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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran)


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I.m sure if I fire 2000 rockets at someone the chances are I,m gonna kill someone innocent, WTF dont you get about that?

You said they were targeting children. Children are small. How would they do that with a random rocket?

P.S. Come to think of it, you could equally say they were targeting the Dimona base where they developed their nuclear weapons(that would create a stir), or military bases generally, airports, power stations, schools, hospitals, beaches etc., you know, the stuff the Israelis bomb so precisely.

Edited by welshbairn
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I.m sure if I fire 2000 rockets at someone the chances are I,m gonna kill someone innocent, WTF dont you get about that?

I'd imagine that's the purpose, but to say they're targeting specifics such as children is bollocks. The rockets are fired indiscriminately, the majority of which are intercepted by the multi-billion dollar defence system, funded by the US. Israel responds with precision guided weapons aimed at UN refuge centres, schools and hospitals. Obviously a sympathiser of state sponsored terrorism will never agree, but only one side is guilty of mass murder here.

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I'd imagine that's the purpose, but to say they're targeting specifics such as children is bollocks. The rockets are fired indiscriminately, the majority of which are intercepted by the multi-billion dollar defence system, funded by the US. Israel responds with precision guided weapons aimed at UN refuge centres, schools and hospitals. Obviously a sympathiser of state sponsored terrorism will never agree, but only one side is guilty of mass murder here.

So they fired them thinking no chance we.ll hit kids, Get a grip, Theres wrong on both sides,

Edited by Keith197141
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Is there a point to that? The IDF have admitted on many occasions to bombing schools and hospitals and tried to justify it by saying there were missiles there. Why would they admit it on certain occasions then deny it on others?

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Perhaps in this case trying to convince the world of the presence of Hamas missiles would be futile as the world's media are there, and getting more sceptical about the slick PR of the Israeli government. So they switched to plan B, Hamas did it. They've also used that strategy before.

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Indiscriminately kill thousands of people obviously.

Indiscriminately kill thousands of people obviously.

Where did I say I approved of that? I.ll be waiting a while ya balloon, Meantime, whats your opinion on the genocide of Iraqi christians.

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Where did I say I approved of that? I.ll be waiting a while ya balloon, Meantime, whats your opinion on the genocide of Iraqi christians.

There hasn't been any genocide. And the awful treatment they've had has nothing to do with Hamas. It's a big world, as someone said before, if you want to discuss ISIS start a new topic. Loads of Palestinians are Christian.

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A point about the killing of the kids on the beach - this was covered by Ch 4 at the time but has got lost in the shouting.

The Israeli Navy targeted a police station at the mouth of a small harbour. The station exists to check the permits of fishermen and theoretically, in accordance with various agreements over the years, to ensure no arms or contraband are smuggled in. As this is a government police station and Hamas are the government, this made it a Hamas building in Israeli eyes and therefore fair game.

What the Israelis didn't know was the station was empty because no fishermen were going out fishing in a sea full of trigger happy Israeli gunboats, so the Hamas police had fucked off to do something else.

So when an Israeli gunboat sitting two miles offshore threw a shell at the building, they destroyed an empty police station. But, kids playing near the station got a helluva fright and did a runner - quite understandably.

The gunner on the Israeli boat saw his shell hit the station then, immediately after, four bodies run from the building. He made the assumption they were Hamas police running away and threw a shell at them, killing all four.

It was a total f**k up. The kids were targeted not because they were kids but because a gunner on a boat two miles out thought they were Hamas.

I'm in no way defending the Israeli Navy. It shows appalling command and control on the vessel and piss poor military intelligence but they didn't set out to deliberately kill kids playing on a beach.

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There hasn't been any genocide. And the awful treatment they've had has nothing to do with Hamas. It's a big world, as someone said before, if you want to discuss ISIS start a new topic. Loads of Palestinians are Christian.

They.ve attacked every Christian village they come across, But you are right, There is a connection but Im bumping my gums on here. we're all too fashionable to give a f**k.

Edited by Keith197141
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Where did I say I approved of that? I.ll be waiting a while ya balloon, Meantime, whats your opinion on the genocide of Iraqi christians.

Well your "what would you do if" conundrum seemed like a justification of Israeli action to me. Maybe it was an utterly pointless hypothetical question?

And aye, what's going on in Iraq is well bad.

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A point about the killing of the kids on the beach - this was covered by Ch 4 at the time but has got lost in the shouting.

The Israeli Navy targeted a police station at the mouth of a small harbour. The station exists to check the permits of fishermen and theoretically, in accordance with various agreements over the years, to ensure no arms or contraband are smuggled in. As this is a government police station and Hamas are the government, this made it a Hamas building in Israeli eyes and therefore fair game.

What the Israelis didn't know was the station was empty because no fishermen were going out fishing in a sea full of trigger happy Israeli gunboats, so the Hamas police had fucked off to do something else.

So when an Israeli gunboat sitting two miles offshore threw a shell at the building, they destroyed an empty police station. But, kids playing near the station got a helluva fright and did a runner - quite understandably.

The gunner on the Israeli boat saw his shell hit the station then, immediately after, four bodies run from the building. He made the assumption they were Hamas police running away and threw a shell at them, killing all four.

It was a total f**k up. The kids were targeted not because they were kids but because a gunner on a boat two miles out thought they were Hamas.

I'm in no way defending the Israeli Navy. It shows appalling command and control on the vessel and piss poor military intelligence but they didn't set out to deliberately kill kids playing on a beach.

Why were they trying to kill Gaza policemen? Hamas are the elected authority in Gaza, they have a separate military side, bit like sinn fein/IRA, but they are separate. Someone has to do the normal jobs in an awful situation. How would a bunch of plods on a Gaza beach threaten the state of Israel? Crap excuse.

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Why were they trying to kill Gaza policemen? Hamas are the elected authority in Gaza, they have a separate military side, bit like sinn fein/IRA, but they are separate. Someone has to do the normal jobs in an awful situation. How would a bunch of plods on a Gaza beach threaten the state of Israel? Crap excuse.

I'm not offering it up as an excuse, I'm pointing out what happened. So far as Israel are concerned Hamas are the government therefore a government building is a Hamas building. Using their logic they would also be able to say the building (usually) stored arms and ammunition so it was a legitimate target.

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Well your "what would you do if" conundrum seemed like a justification of Israeli action to me. Maybe it was an utterly pointless hypothetical question?

And aye, what's going on in Iraq is well bad.

Aye, I hate what Israel is doing, end of. I also hate what Hamas is doing, And ISIS,Is a wider war.

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I'm not offering it up as an excuse, I'm pointing out what happened. So far as Israel are concerned Hamas are the government therefore a government building is a Hamas building. Using their logic they would also be able to say the building (usually) stored arms and ammunition so it was a legitimate target.

If they bombed it just because it was a police station on a beach a long way from Israel, they were wrong. And to use it as an excuse for mistakenly killing children is also wrong. It just emphasises how indiscriminating their killing is.

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Aye, I hate what Israel is doing, end of. I also hate what Hamas is doing, And ISIS,Is a wider war.

Well then we agree.

Your "trendy" pish is nonsense though. It's totally justifiable to be annoyed that there's a hugely internationally funded, modern nation state acting like a bunch of fucking Nazis, whilst we help them do it.

Questions like "what would you do if" analogies simply provide a platform for P1 level goodies and baddies verdicts and justifications.

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No, I don't think they see it as indiscriminate. I think they want to hit anything and everything remotely connected to Hamas to drive ordinary people away from them - ie being with Hamas means you're going to end up a bit dead. And quite possibly your family and neighbours too.

Let Hamas build a tunnel under your house - we'll destroy your house, f**k you.

Let Hamas fire a rocket from the alley next to your house - we'll destroy your house and the house on the other side, f**k you.

Let Hamas shelter in a spare room - we'll destroy your house, f**k you.

Let Hamas fire a rocket from a hospital - we'll destroy the hospital, f**k you.

They're demonstrating that Hamas are very bad for Palestinian's health.

The sick part is, ordinary people don't have a say in what Hamas do. Speak out against them and you get kneecapped - if you're lucky. Civilians can no more stop Hamas using their houses and schools than they can walk on the moon. They're caught between the Israeli fucks and the Hamas fucks.

The West can't do anything to bring pressure onto Hamas so they should be trying to pressure Israel. Problem is, the West doesn't really give a shit.

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