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The Lib Dems :lol:

This is the same Lib Dems Mr Bairn has claimed will get more seats than UKIP in the election and he claimed that as "fact".

Funnily enough he has so far failed to back up this "fact", and the mischievous may suggest he is avoiding the request.

Edited by Casual Bystander
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Only a particularly stupid poster - one who couldn't understand how a 3/1 bet worked regardless of the number of competitors, say, a middle-aged man with spaghetti hoops stains littering his full replica St Mirren kit - would try and claim that, say, a 43% level of support from a 70-80% turnout for sovereign independence could ever constitute a 'pretty damning' result for a nationalist organisation.

The issue is not going to go away: though it's of course quite likely that the SNP's opportunity to push a referendum onto the political agenda will be limited, by sheer swings of electoral support anyway.

Sorry, what?


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This is the same Lib Dems Mr Bairn has claimed will get more seats than UKIP in the election and he claimed that as "fact".

Funnily enough he has so far failed to back up this "fact", and the mischievous may suggest he is avoiding the request.


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Only a particularly stupid poster - one who couldn't understand how a 3/1 bet worked regardless of the number of competitors, say, a middle-aged man with spaghetti hoops stains littering his full replica St Mirren kit - would try and claim that, say, a 43% level of support from a 70-80% turnout for sovereign independence could ever constitute a 'pretty damning' result for a nationalist organisation.

The issue is not going to go away: though it's of course quite likely that the SNP's opportunity to push a referendum onto the political agenda will be limited, by sheer swings of electoral support anyway.

It's our pound, and we're spending it until the UK kicks our arse.

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That's your "evidence"? Iain Dale? This Iain Dale...

Looks like your desperate smash and grab via Google has let you down big time.

Perhaps look up the word "fact". You'll find it doesn't define it as "Local radio presenter makes assumptions based on hunches"... :lol:

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You're using Iain Dale as a source??????

I got as far as


Danny Alexander

Majority: 8,765 over Labour


Even the LibDems think Alexander is going to lose this seat! Did you not see thier own polling?

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Even the LibDems think Alexander is going to lose this seat! Did you not see thier own polling?

He's clueless. There are people wearing black armbands in Alexander's constituency office just now it's so obvious he's lost that seat.

But, hey, we could be wrong, after all Iain Dale is a London local radio dj he clearly knows more than the people who actually live in Inverness.


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Confidemus, on 29 Aug 2014 - 20:11, said:snapback.png

If I was going to try it on with an inanimate object I'd be all over you like a tramp eating chips, ya wee smasher.

You have done Confusedalot.com. You described yourself as a trysexual. Your words. You just cant help yourself. Can you?

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-Hung parliament

-Labour are the largest party, 10 short of a majority

-Lib Dems keep only 11 seats

-Labour have more seats than the Tories and Lib Dems combined

-UKIP win no seats and the Greens lose their only seat

You put forward a great case for constitutional change. FPTP is a fraud.

How can the most popular party come second?

How can a party with 8% win 11 seats and a party with 13% win no seats in a chamber or 650.

Another great reason to vote Yes.

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My point stands. In FPTP, Lib Dems > UKIP.

No it doesn't.

You said it was a fact, to back that up you found the first link you could to support that claim. Sadly for you it was a massively discredited source and you've looked a fool.

I will ask once more, where is the evidence to back up your claim of "fact".

You have the opportunity to retract your claim, and just admit it was an assumption based on nothing more than a hunch.

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No it doesn't.

You said it was a fact, to back that up you found the first link you could to support that claim. Sadly for you it was a massively discredited source and you've looked a fool.

I will ask once more, where is the evidence to back up your claim of "fact".

You have the opportunity to retract your claim, and just admit it was an assumption based on nothing more than a hunch.

It was an assumption based on logic and common sense.

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