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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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15 minutes ago, HTG said:

Braverman just doesn't seem to have any depths to which she won't stoop. I mean, that should be kind of obvious by now but still ...

An utterly vile excuse for a human being, she’s as nasty as they come, and for what? A need for power, that’s all it is. With power comes wealth. 

I’m genuinely in despair at the state of politics in this country (and beyond), a reset it required & im not sure how that’s achieved? 

Its very difficult to think of one MP on either front bench who seems to have an ounce of compassion, who isn’t just wholly dedicated to self promotion & will say whatever they feel they need to, to gain power. I’m genuinely finding it hard to find one principled politician in government or on the opposition front bench. It’s sickening. 

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1 hour ago, HTG said:

Braverman just doesn't seem to have any depths to which she won't stoop. I mean, that should be kind of obvious by now but still ...

And yet if there was a genuine "hate march" by Tommy Robinson, the BNP or whoever, with hundreds of yobbos fighting on the street and dozens of arrests, she would probably be the first one to protect their right to protest.

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1 hour ago, HTG said:

Braverman just doesn't seem to have any depths to which she won't stoop. I mean, that should be kind of obvious by now but still ...

Pretty sure I've said it before but Braverman doesn't even believe her own pish, she tries to be controversial because it gets publicity and makes her relevant, without her horrible views she'd just be your typical run of the mill Tory scumbag you never really hear about.

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3 hours ago, coprolite said:

I don't think international law is  powerless.

It's just very very partial.

There's no significant power behind the Palestinian cause and plenty behind Israel. Israel's actions are being justified in part by an appeal to international law and its ability to do what it wants is protected by that law. 

International law isn't primarily an instrument of justice, it's an instrument of power. Like all law. The justice bit just gets tagged on to generate consent. 

Is Iran not significant these days ?

Putin will want to cause trouble as well 

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On 30/10/2023 at 16:29, Salt n Vinegar said:

Nice to see our Home Secretary being so rational about the protests....

"Home secretary Suella Braverman has condemned the pro-Palestine rallies held across the UK in recent weeks as “hate marches”."

From - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/suella-braverman-palestine-protests-israel-b2438478.html


What a load of **** !

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29 minutes ago, Empty It said:

Pretty sure I've said it before but Braverman doesn't even believe her own pish, she tries to be controversial because it gets publicity and makes her relevant, without her horrible views she'd just be your typical run of the mill Tory scumbag you never really hear about.

She positioning herself for a leadership run when Wee Rishi is huckled, or more likely bolts, after the next GE.


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22 minutes ago, Ewanandmoreagain said:

Is Iran not significant these days ?

Putin will want to cause trouble as well 

Iran has their own internal issues to deal with, and it seems the population there isn’t much in favor of joining in.

Putin has significant limits on what he could do due to his current focus on a police action. His Black Sea Fleet is pretty much blocked from sailing for the Med, and most ships from the Northern Fleet sailing all the way there would not be allowed into the Black Sea to repair/refuel/rearm. Technically, they have the outpost at Tartus, but that’s a very minor facility.

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8 minutes ago, greyman said:

Airstrike on a northern Gaza refugee camp. Alright though as they got their target and had asked people to leave

Are any of our politicians going to condemn an air strike on a refugee camp?



Behave yourself Granny…

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To assert that the national intelligence agency of Israel comes anywhere close to matching the scope of USA's national intelligence agency, let alone tops it, is utterly ridiculous. McCluskey, presumably, would recognise just how ridiculous a similar claim would be about eg. Sweden's national intelligence agency. So its reasonable to assume antisemitism, a preoccupation with the false belief of cosmic Jewish control, motivated such a stupid utterance from him.

His suggestion that Mossad knew about the Hamas attack and let it happen is also extremely stupid. How would they benefit from that? Allowing a security breach to take place which makes them look grossly incompetent, massively denting public confidence in their capabilities. A security breach that led to a series of massacres of the very civilians they're employed to protect. All that just to give an acceptable pretext for what's now being done in Gaza, where the Israeli government are showing they don't care whether their actions are viewed as acceptable or not anyway.

Focus is needed on observable reality, on what actually happens. There's not the available bandwidth to be wasted by Len McCluskey treating us to his stupid imaginings. That goes for all conspiracists, its not just that they often propagate bigotry but also just how much of everyone's time they try to waste.

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You really do wonder at what point Sunak and Starmer will start to push the Israelis and Hamas to call a ceasefire. Not that either will make an iota of difference as Netanyahu is hellbent on destroying Gaza and they are both totally irrelevant on the world stage.


However, for both UK party leaders to sit idly by and watch what is happening to innocent civilians is abhorrent and shameful. Obviously the Tories will dog whistle to any right wing cause at this point. Starmer and Labour should be better and have a more sensible viewpoint on this. That they don't is because they are trying to appeal to the worst dog whistling, right wing racist c***s in this country. State of politics in the UK just now is depressing.


Meanwhile the innocent keep on perishing in Israel and Palestine.

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In other news from around the globe;

Bolivia have cut ties with Israel (which, I will note, were only restored in 2019 following a decade without them, also sparked by attacks on Gaza.) - They condenmed Israel's attacks as "Aggressive and Disproportionate", have pledged aid to Gaza/UN Humanitarian efforts, also calling for a ceasefire. They also accused Israel of Crimes against Humanity, which is the main kicker.

Everyone's been saying it but no government - apart from Russia and Iran, but do they really count? - has called them out, until now. Bolivia may have the grand total of zero global influence but it's a huge statement, and it could end up sparking a few other countries to follow suit. Perhaps, it'll put pressure on the UN and ICC to look into this properly.

Meanwhile, the Houthi rebels in Yemen - who the Saudis have been fighting for years - have declared war on Israel. They launched missiles and drone strikes against Israeli Territory. The Houthi's emblems are extremely anti-semetic (saying "Death to Jews" and Curse the Jews") - and are Iranian-backed. So, naturally, they aren't very fond of Israel.

Although, this could be a sign of an escalation. This is Iran's way of really getting a foot in this conflict and, ultimately, it wouldn't be past Israel to just go on the warpath against their neighbours. They know the west can't and won't say anything - and really the west's support is all anyone needs.

Now this war is really beginning to spread, though.

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