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5 True Statements About Yourself...


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I just ended up telling myself that I didnt bloody need them :lol:

Cracking collection of Converse ye have though!

Cracking or sad. i will take the compliment.

White high tops, White lows, White leather highs, White leather lows, Red highs, Red lows, Black Highs, Black lows, Black leather highs, Black leather lows.....and also see-through :ph34r: ..............you get the pic :lol:

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1. I love Pie

2.I don't actually support any Scottish football teams. I'm just on here for the great name.:) (BTW, ICT are still cool)

3. I'm a coaster enthusiast

4. I have actually touched the main singer of Turisas.

5. I hate nearly all modern pop music.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1, I hate liberals and left wing loonies.

2, I'm a horrible liar, firstly i did it to make me feel better about myself. It wasn't easy growing up in my family as i was a scapegoat for my parent's emotional retardation.

3, i am selfish and inconsiderate to others. As in i hurt people who love me, its hard to show love when you haven't received much when growing up.

4, I'm quite bitter about things, and can't leave things alone i let it fester and i blow up.

5, i have a bad temper. I'm not a nice person at all, but i'm getting there.:)

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1. I'm 23 and have never voted. I didn't used to find politics that interesting and I'm not really sure how to choose a party.

2. I've recently developed an obsession with cooking and cookery programmes. Can't get enough of Saturday Kitchen, River Cottage and Jamie's Great Britain.

3. I cried at the 1997 Scottish Cup Final. I was only 9 at the time and I'm not ashamed about it.

4. I've got a degree in Maths but my mental arithmetic isn't that great. I've developed a lazy habit of reaching for the calculator or using Excel.

5. I've never met anyone particularly famous. Although I have seen Michelle Moan, Glenn Hoddle, Jeremy Beedle and the Chelsea squad in various airports.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great thread this, I've already done 10 but here's another 5

As you can probably tell, I have an unhealthy obsession with Ukraine. I'm going there for 10 days in February and if I can find myself some temp or perm work and a place to stay, that's exactly what I'll do.

I've been learning Ukrainian for 18 months and I still know almost nothing. It took me nearly a year to remember the sounds of the letters in the Cyrillic alphabet and I still don't know the order.

Despite being trained in counselling young people, I get regularly depressed over absolutely anything. It doesn't even need to be me that's involved, if I see a sad film or something I think about it for days.

Despite being fairly ugly I've had two pretty decent looking girlfriends.

I matured far too early. When I was 13/14 in High School I hated it because I just couldn't get into the daft things like tripping folk up in the corridor and general ladish behaviour. However, I didn't do a lot of work and I fucked about in class because I hated it, I was quite the rebel in that sense.

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My japs eye is in a weird place, it's more on the underside of my helmet than the usual end tip part.

It's been said about me that I'm intelligent, have great common sense and quick wit, but I daydreamed my way through school, got shit grades and am now paying for it with a shit, poorly paid job.

9/11 fascinates the shit out of me. Not so much the aftermatch and the conspiracies, but reading about how the hijackers planned and executed it.

I'd rather watch a tennis match than a football match.

I hate drinking and I hate the hangovers even more, yet I still do it fairly regularly on a Saturday night.

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1. I am a Socialist.

2. Despite being successful at high school in 4th, 5th and 6th year, no Uni accepted me.

3. I actually find Nandos to be a shitey establishment.

4. I am obsessed with Adidas, especially the originals stuff. That, and Hugo Boss, seem to be the only gear I wear.

5. I'm half Irish.

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1. I have never smoked - I would have no idea what to do with that. Although, I have tried snuss(sic?) Swedish/Scandinavian tobacco that you store in your gums in a wee teabag type thing and it the Swede who gave me it said, it was like I had just smoked 20 fags at once? No idea how true that was but I did feel as high as a kite and the comedown was pretty awful. What a pussy!

2. I quite like both Lennon and McCoist although not keen on their clubs - maybe I'm just hearing the best soundbytes from the media, but every time I hear them I seem to think they come across as both quite decent guys.

3. I cannot get into Sci-fi or films set in the future - As soon as holograms appear or the cliched flying car, I instantly loose interest in it and will end up if watching it on TV, shut the film down or just keep it on and not pay attention/interest in it. Same with fantasy type films and Lord of the Rings things.

4. I can give or take drinking alcohol - I can go weeks, months without and don't often miss it. I consider this as very lucky as I know a number of folk who seem to have issues with alcohol dependency so I'm grateful for it, but getting pished every week just seems a waste of time, money and a waste of the next day when I sit around eating crap and although i don't suffer huge hangovers that often just feeling groggy, too lazy to do anything. I do love getting pished once in a while but it really gets boring after a while. I've been out 2/3 times this Christmas period and cannot be bothered spending more money on alcohol or going out at New Year. Miser indeed.

5. I have no interest in gadgets or new tech phones - My friends all have Iphones, ipads and to me, waste crazy amounts of money on bills and buying these things. What happens if you drop it in a pint? or smash it, lose it on the bus etc. I suppose there's insurance deals but for something so expensive I would be too scared to do anything with it.

Also they are real conversation killers too and I'm seriously considering in social situations, I turn my phone off or on silent such as going to a function, the pub or an event. The amount of folk who sit texting away when youare in a group conversation really gets on my tits. More so as it means our table's patter is shite but come on, if it's the lady friend, put the phone away and chat to us monkeys at the table. You'll see her again in a few hours!

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1. I get great ideas to do things and broaden my knowledge/skills such as learn a musical instrument or language. However I get usually a couple of months into it and lose all drive and abandon it. Always seem to be going half-arsed at anything,except...

2. I can juggle with 4 balls. Learnt it when I was a kid and still have the talent. Useless and pointless unless the circus beckons.

3. I hate my accent, or rather my lack of an accent. My Dad was in the forces so moved home every 3 years and after living in Germany, Singapore and numerous places in England I should really be a news reader the way I speak.

4. I'm a bit obsessed with Politics and late night TV on Thursday (Question Time/This Week) is something I look forward to. I stay up all night seeing the electon results and genuinely get excited by it.

5. I am a wee bit frightened of drugs and the result if I took anything. I have a pretty addictive nature which would see me within 6 months selling my house, cars, etc and moving to a nice cardboard box somewhere real nice. Brechin I'd guess. I love a drink though but my job stops me for 4 weeks having anything, and the amazing hangovers I seem to have developed when I do drink is slowing me down somewhat.

edit for spelling.

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1. I was born in Luton but left at 3 months old and was brought up in Bo'ness.

2. My favourite school subject was English

3. I am currently 39 years old

4. My favourite sport is football followed by cycling then golf

5. I have been married twice and have 3 kids (2 from first marriage and 1 from second - they all get on great).

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5 more:

1. I am an extremely shy person. Out in the pubs, dancing etc, it would have to take a girl to talk to me first to end up pulling - which very rarely happens. Actually happened last night, strangely. Shame that she was fat.

2. I FUCKING DESPISE CHINOS. Seriously, my local, usually when there is an 18th on in it, is taken over by these mustard stain wearing p***ks. They look fucking horrible, and they are extremely annoying to my eyes. mad.gif

3. I've only ran in with the law on one occasion (usually I'm one of those fly b*****ds and gets away with things), but this one time me and my mate, when we were 16, were on the way back from the pub to a local nightclub called Pharaohs in the brig. I still had a bottle of booze on me. Unknown to me however, the fucking blue brigade were there in numbers outside the club. I was more concentrated on the group of mates standing outside, end up getting caught with the drink in my hand, done for drinking in the streets. b*****ds.

4. I am obsessed with 90s stuff. I was born in 93, and usually when you get older, you look back in retrospect to the years where you were sixteen/eighteen. However, I loved that time. Even though I was only 7 when I left it, I always go on about the music, style to my family and cousins, and always talk about our adventures up to the famous Time Capsule. Think I bore them to death with it. (On a footnote, why is everyone obsessed with 80s stuff just now? Everywhere I go it's all 80s this and 80s that. 90s was a better decade.)

5. I love women, they don't really like me. I mean, I'm not exactly a good looking guy, yet I wouldn't say I was ugly as sin either.

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1. I love dogs more than anything, more than any human. If I had to pick between dogs and humans (for friendship) I would always pick dogs.

2. I believe that cheaters will always cheat. I also believe that no matter how good looking your girlfriend is, or dirty, you will always get bored of fucking them - eventually.

3. I like wrestling, politics and history - and if it wasn't for P+B I wouldn't really get a chance to discuss all of these.

4. I get major heart burn and it worries me to the point I think I need to phone a doctor - I never do though.

5. I enjoy the odd spliff (used to be a major habit) and I will never ever fully quit (despite what my girlfriend believes)

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Reading back through this thread is great. I can't believe I've missed this thread until now.

I'd just like to add that I'm extremely scared by some large structures - but mesmerised by large buildings in city centres.

The old white building that is on the barrhead to Kilwinning back road I really don't like

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1. When it comes to football I want all the UK nations to do well even England. I find getting all hot and bothered about English commentators, Team GB etc etc. a bit pointless. Life's too short and all that.

2. I love pickled things.. When I take the family to Pizza Hut I'm only going for the free salad bar so I can load up on pickled onions and pickled beetroot. Can't get enough of the stuff.

3. I love romantic comedies. On my list of all time favourite films alongside genuinely great films I'd sneak in classics like Clueless, Miss Congeniality, Houseboat etc

4. I'm scared of dogs and pretty much dislike all animals. If I could and it wouldn't f**k our Eco system I'd have them all wiped out.

5. I let the fact that I fancied one of my teachers at school dictate the course I chose at University. In my head I probably hoped she'd offer to mentor me leading to a passionate affair involving hot sex in the stationery cupboard. In reality I had to make do with fantasising about her during wanks and switching subjects after first year. Ah well

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. I hate people who like Scotland. I consider myself more English/British than Scottish despite being born in Dunfermline and living the vast majority of my life in Scotland. The types that want independance, go to Scotland games and have watched Braveheart too many times annoy the shit out of me. I have no affinity with the national team and if Scotland goes independant I will seriously consider moving.

2. I will do my best to lie out of a situation if I can. This has included lying to parents which I feel guilty about and my University which I don't.

3. I support Dunfermline but work for a rival of theirs. Since then my affection for Dunfermline has gone down and down.

4. I voted Conservative at the last election and will vote UKIP at the next European elections.

5. Unless I am motivated to do something I will get by on the least effort possible. I'm in 4th year at uni and completed over 20 essays in that time but I have probably only ever handed in 3/4 that weren't started the night before. I rarely revise for exams either and seem to get by on common sense. On the other side, if I am motivated to do something you will get 100% from me.

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1, I cant hold down a job and its soul destroying

2, I have been homeless

3, I have managed to quit smoking down to only when i drink now, but i havent drank since new year so i might well have quit in general now , we'll find out on the 28th

4, I hate the taste of tea and coffee (apparently this is not normal :P?)

5, I really hate where i live and want to move back to Troon ASAP moving away was the biggest mistake of my life!

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1. I hate people who like Scotland. I consider myself more English/British than Scottish despite being born in Dunfermline and living the vast majority of my life in Scotland. The types that want independance, go to Scotland games and have watched Braveheart too many times annoy the shit out of me. I have no affinity with the national team and if Scotland goes independant I will seriously consider moving.

2. I will do my best to lie out of a situation if I can. This has included lying to parents which I feel guilty about and my University which I don't.

3. I support Dunfermline but work for a rival of theirs. Since then my affection for Dunfermline has gone down and down.

4. I voted Conservative at the last election and will vote UKIP at the next European elections.

5. Unless I am motivated to do something I will get by on the least effort possible. I'm in 4th year at uni and completed over 20 essays in that time but I have probably only ever handed in 3/4 that weren't started the night before. I rarely revise for exams either and seem to get by on common sense. On the other side, if I am motivated to do something you will get 100% from me.

Cheerio then nobody will miss you

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another 5

1/ dislike tree huggers and the PC/offended brigade

2/ i have both Socialist and right wing leanings

3/ i strongly dislike religion, preaching to me is a complete waste of time

4/ i believe all beasts "rapists/peados" should be castrated with a broken bottle ... no exceptions

5/ favourite scene in a movie is from Hostel 2 where the whinny bitch gets hung upside and scythed by her naked art teacher and then smothers her body with her blood milf tastic 8) masterbation material :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) I started going with friends to watch Scotland during the 2002 qualifying campaign, I found I got more gratification from seeing the national team do well than I did from watching Celtic. That being said I despise a certain element of the Scotland support.

2) Despite being a frequent flyer with work I can't relax on an aeroplane, if a flight is two hours or twelve I can't settle and feel the need to stay alert in case for some ridiculous reason I'm needed for something.

3) The first band I ever saw live was Idlewild, it was at Glow 303 in Aberdeen about 97/98. To this day they remain my favourite band.

4) I was in the NME the Wednesday after Guns n Roses played Leeds, it was the last year at temple newsham park 2002 and the regular Sunday rioting and burning of camp sites, I was in the background of a photo. Innocent bystander ph34r.gif

5) I once was so drunk in the attic at the Garage that I threw up over the bar and didn't even realise I'd done anything. I was quickly ushered outside by the helpful staff.

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im a rebel so i'll go for 10:

1) when i was younger i was obsessed with maps + countries. if someone gave me a blank world map i could probably place every single country in the world in the right place, and name most of their capital cities. When someone in school says they dont know where Russia is or they dont know the capital of Gremany then i usually end up saying something like 'how the f**k do you not know that?'

2) when i just started primary school i was exceptionally bright, especially at maths. however, as my teachers often mentioned, i had a tendency to 'coast' and not try very hard in lessons so subsequently im no longer a boy genius. im still intelligent though, and im looking at getting A and B's in my GCSE subjects. I already have an A in English Language, having done it a year early.

3) I have lived in Inverness, Perth, Brighton, The Falkland Islands + Im currently in Wiltshire. I've been to 7 schools in 10 years and have lived in over 10 houses in nearly 16 years of existence

4) I hate going to a new school. I say nothing to anybody for the 1st week until i figure out whos who.

5) Despite this, I have always been a popular kid + am friends with all kinds of people. in fact, a surprising amount of my friends are complete wasters.

6) I procrastinate more than anyone in the whole world. Whether it be handing in coursework or asking out a girl i like, i just always leave things till the last minute.

7) I'm 15 + ive never been drunk, smoked or taken drugs. I just dont see the point. I never have to lie about it to my friends

8 I lie to everyone, including myself

9) I like to think Im good at judging characters, but my first impressions are often wrong

10) I fancy myself as a future stand up comedian. I make my friends laugh alot + I can think of great comebacks on the spot.

Three years on, and lets see if any of these cringy statements are still relevant:

1) Aye, doing geography at uni. Still fuckin' love maps.

2) I think I'm still quite an intelligent guy, although I've come to realise that school grade mean nothing as an indicator of intelligence. And I'm shite at maths. :lol:

3) Well, yeah.

4) No longer relevant.

5) Aye, I suppose.

6) Very much still the case.

7) Sort of. I've still never smoked or taken illegal substances, but I enjoy getting hammered several times a week most weeks.

8) I guess this was some sort of attempt at a joke. Pretty hilarious really.

9) Aye, my first impressions are never right.

10) lol wut

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