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Does anyone have any spoilers about what happens tonight? I'm really keen to know.

Disappointed to hear that big Alan Jackson isn't making a return, I was a big fan of his.

50p each way that Syed pansies out and says he has a squint knob or his bell-end got ran over by a moped as a youngster as his reason for not dunting horse face.

Not a spoiler as such, just the thoughts of an avid fan.

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Not sure if its tonight but she tells Sayid about the kiss, Sayid twats that guy then drags Amira home and screws her.

Apparently it comes out about Archies killer tonight.....

Are you trying to boosts ratings my crippled friend? The Sun said it was the live show that we find out who chibbed old Archie to death.

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The live show is on the 19th Feb, thats when we find out whodunnit.

Tonight, Jack finds a piece of evidence that points to the killer, but we all know that either a) it will be a red herring, or b)we won't find out what it is til the 19th.

Also, apparently the Beeb have dismissed the fact that Carrot tops himself on the live show. They haven't said he doesn't die, it's just not a suicide.

Does anyone else think that wee minx Becca is up to no good? Shes one to watch, I tells ya.

Edited by Cowden Blue
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Good to see Wheels making his return last night, found the episode a bit of a drag with all the hen night shinnanigans, surely it is not Bianca under the covers - assume it may be slapper Lucy again?

Bradley is such a good actor he can make his face go red at all the right times!!

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Last night was pish - the Hen night was shite, all they did was cheap-shot each other, worse is you know Ricky will see the tape about Bianca saying the other dude was her soul mate and we will have a half hour snooze-fest of how everyone 'feels'.

Bradley power walking about the square in a fetching brown tank-top helped amuse me no end.

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Last night was pish - the Hen night was shite, all they did was cheap-shot each other, worse is you know Ricky will see the tape about Bianca saying the other dude was her soul mate and we will have a half hour snooze-fest of how everyone 'feels'.

Bradley power walking about the square in a fetching brown tank-top helped arouse me no end.

Fair play for your honesty.

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