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Posts posted by Div

  1. Certainly seems like the rumours of a fallout are spot on then regardless of what is being said in public.

    Nobody bigger than the club and all that so best for all parties if TC moves on and does so as soon as possible.

    Im not prepared to write off Hemming at this stage, same as you can’t totally discount Urminsky on the basis of a single game even if it was a very jittery performance, but I will be slightly terrified if we start the league season with those two as our only options. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

    We haven't played in Montrose in the guts of 50 years competitively so there could well be plenty like me who, despite following Saints for 40 odd years have never been to Links Park. I'm going purely for that reason as there are very few grounds left I haven't seen us play in bar the obvious newer additions. Four of us coming on the train and a day out, I expect a good few others will be seeing this similarly. I would hope 500+.

    Be plenty on holiday and plenty who won’t be arsed with a League Cup game but I’m with you, I’d expect about 700 or so to make the trip.

    Im looking forward to it 🎉

  3. 2 minutes ago, glenburn bud said:

    Assuming Curtis hasn’t got himself fixed up yet, would it not make sense to enter into some negotiations with him, and tempt him back as opposed to signing Doidge.

    I think by all accounts, although the door was left slightly ajar there, that it is now closed.

    From what I can gather there was a willingness on the part of the player to stay if certain terms were met, and there was a desire for the club for him to stay but alas it looks like they were too far apart in what he wanted versus what we were willing pay him.

    He's still living round the corner from me and his family seem well settled here.

    A shame but the manager has a budget and it's entirely his call as to how he uses it.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Ric said:

    It doesn't matter where he goes so long as it's not to a rival. I don't care if the farmers are willing to put up a "king's ransom" in potatoes and red diesel, we must not take it. If it pisses Carson off, I don't care. Let him train with the youth for the remainder of his contract as far as I am concerned. If he wants to go to another league, and there is no way to patch things up, then I wish him well and thank him for his service, but we cannot strengthen our rivals.

    Loaning/selling Carson to the farmers then settling for Hemming as our #1, reeks of us trying to emulate the United/Birighitti situation of last season.


    The problem of letting him train with the youth for the remainder of his contract is that it would easily cost us best part of £150K.

    If he’s not going to play for whatever reason then we need to shift him and replace him, preferably with Vaclav.

  5. 4 hours ago, Archie McSquackle said:

    I certainly can't be arsed trawling through the St. Mirren thread but was it not a bit of an open secret that they were spending more and viewing it as a top six budget? They finished sixth so mission accomplished and they seem to be using it as a springboard but, as you say, it's a risky business when the bigger teams have got themselves in order and realistically sixth is as high as you're likely to manage. At least Dundee United are a basket case.

    Saints have set a budget against finishing 7th the last three seasons.

    We lost a lot of money in the most recent accounts, for the period to May 2022 but still had the guts of a million in the bank last Summer. That was down from £2.7m in the bank in May 2021 of which £1.7m was the COVID loan.

    Not all of that spend was on the squad. A good chunk went on our academy infrastructure which needed heavy upgrades (pitches/buildings).

    Since then we’ve sold Ethan Erhahon, Dylan Reid, Jay Henderson and Eamonn Brophy. Probs brought in the best part of £700K across those deals.

    Baccus will also go this Summer for around £300K.

  6. 10 minutes ago, ClydeTon said:

    Whilst I'm in this thread (and god willing I'll never have to be back), I saw St Mirren claiming they were "dominant" in the first half and seen a few supporters say the same.

    Apart from the first 20, 25 minutes of the second half I felt like it was even or leaning towards us. Boyd was running a mock along the wing in the first half and we were controlling the game.

    Start of the second half it was different with you lot controlling it and creating chances, then it slowly started to balance out before the penalty changed it all.

    Were we watching the same game? I really did think St Mirren looked poor - and I say that as neutrally as I can.

    I only saw bits and pieces thanks to the abysmal stream but I did see the Morton keeper pull off three very good saves including a certain goal from O’Hara.

    Olusanya also hit the bar when it was far easier to score.

    I saw Morton hit the ball out of play under no pressure at all about a dozen times and come close with a free kick.

    Didn’t see either goal as the stream was totally unwatchable last 20 minutes but seen them today.

    Fair play on the win and all that but it was a fucking dreadful game of football and neither side were anything other than abject pish.


  7. 18 minutes ago, glenburn bud said:

    I seem to remember a league game at the beginning of last season v Aberdeen where Carson lost a couple of poor goals, and there was a similar reaction of fans shouting that he was nowhere near the level of Jak Alnwick. 
    It’s a tad early to be writing players off after a couple of pre season kickabouts. 

    Yeah that is fair comment. I think the concern is that Hemming has arrived on the back of a poor season at Kilmarnock.

    Still; if the manager and GK coach think he’s good enough then we just have to trust them and give the boy as much backing as we can.

    Confidence is a big part of goalkeeping and if all the fans are a bag of nerves about the keeper then it won’t help!

    Also conscious that younger players will doubtless read social media posts about themselves, it’s human nature.

    So I’m gonna pipe down about Hemming, give him every chance and all the backing I can.

    And pray 😂

  8. I’m definitely not writing Hemming off but it stands to reason that a 24 year old with a handful of top flight games under his belt (games which ultimately saw him dropped) is going to be a step down from hugely experienced international keeper who was certainly in our top three performers last season.

    If Jamie and Robbo think Hemming is good enough to be our number 1 then that’s their call to make and that’s what they are paid for.

    It’s a very, very big call though!

  9. Without wanting to give Random Guy any klout I do find it a bit strange that Robbo said last night he’s looking to bring another striker in.

    We currently have eight players in the squad capable of playing up front.

    Yet we had one injury yesterday which meant we played a 17 year old kid at LWB first half and a Centre Half there in the second half.

    I don’t really mind Tanser but he’s frequently injured (and not particularly good at defending tbh).

    Recruiting a LWB should be well above signing another striker in the priority list!


  10. I’m kind of clinging to the hope that Hemming has been brought in as number two and is only playing whilst we sort the Carson situation out.

    If Carson issue is resolved (which seems very unlikely) I think we’d all be quite happy with Hemming as number 2 and Urminsky going out on loan.

    If Carson goes then we surely have to replace like for like, but that’s easier said than done. Where do we find an international goalkeeper with a great track record in this division, available and within our wage bracket?

  11. 23 minutes ago, SS77 said:

    It’s pretty simple to me - if Hemming is our number one then we’ll be 11th or 12th. He is awful at everything bar his distribution and I think Robinson will be desperate to bring in a real keeper and have Zach on the bench if we can’t resolve the Carson issue.

    I don’t think we can write Hemming off just yet but I do agree that at our level having an unreliable goalkeeper can have catastrophic consequences.

    There’s very little to choose between most of the teams in the division and there’s no doubt in my mind that Dundee Utd wouldn’t have been relegated last season if Trevor Carson had been their keeper from day one.

    If we repeat the mistake they made then we only have ourselves to blame if the result turns out the same.

    If Carson needs to go for whatever reason then Ok but we cannot go into the league season with Hemming and Urminsky as our only options IMO.


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