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Vanessa: "I can't get engaged with half an arch and no ring". "I'm not getting engaged with some cheap ring from the High Street". "You can't get engaged with Cava". How much money is Max meant to have? He was practically bankrupt not so long ago. What a snobby cow.

Pat: Huffy old lesbian cow. All that sitting in her bar stool looking like a sick parrot puffing its feathers out and looking down her nose at people. Loved Janine's "Was it a whale with earrings?" question. Pat needs to remember she's far from bloody perfect. It was her that went to prison for running over that girl while drunk.

Ryan: I'm going to let him off what he did because of what Janine did to him. He's also an attractive young man and so can be as much of a dick as he likes.

Christian: Oh, f**k off you annoying old queen. There was only one of you got a kiss off another man, and it wasn't Syed. There was also only one of you snogged a kilted drunk bloke not so long back. Shut your face, you're old, get over it. You tit.

Carol: Will there be a bloke that arrives in the square you won't start making eyes at? Strumpet.

I never, ever thought that Janine would be the good guy in any storyline, but I'm starting to feel sorry for her.

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I never, ever thought that Janine would be the good guy in any storyline, but I'm starting to feel sorry for her.

Same here, but she has brought most of it on herself. Thought the 'whale with earrings' was hilarious.

Regarding Carol, what is it men see in her?

Her charming personality - definetly not

Her looks - maybe at one time but her face is starting to resemble a halloween cake

Her wonderful family - no fucking chance

Its a mystery to me

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On yersel, Tanya! :D

Loved Vanessa on her hand and knees cleaning the rug. Ha, you scrubber! Also liked Masood's comment, "Marriage, Tam, is a war".

Thought you would've been cheering when Lauren mentioned "The Helmet". :D

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On yersel, Tanya! :D

Loved Vanessa on her hand and knees cleaning the rug. Ha, you scrubber! Also liked Masood's comment, "Marriage, Tam, is a war".

I was thinking on yersel, Max

Tanya is far hotter that Vanessa, she kinda looks like a cliche of an attractive woman if that makes sense.

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Thought you would've been cheering when Lauren mentioned "The Helmet". :D

Aw, crap, I must have missed that! There was a few really good lines in it tonight actually.

I was thinking on yersel, Max

Tanya is far hotter that Vanessa, she kinda looks like a cliche of an attractive woman if that makes sense.

Agreed. I think that's what annoys me most about Vanessa. There is nothing natural about her whatsoever and it really irritates me. I also get annoyed at that crap fake smile she does where you can see her fang teeth.

I've long wanted Max and Tanya to get back together, although I feel a bit sorry for Greg now. He's a nice bloke and it seems so unfair. I am fully aware of the fact that I need to get out more.

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We were seconds away from another "dripping poison into our lives" speech there.

I'm inclined to think that Tamwar needs to grow a pair, but then again, I know that Yusef faked the injuries. Afia needs a boot in the pie anyway though, so disagreeing with her is a default position for me.

Greg's "project management" was a bit uncalled for, as was him announcing to the street that Tanya is ovulating this week. I'm also a bit envious that Tanya can still look do-able wearing Greg's shirt, hair scraped back in the Croydon-facelift and declaring that she's not even sure she can be bothered having a shower.

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Christian getting on my nerves again. He was quite happy with traditional dress when it was Syed getting married, and he was shagging him! It just seems to me that the writers want to make him as argumentative as possible, and it's really annoying.

Masood's starting to lose the plot. Making himself look like a complete mad bloke at the moment, which is sure to come back and bite him on the arse. Glad Tamwar's finally come clean though. At least he can start getting his leg over in peace without worrying about getting caught now.

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are muslim weddings actually anything like the ones in eastenders?

some drummer leads everyone down the street. then you jump into a community centre, then an mc boy comes out then everyone starts doing co-ordinated dance rountines?

i have my doubts tbh, they seem about as authentically muslim as the guy who plays syed.

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are muslim weddings actually anything like the ones in eastenders?

some drummer leads everyone down the street. then you jump into a community centre, then an mc boy comes out then everyone starts doing co-ordinated dance rountines?

i have my doubts tbh, they seem about as authentically muslim as the guy who plays syed.

It wasn't a wedding, it was a Mehndi celebration.

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We were seconds away from another "dripping poison into our lives" speech there.

I'm inclined to think that Tamwar needs to grow a pair, but then again, I know that Yusef faked the injuries. Afia needs a boot in the pie anyway though, so disagreeing with her is a default position for me.

Greg's "project management" was a bit uncalled for, as was him announcing to the street that Tanya is ovulating this week. I'm also a bit envious that Tanya can still look do-able wearing Greg's shirt, hair scraped back in the Croydon-facelift and declaring that she's not even sure she can be bothered having a shower.

One thing I will say about Afia is that she has beautiful skin, noticed it the other night.

Dirty Tanya, nice.;)

Christian getting on my nerves again. He was quite happy with traditional dress when it was Syed getting married, and he was shagging him! It just seems to me that the writers want to make him as argumentative as possible, and it's really annoying.

Masood's starting to lose the plot. Making himself look like a complete mad bloke at the moment, which is sure to come back and bite him on the arse. Glad Tamwar's finally come clean though. At least he can start getting his leg over in peace without worrying about getting caught now.

Do you not feel sorry for Masood at the moment, his world is crashing around him and he hasn't done that much wrong? Other than gambling away a fortune and almost shagging Jane Beale, both of which are understandable.

My sister's boyfriend just got offered a part in Eastenders and begins filming tomorrow. Exciting times.

Which part?

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