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Why do the good folk of the Queen Vic think it is clever to put boards over a door frame when the door opens inwards!! :lol:

:lol: YES! I saw that on Monday but could believe I was seeing so assumed it couldn't possibly have been such an ill-thought-out blooper.

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I noticed this too, but I imagine its just so if he smashes the door open he has another barrier to get through. I thought it was a bit sad that a raving drunk junkie was fended off my a granny, 2 women, a 15 year old kid and Billy Mitchell.

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I noticed this too, but I imagine its just so if he smashes the door open he has another barrier to get through. I thought it was a bit sad that a raving drunk junkie was fended off my a granny, 2 women, a 15 year old kid and Billy Mitchell.

And an aluminium baseball bat. Don't forget the baseball bat.

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Hilarious episode tonight.

Bottles of spirits exploding, six foot flames spreading through the The Vic at the speed of light and destroying all in their wake and Peggy Mitchell tries to put them out with a fucking tea towel.

I forgot about Peggy's tea towel flailing. Comedy gold! :lol:

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Why do the good folk of the Queen Vic think it is clever to put boards over a door frame when the door opens inwards!! :lol:

I wondered that at the time? What on earth is the point in nailing boards across the door frame when the door opens the other way. If he could break open the door (and I find it hard to believe he couldn't find something in that furnished room to do it with even before he had a bloody crowbar) then he certainly would have no trouble leaning into boards that were nailed across a door frame.

:lol: That was hilarious!

Worst fire/explosion ever.

Thank fuck Peggy is leaving. That voice! <_< She was like a demented dwarf/witch hybrid.

And this. Ok, I know it's just a tv soap and not real but seriously it was the worst fire and explosion on tv ever. Leaving aside the fact that the Vic went up astonishingly quickly from a couple of bottles of whisky and a match, the sheer length of time it took everybody to get themselves out of a fairly small pub which has two double door entrances defied belief. And then all those halfwits standing around at the bottom of a ladder while a girl and baby were at the window upstairs. I simply don't believe none of them would have climbed the ladder to help out. Most of them were fit and able. Why was Ricky standing around at the bottom of it just looking up when Stacy was still missing and after Ryan came down with Lilly?

And why the Hell did Stacy:

1 - Trap herself in the one room that had boarded up windows and no obvious escape?

2 - Not just climb out the window and follow Ryan once the ladder was there and she'd handed over Lilly? :blink:

Quite some of the worst television I've ever seen. Of course I'll watch it tomorrow anyway. Probably not even because I'm made to do so! :ph34r:

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Quite some of the worst television I've ever seen. Of course I'll watch it tomorrow anyway. Probably not even because I'm made to do so! :ph34r:

Just dreadful.

Ally Ross is gonnae have a field day with this in his column next week.

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Another bottle of Whiskey gobbled down in 5 seconds by Phil, great stuff.

Was hoping Peggy was going to burn to death, especially with her pathetic tea towel escapades. What a way to leave the show that would have been.

Did anyone notice when the pub was being evacuated a man fell to the floor and his shirt was on fire? what happened to this man? Why save Sayeed, Zainab and Fat Pat whilst another man burns?

Lucky Sam was nowhere near the Vic though or her puss would have melted in the heat:lol:

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Another bottle of Whiskey gobbled down in 5 seconds by Phil, great stuff.

Was hoping Peggy was going to burn to death, especially with her pathetic tea towel escapades. What a way to leave the show that would have been.

Did anyone notice when the pub was being evacuated a man fell to the floor and his shirt was on fire? what happened to this man? Why save Sayeed, Zainab and Fat Pat whilst another man burns?

Lucky Sam was nowhere near the Vic though or her puss would have melted in the heat:lol:

Was it not Sayed who was pushed to the ground and trampled on, then later saved by Zainab?

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And why the Hell did Stacy:

1 - Trap herself in the one room that had boarded up windows and no obvious escape?

I think it was becuase a big burst of flames stopped her from any other escape, although I cant remember if the fire was blocking possible escape routes into the kitchen and bedroom. If it was then it was the only place she could go. If not then well she is a bit mental.

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