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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran)


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This isn't for a fucking research paper. Expressions like " ^^^ verge of tears" wouldn't be acceptable in a research paper, yet they are suitable on here. Context boy, context.

Credible sources are the backbone of any discussion. As soon as someone starts claiming Joseph Stalin was funded by big bankers, I zone out of any conversation.

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Credible sources are the backbone of any discussion. As soon as someone starts claiming Joseph Stalin was funded by big bankers, I zone out of any conversation.

Well yes. Thank you for that contribution. I'm not entirely sure what it has to do with anything you replied to, but very well.

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Credible sources are the backbone of any discussion. As soon as someone starts claiming Joseph Stalin was funded by big bankers, I zone out of any conversation.

That's quite good to know. I'll keep that handy, it will be like a bug spray for threads you infest with your shite.:D

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It wouldn't necessarily have mattered whether those guys were voted in or not. They'd still have been pumping rocket shells across the hedge at random regardless. You only need to read their charter that I stuck on here yesterday to understand what they are all about. They don't give a shit about "Palestinians", they want to rid the world of Jews.

You Reap What You Sow (or what others sow for you).

How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas click here.

When Israel first encountered Islamists in Gaza in the 1970s and '80s, they seemed focused on studying the Quran, not on confrontation with Israel. The Israeli government officially recognized a precursor to Hamas called Mujama Al-Islamiya, registering the group as a charity. It allowed Mujama members to set up an Islamic university and build mosques, clubs and schools. Crucially, Israel often stood aside when the Islamists and their secular left-wing Palestinian rivals battled, sometimes violently, for influence in both Gaza and the West Bank.

"When I look back at the chain of events I think we made a mistake," says David Hacham, who worked in Gaza in the late 1980s and early '90s as an Arab-affairs expert in the Israeli military. "But at the time nobody thought about the possible results."

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No. Last time, you hid. Last time, you lied. Same old story really.

Edited to add, for examples, see the Climate Change thread. We're STILL waiting for you to expand on your "ice caps" comment. And also for you to admit you were wrong on climategate.

This isn't for a fucking research paper. Expressions like " ^^^ verge of tears" wouldn't be acceptable in a research paper, yet they are suitable on here. Context boy, context.

You seem to be having some sort of breakdown over this. I see you accused HB of the same thing much to his bewilderment. I suppose it makes you happy so if you want to play in that particular sand pit then go for it.

I gave you a high quality history lesson on why there has never been any such people as Palestinians, including quotes from Yasser Arafat and a variety fo other PLO leaders who backed this up.

I'll give you a wee list of questions for you to wriggle out of answering.

When was Palestine founded and who founded it?

What were it's borders?

What was it's capital?

Who were it's leaders?

What sort of governments did it have?

Name it's major cities and trading areas?

What things did it trade in, what was the basis of it's economy?

Who were the Palestinian leaders before Yasser Arafat?

What other countries recognised Palestine as a sovereign country?

What language did Palestinians speak?

What was it that causd the demise of Palestine as was?


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That's quite good to know. I'll keep that handy, it will be like a bug spray for threads you infest with your shite.:D

I barely read any of your nonsense as it is, but it doesn't stop you getting utterly rattled towards this Box-Office poster.

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You seem to be having some sort of breakdown over this. I see you accused HB of the same thing much to his bewilderment. I suppose it makes you happy so if you want to play in that particular sand pit then go for it.

I gave you a high quality history lesson on why there has never been any such people as Palestinians, including quotes from Yasser Arafat and a variety fo other PLO leaders who backed this up.

I'll give you a wee list of questions for you to wriggle out of answering.

You have a cheek! :lol:

I consistently answer your questions, however, you refuse to answer any reasonable questions. And you without a doubt hide. As does HB. As we pointed out today. Still, the evidence for this topic and what happened last time will probably be on this thread for anyone that chooses to investigate. Happy reading.

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You have a cheek! :lol:

I consistently answer your questions, however, you refuse to answer any reasonable questions. And you without a doubt hide. As does HB. As we pointed out today. Still, the evidence for this topic and what happened last time will probably be on this thread for anyone that chooses to investigate. Happy reading.

What's good for the goose.... dry.gif

I don't expect an answer to any of those questions anyway as there is no answer to any of them as Palestinians didn't exist as a people. There was no such country as Palestine either. Although I'm willing to be proven horribly wrong if you can answer those questions (which you cannot). 8)

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I take it back, its not on this thread, ladies and gentlemen, take a trip back to 2011 and Reynard's last hiding session on this topic!


I guess we won't be getting your answer to those incredibly easy historical questions about Palestine then?

I suppose even a simple naming of the capital city of Palestine would do the job fine. Go on! You know you want to!:lol:

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I guess we won't be getting your answer to those incredibly easy historical questions about Palestine then?

I suppose even a simple naming of the capital city of Palestine would do the job fine. Go on! You know you want to!:lol:


Face it, you were caught bonny on this one last time, and no amount of wriggling will get you off the hook again. I'll answer questions from you when you've dealt with all your outstanding issues. We're easily into double figures now.

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I'm sticking you on ignore. You're a dreadful bore.

The feelings mutual. On you go then, toddle off Tory Boy. You won't be missed. smile.gif

For those interested in history,


Using evidence from the Bible, Mythology and Archeology, this book sheds new light on the birth and the nature of biblical religion. Abraham, the Chaldean sorcerer, used his beautiful wife as bait to lure local rulers into a trap of poisonous sorcery. By "healing" the "plagues" he had produced himself he managed to acquire significant wealth and power. Abraham’s descendents also followed this unique deceitful family plot! Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses used a variety of ruses to compromise persons, cities and even entire nations. Read for the first time, a concise explanation of the events described in the Bible that does not resort to metaphysics or miracles and exposes the true nature of the biblical patriarchs and their "blessings". An unprecedented deconstruction of the biblical narrative that proves beyond any doubt that the "miracles" of the patriarchs were premeditated crimes disguised as theology.

The Eastern Mediterranean in Abraham's time. Abraham's journey is marked with bold arrows.


Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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Face it, you were caught bonny on this one last time, and no amount of wriggling will get you off the hook again. I'll answer questions from you when you've dealt with all your outstanding issues. We're easily into double figures now.

Who were the great leaders of the fine nation of Palestine prior to Yasser Arafat? I simply can't think of any at all. But I'm sure they would have resided in the capital city fo Palestine, but damn! I forget the name of it because I'm soooo old! Maybe you can enlighten me? Ask your muslim flatmate burds, they'll know!:D

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Yet another time the mislead and ill-informed liberal left in this country back radicals and extremists. What these people seem to be unaware of is that groups like Hamas draw their strength from the popular hatred of Israel, but in reality they and their fellow jihadists couldn't care less about the plight of the people they so righteously claim to defend.

Despite being vastly outgunned they focus all their efforts and the majority of their resources on pointless acts of aggression, deliberately targeting civilians, rather than accepting the fact that Israel isn't going away and it is an enemy they cannot beat. These are not the actions of men concerned with the long suffering of their people.

I feel it's also worth making a distinction. Whilst all civilian casualties are tragic, there is no question that the intentional targeting of civilians is more reprehensible than those killed accidentally in the resulting counter-strike. Again, if Hamas and similar groups concern lied with the people of Gaza they would not launch their rockets from schools and densely populated civilian areas, the fact is it's good for propaganda to see a child's body carried from a smoldering wreck of a building and they honestly don't give a shit how many innocent people die as they fight their cause.

We can go through the history books and pick out who did what and how Israel is evil etc. etc. But that doesn't get us anywhere, and Israel is here now so deal with the current situation and it's resolution instead of trying to assign blame to the people you feel were originally responsible. You don't have to back Israel's actions in the past and currently to see that the actions of groups such as Hamas are disgusting and only perpetuate the suffering of the innocent.

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I wonder how the archaeologists have got on digging up all those Palestinian artefacts from days of yore. That stuff must be worth a fucking fortune!dry.gif A fine Palestinian vase from the period of one of their greatest leaders would be quite a find.

I reckon that would actually be a coffee mug probably made in Hong Kong that old Yasser drank from once.

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