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She's annoying, but what a body. That cancels out the annoying.

She's just got such a horrible, sneering attitude. She looks down on everyone as though she's better than them, when she's the one that's been in prison AND managed to drag Deano down with her as well. She's a pain in the arse.

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Wheels has done a runner.He's been faking his disability all this time the wee bassa

This is what I was thinking when they couldn't find him. I thought he had shat it and scarpered.

That was a classic line from Darren about wheels, and his dancing :lol: Ben is such an annoying wee poof, and he can't act worth a f**k.

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Yep. It's recommended to wait until 6 months, but definitely not before 4 months.

I think you have spotted a flaw in this otherwise ultra realistic soap opera and should be writing to Watchdog or something like that.

I watched it last night and could not believe how much had happened since Thursdaysad.gif

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I think you have spotted a flaw in this otherwise ultra realistic soap opera and should be writing to Watchdog or something like that.

I watched it last night and could not believe how much had happened since Thursdaysad.gif

I know I missed Friday's and everything has gone off! I seem to do that a lot you know - I watch every episode when its shit then the odd one that's good I seem to miss it!

On a brighter note - Ben Mitchell gets twatted by a gang of girls soon.

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On a brighter note - Ben Mitchell gets twatted by a gang of girls soon.

Serves him right, no boy of ten (or whatever age the deaf specky twat is), should be so excited about baking a cake, he should be trying to catch a swatch of Zha-Zha's rat in the shower.

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Lyn_Marie - I was talking to a friend about Eastenders with what we were on about in here with the bottles for the baby in the Masood's place - he claimed Muslim women don't feed from the teet. I don't know if this is true or not but could explain why they were there.

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