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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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It is virtually impossible to respond to the pro-Zionist right wing rhetoric on here as it starts from such a false premis and continues to repeat the half truths that flood the MSM every day.

Here's a few random points however:

The only moral 'legitimacy' for Israel is the view that it is a Jewish homeland by dint of religious prophecy.

The legal 'legitimacy' for Israel is that a an organisation ashamed of the treatment of Jews during the holocaust looked for a way to appease Jewish and other demands by a land grab without any concerns about others in the vicinity of where the land was being grabbed.

The talk of not negotiating with terrorists ignores the fact that many of those involved in the founding and expansion of Israel were terrorists. Slightly off-topic the first black president of South Africa was also a 'terrorist'.

All Palestinians are portrayed as militants and supporters of Hammas; any time the Israeli extremists are exposed they are explained away as insignificant minorities; even when they are government ministers.

Atrocities against Palestinians happened on a regular basis prior to them supporting Hammas; as others have many ordinary Palestinians were driven to support Hammas as a result of no progress being made on issues such as their economic needs and growth in illegal Jewish settlements.

The powerful pro Zionist lobby in the US has ensured that no anti Israeli motions are carried in the UN even when they flaunt the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Hardly an incentive for Iran to pay it any heed.

The Israeli government is the aggressors here and are as extreme as Hammas. There are many ordinary Israelis who oppose the worst excesses of their successive governments but sadly they are in the minority. Only when the international community start treating he Israeli government in the same way they did the Apartheid one will anything be done and I'm not sure if that day will ever come.

Maybe it will end with the apocalyptical end that the Christian and Zionist nutters are hoping for. If it does it will be a self- fulfilling prophecy not a biblical one.

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The sooner Hamas find a nice young spokesman with a gentle, reasonable, American accent, the sooner they'll be able to explain why they've been firing all these crappy, ineffective rockets over the border, giving Bibi an excuse to unite his country with an election coming up. Hopefully. Someone must be pulling the strings: Israel, Iran/Syria, Saudi Arabia, Fatah? Take your pick. The one group it definitely is not helping is the Gazans.

Edited by welshbairn
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All text-books that are used in schools, colleges and universities for examination purposes have the potential to take the student up to 'degree' level and are screened by the relevant boards that overlook the Education 'System' before being passed as suitable for 'the purpose'. Board members are elected by those above them and so on, 'As Above, So Below'.

It isn't rocket science! smile.gif

^^^^^^ rejected from all the good universities IMO. Oh, and off his chops too.

Edited by Savage Henry
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All text-books that are used in schools, colleges and universities for examination purposes have the potential to take the student up to 'degree' level and are screened by the relevant boards that overlook the Education 'System' before being passed as suitable for 'the purpose'. Board members are elected by those above them and so on, 'As Above, So Below'.

It isn't rocket science! smile.gif

Ah, those damn, pesky Illuminati again. Except Jewish ones! How fiendish..

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Ah, those damn, pesky Illuminati again. Except Jewish ones! How fiendish..

You do get it, and i'm sure that you are not alone. Most people prefer to remain in blissfully miserable ignorance rather than look outside the box that they live within. smile.gif

"Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac." - George Orwell.

Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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It is virtually impossible to respond to the pro-Zionist right wing rhetoric on here as it starts from such a false premis and continues to repeat the half truths that flood the MSM every day.

Here's a few random points however:

The only moral 'legitimacy' for Israel is the view that it is a Jewish homeland by dint of religious prophecy.

The legal 'legitimacy' for Israel is that a an organisation ashamed of the treatment of Jews during the holocaust looked for a way to appease Jewish and other demands by a land grab without any concerns about others in the vicinity of where the land was being grabbed.

The talk of not negotiating with terrorists ignores the fact that many of those involved in the founding and expansion of Israel were terrorists. Slightly off-topic the first black president of South Africa was also a 'terrorist'.

All Palestinians are portrayed as militants and supporters of Hammas; any time the Israeli extremists are exposed they are explained away as insignificant minorities; even when they are government ministers.

Atrocities against Palestinians happened on a regular basis prior to them supporting Hammas; as others have many ordinary Palestinians were driven to support Hammas as a result of no progress being made on issues such as their economic needs and growth in illegal Jewish settlements.

The powerful pro Zionist lobby in the US has ensured that no anti Israeli motions are carried in the UN even when they flaunt the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Hardly an incentive for Iran to pay it any heed.

The Israeli government is the aggressors here and are as extreme as Hammas. There are many ordinary Israelis who oppose the worst excesses of their successive governments but sadly they are in the minority. Only when the international community start treating he Israeli government in the same way they did the Apartheid one will anything be done and I'm not sure if that day will ever come.

Maybe it will end with the apocalyptical end that the Christian and Zionist nutters are hoping for. If it does it will be a self- fulfilling prophecy not a biblical one.

That is the most likely outcome. smile.gif

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well if only the islamists and the zionists (and all other religious nut jobs as well for that matter) could keep to killing each other then the world would be a better place.

Unfortunately that's not how it works.

They all follow 'Orders' and are ruled by the same 'Masters'. smile.gif

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How eloquent. You've now totally convinced me of the validity of your point of view. Well done.

You're as thick as pig shit.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good one.

Fact is, its easier for you to just brand anyone that disagrees with your position right wing, when that couldn't be further from the truth in the majority of posters that you're labeling in this thread. We might not agree with the actions of Israel in the past, but unlike some our default setting isn't to automatically side with maniacal fascists because they're anti-western and have falsely been given the tag of defenders of the oppressed.

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You do get it, and i'm sure that you are not alone. Most people prefer to remain in blissfully miserable ignorance rather than look outside the box that they live within. smile.gif

"Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac." - George Orwell.

Posted from padded cell, imo (in my opinion).

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Here is the truth behind the middle east conflict.

Ask yourself: Why aren't Americans shown these honest facts on any of the over 1,700 major media outlets?


Rachel Corrie: 'a true hero' was killed by the state of Israel, and by its brutal regime that practises not only 'mass punishment' but also 'ethnic cleansing'. The same regime that has displaced over 4 million Palestinians, and killed many thousands. The same regime that has denied the right to self-determination to the Palestinian people.

A regime that systematically destroys the lives of innocents every single DAY.


Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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