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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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^^^ kidding himself on

sorry im just against civilians being murdered for religious bigoted reasons ...btw Im sure I started the thread about the ISIS maniacs killing civilians too?..sorry if that doesn't fit your anti semetic profile of me.

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How about national service and them giving you a gun to go point at some people being dependant on being jewish?

Could you imagine what would have happened in NI if the british army had actually been made up of only protestants and unionists?

NI which was also appartheid, just not officially.

What has Northern Ireland got to do with this thread? What has the British army got to do with it?

It's so bizarre how anti-Israel people constantly bring up irrelevant situations rather than actually talk about the country they are against. Nazis, Apartheid, Northern Ireland, Bathai, Ainu and East Stirling have all been used as analogies in this thread and are all completely irrelevant to this thread.

sorry im just against civilians being murdered for religious bigoted reasons ...btw Im sure I started the thread about the ISIS maniacs killing civilians too?..sorry if that doesn't fit your anti semetic profile of me.

So your problem is with Hamas then? Who want to murder people for being Jewish.

Still waiting on your evidence of apartheid btw.

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What has Northern Ireland got to do with this thread? What has the British army got to do with it?

It's so bizarre how anti-Israel people constantly bring up irrelevant situations rather than actually talk about the country they are against. Nazis, Apartheid, Northern Ireland, Bathai, Ainu and East Stirling have all been used as analogies in this thread and are all completely irrelevant to this thread.

So your problem is with Hamas then? Who want to murder people for being Jewish.

Still waiting on your evidence of apartheid btw.

if Hamas want to murder people for being Jewish then why do they want internaltional observers to man their Border and Sea port?

And remind me which side is currently blocking the UN/Amnesty war crimes investgation in gaza?...Oh wait its Israel .

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Did you draw that all by yourself!

nope I think youll find its British ...just before we created Israel in it...theres plenty more from various other countries going back centuries..maybe they just made them all up in the centuries in advance ?

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if Hamas want to murder people for being Jewish then why do they want internaltional observers to man their Border and Sea port? And remind me which side is currently blocking the UN/Amnesty war crimes investgation in gaza?...Oh wait its Israel .

So are you "against civilians being murdered for religious bigoted reasons" (like you said earlier) or are you against Israel? It seems like the latter rather than the former.

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So are you "against civilians being murdered for religious bigoted reasons" (like you said earlier) or are you against Israel? It seems like the latter rather than the former.

no..Im agsinst Israels bigoted sectarian government policies .

btw heres an IDF soldier who took part in the ethnic cleansing of Arab villages in the 40s..better contact him and tell him hes a liar...


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no..Im agsinst Israels bigoted sectarian government policies . btw heres an IDF soldier who took part in the ethnic cleansing of Arab villages in the 40s..better contact him and tell him hes a liar... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o1ceyQMNTWI

Which bigoted government policies?

If your problem with Israel is what happened 70 years ago then do you hate Britain for killing hundreds of thousands of German civilians during WW2? America for doing the same to Japan? Japan for doing it in China? America and South Africa for racially segregating blacks? Britain for oppressing Irish and Catholics? Australia for trying to breed out aborigines? Pakistan and Bangladesh for being Muslim breakaway countries from India? Liberia for being colonised by Americans? Cambodia, Rwanda, Serbia and Iraq for perpetrating genocides only a few decades ago?

That's just to name a few. I'm sure there are very few countries that haven't in some way murdered or oppressed people in the past 70 years.

Or is it just Israel?

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Which bigoted government policies?

If your problem with Israel is what happened 70 years ago then do you hate Britain for killing hundreds of thousands of German civilians during WW2? America for doing the same to Japan? Japan for doing it in China? America and South Africa for racially segregating blacks? Britain for oppressing Irish and Catholics? Australia for trying to breed out aborigines? Pakistan and Bangladesh for being Muslim breakaway countries from India? Liberia for being colonised by Americans? Cambodia, Rwanda, Serbia and Iraq for perpetrating genocides only a few decades ago?

That's just to name a few. I'm sure there are very few countries that haven't in some way murdered or oppressed people in the past 70 years.

Or is it just Israel?

Yes I do hate what those countries done decades ago ..the difference is Israel is still doing it. Edited by THE KING
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Which bigoted government policies?

If your problem with Israel is what happened 70 years ago then do you hate Britain for killing hundreds of thousands of German civilians during WW2? America for doing the same to Japan? Japan for doing it in China? America and South Africa for racially segregating blacks? Britain for oppressing Irish and Catholics? Australia for trying to breed out aborigines? Pakistan and Bangladesh for being Muslim breakaway countries from India? Liberia for being colonised by Americans? Cambodia, Rwanda, Serbia and Iraq for perpetrating genocides only a few decades ago?

That's just to name a few. I'm sure there are very few countries that haven't in some way murdered or oppressed people in the past 70 years.

Or is it just Israel?

Are you for fucking real?

"My justification for supporting an oppressive regime is that there's been other oppressive regimes".

Another c*nt I'll have to add to my ignore list.

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Yes I do hate what those countries done decades ago ..the difference is Israel is still doing it.

Ok then for the 70th time can you please tell me how Israel is an apartheid country. Been asked and avoided many times so far.

Are you for fucking real?

"My justification for supporting an oppressive regime is that there's been other oppressive regimes".

Another c*nt I'll have to add to my ignore list.

What makes you think I support Israel? Where have I said that? I am a zionist and support Israel's right to exist. That's it.

The fact is this thread isn't about what is actually happening in Israel and Palestine it's about moronic bigots like yourself trying to peddle a bunch of lies to convince people that your racist ideology is correct. There's been a ceasefire since last night and not one anti-Israel supporter - who are apparently only concerned for human loss of life - has yet to post it to this thread.

At the start of the conflict all the terrorist apologists were defending Hamas' rejection of ceasefires by saying they hadn't been consulted. If you really cared about the people of Palestine you would want a ceasefire. You wouldn't defend anyone who started a conflict, rejected a ceasefire and caused the deaths of over 2,000 people.

The simple fact is most of the frequent anti-Israel posters on here have shown they don't give a f**k about Palestinians. They are much more obsessed with Israel and the Jews.

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Is that a reference to the changing demographics within Israel leading to a possible Jewish minority in the country?

Palestinian authorities are very weak, and you can't blame them when they're under siege and military occupation by another country. To the point where even their calorie intake is carefully controlled. No economy could function in the long term under these conditions. Western leaders and diplomats are already becoming increasingly restless on Israel's antics, and the pro-Israeli media are becoming increasing desperate in there attempt portray Israel as the good guys/victims in all this. I see the PA collapsing and Israel gobbling up all of Palestine. Israel will then force them to accept a one sided treaty, and when that happens. They'll be no smart arse responses from the likes of adam4267 saying there is no Apartheid "in Israel". It will be full on in your face Apartheid. The two-state solution will be over, causing the left sided political parties in Israel to collapse. Western countries will be in an untenable position, as they can't be seen to support such a regime. Young Jews in the west are already turning their back on Israel, which alone should signalize the nails in the coffin for Israel. I suspect over time half of the Jewish population will emigrate back to Europe and America, and expat Palestinians will return to their country of origin, and we'll likely have a secular state called Israel-Palestine.

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What has Northern Ireland got to do with this thread? What has the British army got to do with it?

It's so bizarre how anti-Israel people constantly bring up irrelevant situations rather than actually talk about the country they are against. Nazis, Apartheid, Northern Ireland, Bathai, Ainu and East Stirling have all been used as analogies in this thread and are all completely irrelevant to this thread.

So your problem is with Hamas then? Who want to murder people for being Jewish.

Still waiting on your evidence of apartheid btw.

Whats wrong with comparing one appartheid regime to another?

What's wrong with comparing one war on terror with another?

Other than making you uncomfortable I mean.

The fact is, there is only one way to win a war on terror, seperate the terrorists from their recruitment pool.

At no stage in the entire history of the country has Israel attempted to do this.

It's easier for them to just oppress an entire people.

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Whats wrong with comparing one appartheid regime to another?

What's wrong with comparing one war on terror with another?

Other than making you uncomfortable I mean.

The fact is, there is only one way to win a war on terror, seperate the terrorists from their recruitment pool.

At no stage in the entire history of the country has Israel attempted to do this.

It's easier for them to just oppress an entire people.

No because it's nonsense and irrelevant.

What the f**k are you talking about?

Palestinian authorities are very weak, and you can't blame them when they're under siege and military occupation by another country. To the point where even their calorie intake is carefully controlled. No economy could function in the long term under these conditions. Western leaders and diplomats are already becoming increasingly restless on Israel's antics, and the pro-Israeli media are becoming increasing desperate in there attempt portray Israel as the good guys/victims in all this. I see the PA collapsing and Israel gobbling up all of Palestine. Israel will then force them to accept a one sided treaty, and when that happens. They'll be no smart arse responses from the likes of adam4267 saying there is no Apartheid "in Israel". It will be full on in your face Apartheid. The two-state solution will be over, causing the left sided political parties in Israel to collapse. Western countries will be in an untenable position, as they can't be seen to support such a regime. Young Jews in the west are already turning their back on Israel, which alone should signalize the nails in the coffin for Israel. I suspect over time half of the Jewish population will emigrate back to Europe and America, and expat Palestinians will return to their country of origin, and we'll likely have a secular state called Israel-Palestine.

In what way is it smart arse to say there is no apartheid in Israel? There is no apartheid in Israel. It is a fact.

I agree with you that there could be apartheid in future, especially if there was a single state. There can be no one-state solution where Israel is both Jewish and democratic.

But the fact remains that there is no apartheid currently. No amount of wailing and lies will change that. The only way it will change is if Israel actually implements it. If that were to happen then I would condemn it like anyone else because I wouldn't support an apartheid country.

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Palestinian authorities are very weak, and you can't blame them when they're under siege and military occupation by another country. To the point where even their calorie intake is carefully controlled. No economy could function in the long term under these conditions. Western leaders and diplomats are already becoming increasingly restless on Israel's antics, and the pro-Israeli media are becoming increasing desperate in there attempt portray Israel as the good guys/victims in all this. I see the PA collapsing and Israel gobbling up all of Palestine. Israel will then force them to accept a one sided treaty, and when that happens. They'll be no smart arse responses from the likes of adam4267 saying there is no Apartheid "in Israel". It will be full on in your face Apartheid. The two-state solution will be over, causing the left sided political parties in Israel to collapse. Western countries will be in an untenable position, as they can't be seen to support such a regime. Young Jews in the west are already turning their back on Israel, which alone should signalize the nails in the coffin for Israel. I suspect over time half of the Jewish population will emigrate back to Europe and America, and expat Palestinians will return to their country of origin, and we'll likely have a secular state called Israel-Palestine.

Thanks for the response - sounds feasible

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