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5 True Statements About Yourself...


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I enjoy gambling and would much rather give a bookies £30 than spend it on new clothes or drink etc. I also have idiotic habits that when I am going on a night out I will give myself £20 to go to the betting shop to try and pay for the night out. Invariably, I lose all the money and end up being further out of pocket for the day.

Lol, I used to meet one of my mates at Ladbrokes on Arbroath High Street before a night out. Neither of us knew one end of a dog from another, but you had races on every 2 or 3 minutes and it was a good laugh putting on shitty wee bets and punting all your winnings on the next race. A three win streak paid for a good chunk of the night.

I think that happened once :(

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why not another 5

1. I really hate people. Not in a petty, pathetic way, but in a genuine spiteful way. I hate how hypicritical they are in particular, especially the ones at my work. In my opinion i think that everyone looks after number 1 no matter how much they say they dont, and they are everything that is wrong with the world.

2. The only girl that i have ever cared about in a relationship was a holiday romance that lasted a grand total of 36 hours at the most. She had to return home and we barely even had the chance to get to know each other before she had to return home. I still think about her at times of boredom and loneliness, and dont think i ll ever find anyone like her ever again(even if i barely knew her).

3. As much as i love movies, i hate the ones with happy endings. It gives me false hope and if any the fictional storys happened our world it would end up with a bullet in the hero's head or the damsel in distress getting a spit roasting rape from the bad guys.

4. I love my cat for the reason that no matter how much i hate myself, she ll always love me.

5. I have attempted to write my own songs with my guitar, and the best i ve got is rifts, no structure, and shite lyrics.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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1.I still play 5's with most of the same guys for the last 20 years.we used to be decent and won a good few trophies at the pitz in paisley

2.I'm 39 now got a fucked knee that kills me the next day but cant stomach the thought of stopping playing

3.I work in greenock and I give cappielow the finger on the way in and the way out :P

4.I work for a company that has a bad rep,though its the best job I've had and the best people I've worked with.most are good mates now

5.my mrs who I love more than anything in the world,is a season ticket holder at parkhead and It does ma heed in,I've tried to talk her away from the darkside but shes not for turning

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rw89...why do you hate Che?just out of interest.I read the motorcycle diaries last year and thought he was a decent bloke who cared about his fellow south Americans.and was a bit of a lad too

c**t of a man to the highest degree. If you want to support someone who massacres their own people for wanting to flee their country wear the t-shirt of a proper tyrant like Stalin or Hitler. Used to walk about tables of "dissidents" for about an hour and a half lecturing them about how capitalism and then shoot them. The Americans did themselves no favors by killing him on the spot...just made him into a martyr. Can't stand the shirts though, most people have no idea of what they are supporting. <_<

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c**t of a man to the highest degree. If you want to support someone who massacres their own people for wanting to flee their country wear the t-shirt of a proper tyrant like Stalin or Hitler. Used to walk about tables of "dissidents" for about an hour and a half lecturing them about how capitalism and then shoot them. The Americans did themselves no favors by killing him on the spot...just made him into a martyr. Can't stand the shirts though, most people have no idea of what they are supporting. <_<

A lot of Celtic fans like him too, that wins him bonus hate points.

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1: I have never lived in Dumfries, and don't ever intend to.

2: I'm an arrogant, smug, lazy bast*rd

3: I would much rather play cricket than football

4: I am totally inept and an eternal pessimist when it comes to woman

5: My physical appearence is often compares to Alan Carr, this may or may not cause number 4

5 more:

1: I was only at Primary School for 6 years, this was due to my age when I moved to England, and i was put forward a year. When I moved back up to Scotland I was kept in the same year, so missed a year.

2: I hate my school life, mainly due to most of the people there, and I can't wait for September and the start of University.

3: I see myself as a fairly well tempered and well mannered person, but when I step inside a football ground it all seems to go out the window.

4: I'm 16, have never smoked and never taken any illegal substances, and I never intend to.

5: I hate beer, and am usually wrecked after just 6 bacardi breezers :ph34r:

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1. I love watching Countdown.

2. I once written an article in the Evening Times defending Chris Templeman's time at Morton.

3. I have a Journalism degree (with honours) but so far doing f**k all with it.

4. I have 271 DVD's and hardly watch any of them.

5. I hate spaghetti bolognese.

f**k it, five more from me...

6. I am painfully shy.

7. If I have to be somewhere at a certain time, I always make sure I'm there an hour early. That stems from an extreme annoyance of being late.

8. I'm a Champ Manager addict.

9. My most treasured possession is my iPod Touch.

10. I like playing bingo.

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Guest LynseyP

1. I hate shopping

2. I have the same birthday as the Pope

3. I have never taken an illegal substance and dont intend on doing so

4. I have no motivation for studying whatsoever

5. I dont drink at all

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1. I hate shopping

2. I have the same birthday as the Pope

3. I have never taken an illegal substance and dont intend on doing so

4. I have no motivation for studying whatsoever

5. I dont drink at all

Not even soft drinks?

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1. I sleep 5 hours a night on average

2. I've been pissed more in the 3 months since splitting up with the ex than in the last 3 years combined.

3. I'm addicted to Call of Duty: World at War

4. I havent shaved since Wednesday

5. I'm off work today and incredibly bored

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1. I got arrested in Australia whilst backpacking for being drunk and disorderly and getting caught up in a fight. Was meant to go to court, but instead i legged it and hopped on the first flight back home.


2. Once when i was out drinking, i got totally trashed and ended up spewing all over the snooker player John Higgins! I cant remember anything about it, by my friends assure me it was true. Dont think Higgins or his mates were too happy!


4. Whilst on St Johnstones pre-season tour of Ireland, my brother and myself pretended we were directors of the club, and ended up getting invited into Coleraine Football Clubs boardroom by their chairman, whom filled us with drink and thanked us for bringing the club over to Northern Ireland!

Double pish.

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1. I sleep 5 hours a night on average

2. I've been pissed more in the 3 months since splitting up with the ex than in the last 3 years combined.

3. I'm addicted to Call of Duty: World at War

4. I havent shaved since Wednesday

5. I'm off work today and incredibly bored

1. I feel your pain. My girlfriend is on backshift and in order to spend any time with her at all I go to bed around 2 and am up at 7. Bad shit.

4. I haven't shaved in a week and a half. I need one.

Edited by lzreid
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1. I feel your pain. My girlfriend is on backshift and in order to spend any time with her at all I go to bed around 2 and am up at 7. Bad shit.

I'm much the same.

The only time I see Carol is for 5 minutes before she goes out to work when I'm an incoherent zombie having been woken to look after the kids and for half an hour at dinner time.

We're lucky if we have each others company for more than a total of 3 hours Mon-Fri.

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