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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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On the subject of enclaves you just have to look at Turkestan which Stalin deliberately split up into 5 republics with arbitrary borders.  There are enclaves of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan within Kyrgyzstan and similarly the reverse.  There have been numerous flare-ups.

Having an enclave in somebody else's country is not a good idea.  It is easy for them to blockade it and you look weak if you do nothing about it.

The Berlin airlift illustrates the point.

Any Israel/Palestine agreement that involves enclaves would be a disaster.  They would be constant flash points. 

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  • 3 years later...

Major fighting in Southern Israel after armed groups infiltrated from Gaza via sea, land and air. There is footage of mechanised paraglides being used to drop infiltrators. There was a massive salvo of several hundred rockets fired at the town of Sderot.

There are ongoing firefights, with an Israeli police station seized. There are also images of civilians who have been killed, some really horrific scenes. It seems like a group of elderly Israelis at a bus stop were massacred and there are images of dead Israeli children who have been shot. There are also images of Israelis killed in their homes.

It seems certain this will lead to a new war between Israel and Hamas. It’s also a huge intelligence and security failure by Israel to fail to predict or prevent this attack. This also makes escalation between Israel and Iran a lot more likely.

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Hamas fighters have overrun an Israeli military base, destroying at least one Israeli tank.


Israels defence minister has said that Hamas has “declared war on the state of Israel”. Mobilisation of Israeli reservists is underway.

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While I’m in no way justifying the tactics deployed by Hamas here (their targeting of civilian targets), Israel invites these events with the heavy handed military and police shooting events that happen every few days, the attacks on civilian infrastructure in the Occupied Territories, and their legal system’s unwillingness to give the Palestinians a fair shake while supporting confiscating their property.

The level of hatred and venom deployed by both sides makes it nearly inevitable the next use of a atomic/nuclear munition will be in this area in some manner. It’s a hell of a thing for Jimmy Carter to see on his way out.

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