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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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20 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The U.S. is perhaps starting to realize, a wee bit, that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism.

Edited to add: However, the batshit Trump wing continues to post roaring lions and the Israeli flag or Trump facing down some evil creature in front of crossed U.S. and Israeli flags and fire.

Edited by TxRover
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On 24/04/2024 at 12:23, Granny Danger said:

I listened to Naomi Klein's speech, it was good.


On 24/04/2024 at 12:44, TxRover said:

The U.S. is perhaps starting to realize, a wee bit, that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism.

Edited to add: However, the batshit Trump wing continues to post roaring lions and the Israeli flag or Trump facing down some evil creature in front of crossed U.S. and Israeli flags and fire.

MAGA types have also shown that their claimed commitment to free speech is a load of shite. In your neck of the woods, Abbott sent the police to arrest demonstrating university students. Even a Fox News journalist in attendance was arrested.

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Israel indeed has never recognised the Srebrenica massacre and that wider campaign of violence against Bosniaks as a genocide. Which is not just the official state position but also a common one among Israeli society, including in academia. From the relevant Wikipedia page:



Israel also denies the Armenian Genocide. That one is especially egregious given the word genocide was coined in response to what was done to the Armenians. There's also Israel's ambivalent response to what Russia is doing to Ukrainians. The only surprising thing is that some folk are surprised when they learn this. Israel are not going to condemn or even recognise state violence against minority ethnic groups because of how that'd frame their own activities. 

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Haaretz (Israeli outlet) have reported that later this week Netanyahu and some IDF leaders will be issued with arrest warrants by the ICC:


The ICC is the one in The Hague. It was created as an outgrowth of the UN but is an independent institution. It's not the ICJ, where South Africa are pursuing a genocide case against Israel, which is a branch of the UN. The main difference is the ICC prosecutes individuals whereas the ICJ rules between UN member states.

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This would be lovely if it made any sense. BAE Glasgow is a shipyard, currently producing royal navy vessels for Britain; nothing from there goes to Israel.

Sure, the company serve arms to Israel, but they lose the grand total of nothing from this. They still have the contract to build those boats, they still produce the arms. All this does is gives the workers a few hours off.

A Pointless "shutdown" that does nothing to help their cause, basically. See also: the Starbucks debate.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, ClydeTon said:

This would be lovely if it made any sense. BAE Glasgow is a shipyard, currently producing royal navy vessels for Britain; nothing from there goes to Israel.

Sure, the company serve arms to Israel, but they lose the grand total of nothing from this. They still have the contract to build those boats, they still produce the arms. All this does is gives the workers a few hours off.

A Pointless "shutdown" that does nothing to help their cause, basically. See also: the Starbucks debate.


There's their point.

Type 26 frigates are built at Glasgow. Israeli-manufactured armour is later fitted to them. Its this cooperation between the UK and Israeli arms industries that is being protested. The governments of Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Japan, among others, have all moved to block their arms firms from any dealing with Israeli firms. Due to the UK government refusing to do this, activists instead look to pressure the specific companies involved. In this case, the demand won't be that BAE Glasgow stop manufacturing anything for the Royal Navy or whoever. The demand will be that they look to buy the armour for their Type 26 frigates from a different company, not one owned by or linked to the Israeli state. 

Edited by Freedom Farter
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For years we've been hearing from free speech absolutists that universities are an essential place for difference of opinion to be tolerated no matter how extreme, and any notion of suppressing speech within them, cancelling speakers at events and things of that ilk, even trigger warnings attached to course material, are indications of a creeping authoritarianism. The supposed left wing cancel culture sweeping student bodies across North America and Europe was going to lead us all to thought policing and totalitarianism like those evil dastardly Chinesez and we only need to look at the Hong Kong protests of 5 years ago to see how that will end with the state cracking down on unacceptable opinions.

Funny how all these free speech warriors - having of course already been absent in defence of academic freedom as the University of Gaza was blown up in a controlled explosion out of sheer malice while Israel targets academics for assassination - are now nowhere to be found as US police act like a private militia brutalising peaceful anti-Israel protests at universities, with arrests, expulsions of students and sackings of staff commonplace. They are acting like an occupying military force, with snipers on roofs of surrounding buildings and celebratory propaganda videos being shared of their attacks on the public.

Meanwhile, their House of Representatives has just voted in favour a bill declaring criticism of Israel an antisemitic offence, as the valiant self-appointed defenders of free speech who want to resist suppression of any views applaud as SWAT teams and the military roll into universities to kick the shit out of everyone they can at gunpoint.

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You can tell how carefully the narrative managers choose their words for news broadcasts. BBC and others reporting that pro-Palestinian protests "led to violence".

Similarly, a poor young lad's decision to walk to school the other day led to violence when he was attacked by a sword-wielding maniac.

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Dunning1874 said:

For years we've been hearing from free speech absolutists that universities are an essential place for difference of opinion to be tolerated no matter how extreme, and any notion of suppressing speech within them, cancelling speakers at events and things of that ilk, even trigger warnings attached to course material, are indications of a creeping authoritarianism. The supposed left wing cancel culture sweeping student bodies across North America and Europe was going to lead us all to thought policing and totalitarianism like those evil dastardly Chinesez and we only need to look at the Hong Kong protests of 5 years ago to see how that will end with the state cracking down on unacceptable opinions.

Funny how all these free speech warriors - having of course already been absent in defence of academic freedom as the University of Gaza was blown up in a controlled explosion out of sheer malice while Israel targets academics for assassination - are now nowhere to be found as US police act like a private militia brutalising peaceful anti-Israel protests at universities, with arrests, expulsions of students and sackings of staff commonplace. They are acting like an occupying military force, with snipers on roofs of surrounding buildings and celebratory propaganda videos being shared of their attacks on the public.

Meanwhile, their House of Representatives has just voted in favour a bill declaring criticism of Israel an antisemitic offence, as the valiant self-appointed defenders of free speech who want to resist suppression of any views applaud as SWAT teams and the military roll into universities to kick the shit out of everyone they can at gunpoint.

Gonna say you’re kinda trending on the misleading side a bit here by lumping it all together. There’s actually a wide spectrum of protests occurring, and a decent percentage do include stupidity, violence and anti-semitism. By the same token, a majority are peaceful, and often involve Jewish students joining the protest. The problem is the violent protests get the news coverage, see BLM protests, etc.

The Columbia protests went stupid with breaking into a building in an effort to reimagine the protests as a redux of the 60’s anti-Vietnam War protests. And while Fox is hyperventilating about “protest consultants” and such, they’re not totally wrong about outside agitators seemingly becoming involved in some of these events.

The complaint you make is certainly valid for events like those at the University of Texas, where the police/government response is out of proportion to the protest and misrepresents the “threats” Jewish students feel. On the response to riots/protests front, this is being handled poorly, as one would expect, by the police, and will likely result in an ongoing expansion of protests.


Edited to add: NeW report that about half the 282 people arrested at Columbia and CCNY were NOT affiliated with the schools.

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Posted (edited)

This conflict has faded into the background for me of late, to be honest.

Did actually spit out a wee bit of tea a minute ago reading in the Guardian that, Hamas, the organisation behind the October 7 attack, has indignantly accused Israel of "a dangerous escalation". 🤣

Whatever your view of the world, that's objectively funny.

Edited by VincentGuerin
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48 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

This conflict has faded into the background for me of late, to be honest.

Did actually spit out a wee bit of tea a minute ago reading in the Guardian that, Hamas, the organisation behind the October 7 attack, has indignantly accused Israel of "a dangerous escalation". 🤣

Whatever your view of the world, that's objectively funny.

It's the B&Q cup war now.

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"Israel Commits to Limit Rafah Operation, Grant Control of Crossing With Egypt to Private U.S. Firm".

This privatisation of war and security is bad. Profits being made incentivises the activity which grants the profits.

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