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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Dresden wasn't about misguided weaponry though, it was the cold-blooded aim to bomb the Germans out of the war, although under the cover of it being a railway interchange for the Eastern Front. I'm sure Israel isn't attacking with the exact same intent but they don't tend to cover themselves in glory each time they hit a school with their missiles. Always a school...

agreed but a palestenian rocket landed on a school the other day,thankfully its the holidays so nobody was there

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So bomber Harris and the R.A.F are terrorists?
If they deliberately targeted civilians I'd say yes.
what are you trying to point out making comparisions from a war 70 years ago???

That is where i was coming from, deliberate targeting of civilians makes a terrorist, When in reality the big boys write the rules and say what goes.

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Hard to have any sympathy for Hamas at all to be honest.

Feel for the civilians on both sides though.


Just one point to add. It was Hamas who declared the ceasefire over in mid December if my memory serves me right.

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That is where i was coming from, deliberate targeting of civilians makes a terrorist, When in reality the big boys write the rules and say what goes.

Kinda. War tactics have changed since then. Back in the day we had sieges to starve the population out of fortified citiesin order to capture them. That was a fair enough and totally expected way to wage war back then. In order to take a city you probably still have to expect tokill civilians there. It's too bad really, but war isn't clean.

Isolated bombings targetting people could be considered terrorism. Suicide bombings are terrorism. Razing a city to the ground in a war scenario isn't. In my opinion.

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Just one point to add. It was Hamas who declared the ceasefire over in mid December if my memory serves me right.

I think so, yep.

In the past I would have tended to criticise Israel, but this time I can see why they have acted as they have done.

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It's been a wee while since i looked at these in depth, but http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_of_Armed_Conflict the laws of armed conflict help with the determinations of right wrong and terrorist.

IF, and I admit it's a big IF, Hamas have been using civilians as cover, then they are all in the wrong and Israel are justified (which is different to right) in their course of action.

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Guest el bawbag
Kinda. War tactics have changed since then. Back in the day we had sieges to starve the population out of fortified citiesin order to capture them. That was a fair enough and totally expected way to wage war back then. In order to take a city you probably still have to expect tokill civilians there. It's too bad really, but war isn't clean.

Isolated bombings targetting people could be considered terrorism. Suicide bombings are terrorism. Razing a city to the ground in a war scenario isn't. In my opinion.

so Vukovar wasnt a terrorist act?"It is estimated that 2,000 defenders of Vukovar and civilians were killed, 800 went missing and 22,000 were forced into exile"

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It's been a wee while since i looked at these in depth, but http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_of_Armed_Conflict the laws of armed conflict help with the determinations of right wrong and terrorist.

IF, and I admit it's a big IF, Hamas have been using civilians as cover, then they are all in the wrong and Israel are justified (which is different to right) in their course of action.

No, you're wrong on this. Even if Hamas has been acting as you say, it does not excuse Israel from its other illegal activities, namely disproportionate response and collective punishment.

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Interesting wee article by Malcolm Rifkind in today's Sunday Telegraph. He defends Israel, pointing out that there are half a million Isralis living within a stone's throw (or rocket's reach) of the Palestinian border...

...which kind of ignores the fact that these people are on "occupied" land...

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Interesting wee article by Malcolm Rifkind in today's Sunday Telegraph. He defends Israel, pointing out that there are half a million Isralis living within a stone's throw (or rocket's reach) of the Palestinian border...

...which kind of ignores the fact that these people are on "occupied" land...

The state of Israel was approved under the plans of the "British mandate of Palestine"way back in 1922.

Another f**k up that Britain gave the world.

Why the f**k can we not keep out of other peoples business and look after our own affairs ?

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Interesting wee article by Malcolm Rifkind in today's Sunday Telegraph. He defends Israel, pointing out that there are half a million Isralis living within a stone's throw (or rocket's reach) of the Palestinian border...

...which kind of ignores the fact that these people are on "occupied" land...

Rifkind is Jewish

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The state of Israel was approved under the plans of the "British mandate of Palestine"way back in 1922.

Another f**k up that Britain gave the world.

Why the f**k can we not keep out of other peoples business and look after our own affairs ?

Jews owned plenty of that land legally anyway. They had began buying up property and land during the 1800s. A lot of Jews were returning to the holy land long before 1948

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I have just heard on the news that thee has been 810 children killed since the 10 day conflict began.

Where are America the great protector of good when you need them?

Israel cant be on their axis of evil group :angry: its a disgrace what they are getting away with.

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I have just heard on the news that thee has been 810 children killed since the 10 day conflict began.

Where are America the great protector of good when you need them?

Israel cant be on their axis of evil group :angry: its a disgrace what they are getting away with.

Israel are their biggest client when it comes to buying weapons, of course they won't do anything.

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