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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran)


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And yet again Hamas start firing rockets during an agreed ceasefire, it gets worse they were fired from a school Once more putting the lives of their own people at risk due to the expected and justified Israel retalllition. You just don't fuckin get it do you? STOP THE ROCKETS!

I'd like to see how you'd react to the sheer chaos that is happening in Gaza right now. Do you always support bullies when it comes to arguments?

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I'd like to see how you'd react to the sheer chaos that is happening in Gaza right now. Do you always support bullies when it comes to arguments?

Let me put the record straight here, both sides are sheer subhuman, both detestable but how long before someone in Palestine thinks " we had a ceasefire in place and Hamas started firing rockets, we're going to feel the wrath of a superior military nation again soon?" Hamas are putting their own people at risk surely?

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I've learned nothing from you, you uneducated sheep. You certainly just follow popular beliefs don't you?

I've got a feeling that was a a recurring theme throughout your school years

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Let me put the record straight here, both sides are sheer subhuman, both detestable but how long before someone in Palestine thinks " we had a ceasefire in place and Hamas started firing rockets, we're going to feel the wrath of a superior military nation again soon?" Hamas are putting their own people at risk surely?

Of course they are - but when people are put to the sword in such a horrific manner, they don't always stop and think about the consequences of their actions. I don't see many people defending Hamas or their actions - its the sheer level of destruction that is being brought against a civilian population who cannot defend themselves.

The middle east is indeed an incredibly complex situation but in my opinion the actions of Israel are unforgivable.

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You are talking utter twaddle. Did you used to post under the user name Captain Kirk, because he had the same antisemetic patter on the go.

It is a state. Its history of creation is no worse than most. It has as much right to exist as Australia, the US or Poland.

You are talking total shite. I have already said, there are some who believe that a secular state to be wrong. And others who believe that a Jewish state must be founded by the Messiah. None believe a Jewish state goes against "the Torah", just this particular one to be wrong.

show me my anti semitic post fukwit?!

You sound like a typical zionist apologist, disagree with Israeli occupation of palestine and ypure a closet bigot.

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Let me put the record straight here, both sides are sheer subhuman, both detestable but how long before someone in Palestine thinks " we had a ceasefire in place and Hamas started firing rockets, we're going to feel the wrath of a superior military nation again soon?" Hamas are putting their own people at risk surely?

Israel has been at war with Gaza for years, their blockade has turned it into a prison where they decide how much Gazans are allowed to eat*, they've blown up their airport and docks, destroyed their orchards, houses, factories, infrastructure, and closed the borders. They collect the taxes for any exports they permit, and withhold them, so Gazans working for the civil service, hospitals, schools etc aren't paid. Nothing has changed when they don't fire rockets, the siege continues. If you treat people like that for decades it's very unlikely you'll get a rational, pacifist response.

* http://www.haaretz.com/resources/Pdf/red-lines.pdf

(In the document it is stated that this calories allowed per head document was never put into effect. An Israeli court decided otherwise.)

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show me my anti semitic post fukwit?! You sound like a typical zionist apologist,

the creation of the b*****d state

You believe Israel has no right to exist. I bet you do not believe that Australia should not exist.

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I've asked this in a few places and had no response so maybe someone here can help. I'm wondering what the threshold of people who make the 'but Hamas were hiding fighters/weapons there' justification is.

A house with rockets allegedly hidden underneath it with children inside - tough shit, they shouldn't have been in their home, their deaths are collateral damage, blame Hamas for making us bomb it
A hospital with rockets allegedly stored nearby, filled with those already wounded by the conflict - tough shit, shouldn't have been in hospital, five deaths and hundreds of injuries are collateral damage, blame Hamas for making us bomb it
A shelter for those made homeless by the conflict, with rockets allegedly stored nearby - tough shit, the civilians shouldn't have been in a shelter, 15 deaths and hundreds of injuries are collateral damage, blame Hamas for making us bomb it
What's next?
Does it progress to bombs killing hundreds at a time, always saying tough shit, they shouldn't have been there, it's their own fault? I'm wondering where the proponents of this argument draw the line on how many civilians is too many before you say 'we can't attack this target with that number of civilians in the area.' Hamas hiding rockets in a building with 500 civilians in the vicinity? 1000? 5000?
Or do we take that argument to it's logical conclusion of a 139 square mile prison camp with 1.8 million people in it who aren't allowed to leave, with Hamas storing rockets amongst them - tough shit, shouldn't have been there, killing every last one of them is collateral damage, blame Hamas for making us bomb it?
There is a right to a proportionate self-defence against attacks. There is no right to indiscriminately kill civilians. There is no right to attack UN shelters. Those are war crimes and they are utterly indefensible.
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I've asked this in a few places and had no response so maybe someone here can help. I'm wondering what the threshold of people who make the 'but Hamas were hiding fighters/weapons there' justification is.

A house with rockets allegedly hidden underneath it with children inside - tough shit, they shouldn't have been in their home, their deaths are collateral damage, blame Hamas for making us bomb it

A hospital with rockets allegedly stored nearby, filled with those already wounded by the conflict - tough shit, shouldn't have been in hospital, five deaths and hundreds of injuries are collateral damage, blame Hamas for making us bomb it

A shelter for those made homeless by the conflict, with rockets allegedly stored nearby - tough shit, the civilians shouldn't have been in a shelter, 15 deaths and hundreds of injuries are collateral damage, blame Hamas for making us bomb it

What's next?

Does it progress to bombs killing hundreds at a time, always saying tough shit, they shouldn't have been there, it's their own fault? I'm wondering where the proponents of this argument draw the line on how many civilians is too many before you say 'we can't attack this target with that number of civilians in the area.' Hamas hiding rockets in a building with 500 civilians in the vicinity? 1000? 5000?

Or do we take that argument to it's logical conclusion of a 139 square mile prison camp with 1.8 million people in it who aren't allowed to leave, with Hamas storing rockets amongst them - tough shit, shouldn't have been there, killing every last one of them is collateral damage, blame Hamas for making us bomb it?

There is a right to a proportionate self-defence against attacks. There is no right to indiscriminately kill civilians. There is no right to attack UN shelters. Those are war crimes and they are utterly indefensible.

It looks as if there's no threshold. Israel appear to be happy to keep going until Hamas' rockets run out.

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Tha Gazan health ministry supplied a list of the dead to al Jazeera - http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/07/gaza-under-seige-naming-dead-2014710105846549528.html

Over 80% are male and most of those 20-30 years old. That's not indiscriminate killing, that's targeted.

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Tha Gazan health ministry supplied a list of the dead to al Jazeera - http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/07/gaza-under-seige-naming-dead-2014710105846549528.html

Over 80% are male and most of those 20-30 years old. That's not indiscriminate killing, that's targeted.

There's nothing in that that breaks down the percentages of the age groups.

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Al Jazeera on Sundaypublished a list of Gazans who died since Israel’s Operation Protective Edge Began two weeks ago, based on data provided by Ashraf al-Qedra, a spokesman for the Gaza Health Ministry.

A breakdown by age and gender published on the Israellycool blog on Sunday confirmed the trendreported in a similar analysis last week by CAMERA, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, that showed most of the dead were combatant age males, not women or children.

The analysis showed that 82% of the dead were men, and 50 per cent of them were between 18 and 28 years old, and 66 per cent between 18 and 38.

Israellycool linked to an article published by Bret Stephens in The Wall Street Journal in 2008 about that conflict between Hamas and Israel, referring to another report about the conflict in 2002, showing that it has always been impossible for Hamas to “back up the claim of indiscriminate killing by the IDF, let alone the crazy charge of deliberately targeting civilians.”

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Where's the percentage of combatants and non - combatants? So if you're male and of 'combatant age' you're fair game?

Where's the percentage of Hamas fighters and civilians in all the reports here quoting 700, 800, 900, 1000 dead? The impression given is that every one of them is a civilian, indeed most of them women and children. The figures as supplied to Al Jazeera by the Gazans themselves paint a very different picture.

It chimes with what Jon Snow was saying, that attacking any target in Gaza risks killing children because there's so many of them. But they're clearly not deliberately targeting children, they're just so desensitised to killing that they don't particularly care.

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