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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran)


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“I mean, Israel has a right to go after the terrorists that are Hamas. But as I have said many, many times, they also have, I believe, an important responsibility to avoid civilian casualties,”

Harris is fully in bed with the Israeli lobby. Pun intended.
You can't be both pro-Harris and anti-Zionist. It's one or the other buddy.

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The IDF has always used Palestinians as human shields. Israel finally moved to officially ban the practice in 2005:

"The Israeli high court yesterday ruled that the army's long-standing practice of using Palestinian civilians as human shields in combat is illegal under international law" (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/oct/07/israel).

These proclamations are made by Israel not to actually affect change, though, but rather just to try and ease international pressure. A sort of "look, look, we're taking it seriously, we've done this legal judgement on it, see?". Little changes in practice as there is no political will within Israel to enforce laws. At best, IDF soldiers get a "slap on the wrist" for using Palestinian children as human shields (https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/11/26/israel-soldiers-punishment-using-boy-human-shield-inadequate).

Use of Palestinian civilians during the current Israeli rampage has reached new levels, both in Gaza (https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/israeli-armys-use-palestinian-civilians-human-shields-has-been-documented-large-scale) and in West Bank (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/23/human-shielding-in-action-israeli-forces-strap-palestinian-man-to-jeep).

This is to add to the IDF using schools and hospitals in Gaza as military bases then blowing them up after vacating them (https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-05-17/ty-article/israeli-army-appears-to-be-using-gaza-hospital-school-as-bases-washington-post-reports/0000018f-868c-d443-adef-9fcc60e20000).

Anyway, A further specific use of Palestinian civilians as human shields has been uncovered today:


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19 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:

All the talk from the SNP about wanting a ceasefire now is nothing but posturing. 

Probably stopped them losing a few extra votes at the GE tbf. That's all that matters.

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Laughable to see Netanyahu ‘condemning’ this.  IDF soldiers have stood back and allowed such acts for years only to take action against any Palestinians trying to fight back.

Israeli settlers torch homes with families inside’


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11 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

In other news, I am the sexiest man in Jamaica.

f**k it, if the fascists can get away with this shit, why not.

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10 minutes ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:



Bloody hell. Formal war incoming in the middle east? Know its already conflict ridden but is it escalating inevitably?

Doubt it. This tit-for-tat performative shit seems to happen every ten years or so and, just like everyone else, the neighbouring countries really aren't that fussed about what's being done to the Palestinians.

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The new Dunfermline MP was quick off the mark getting a £2.2k fully funded trip out of Isreal. Not sure what he was hoping to glean from a visit to one of the most right wing populist governments in the world that has been illegally occupying territory since 1967 and is currently accused of war crimes. 
Glad when chopping winter fuel payments and having a laughable foreign policy on the EU that new MPs feel they have a right to go to the Middle East. Particularly when he was there in July and has said nothing since coming back about 2 state solutions, returning occupied lands, ceasefire etc.


Almost like he was on a booze up…

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On 29/08/2024 at 07:35, Freedom Farter said:


Financial contributions to this activity are tax deductible and therefore incentivIsed in USA.

Zionism is a colonialist ideology, so “colonialism is good actually” isn’t a minority opinion in Israel. 

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