pour out about half a pint and top up the pint glass with regular tomato juice. Depending on the heat of the chillies used, it makes my nose run. I think it's addictive).

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