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    Alloa Athletic

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  1. And that's one of the more sensible quotes.
  2. Agree, it isn't, taken in isolation and the gate price at £12 is still a decent discount from £20, but the hikes over last season are steep percentage wise across the board. Adult and "senior citizen" season tickets are up 6.7% and 10.3% respectively (not accounting for the qualifying age change per my previous post). Admission prices increasing by 11.1% and 20% for the two categories. ETA While the bee is in my bonnet, what is the PAP qualifying age at Palmerston for next season?
  3. What's seriously pissed me off is the qualifying age for a concession is sixty-six years of age (pretty sure it was sixty-five before) as I turn sixty-five in August. I was looking forward to paying the concessionary rate (was £10). Appears the club have linked the change to bring it into line with the qualifying age for state pensions. I've attended games at Alloa for over forty-eight years and I will be writing to the chairman about this. I won't be shelling out for a season ticket and will likely go to fewer games at £20 a pop. Very disappointed.
  4. Wee story from last year. Alan's family were neighbours of Mrs printer's growing up in Sauchie and the mums in particular were pally. At my father-in-law's funeral last year Alan's sister came and in line after the service my elder daughter asked her if she was Alan's mother (she's only a couple of years than him). She wasn't impressed.
  5. McLeish and Miller were a better partnership than Alan and anyone else (including either of those two beside him).
  6. He was my original golfing hero, being a fifteen year old playing off a handicap of four (IIRC) to my eleven year old self off thirty, at Alloa Golf Club (Schawpark). Thoughts with his family.
  7. Shows how lucrative getting through the League Cup group stages is.
  8. For top four games I'll go, in no order: Falkirk 2 Alloa 2 Hamilton 3 Alloa 2 Cove 2 Alloa 3 Motherwell 3 Alloa 1 The reasons have already been articulated. (I missed the Stirling 5-1 game.)
  9. My copy arrived today on your recommendation @Waspie. Also bought Bob Crampsey's history of the Scottish League (first 100 years) - have just started it and hooked already.
  10. Yeah I agree with that. After losing the early goal I feared the worse.....for about five minutes, when we settled and matched them all over the pitch. Sammo's goal definitely a top moment, made even better as he and the rest of the team ran to the Alloa support to milk the celebration. Great stuff! Terrific performance and a cracking game. Despite us losing I walked out of the stadium with my head held high.
  11. He'll be playing with a few.
  12. For someone who followed golf closely in the seventies when, apart from Jacklin, even our best players did nothing on the PGA tour (until Seve came along) the competitiveness of so many Europeans in the US is great to watch. Bob's interview is indeed a terrific watch (thanks for the link @RH33 ). Interesting hearing him talk about the mental side of the game and how he is just now really starting to get to grips with it. We've not had a world class Scot for too long. Hopefully McIntyre can go fill that good for a good time.
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