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Posts posted by Div

  1. 5 minutes ago, BB_Bino said:

    Morning everyone,

    For some reason, since the update, when I go onto a Forum (say the League 1 forum) and then click on the topic to read or contribute to, when I try and return to that forum, I'm instantly returned to the topics list every time., so have to click the League 1 forum option again.

    This has been the case on my iPhone and 2 laptops, is anyone else having this problem?

    I'd try marking the whole board as read, then see if it resolves itself going forward?

    We've definitely a few gremlins kicking around but we will sort them all and things will settle down again. Hopefully!

  2. 4 minutes ago, Chester Desmond said:

    I've signed out and signed back in, and signed out of Recently Used Devices as above, but when I sign back in and try to access an individual forum (eg Scottish Championship General Chat) I get a 'This page isn't working' HTTP ERROR 500 message.

    I can get onto the forum ok when not signed in.

    Is the 500 error purely showing on the SPFL forums? ie; Can you get to General Nonsense ok?

    Few other users seem to be having problems with the SPFL section but not on others. We're trying to work through why that might be.

  3. 17 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    I gave up yesterday but got back in fine this morning. Yesterday the problem was I didn't get an email to reset my password. I did get an email saying my account was blocked because I used the wrong password though, got in no problem this morning using the same password.

    Thanks for that feedback.

    I'm pretty sure the login issue was/is purely down to the domain name changing and it *should* correct itself once you've successfully logged in, but I did make a change this morning to try and force that correction.


  4. 39 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

    I come to P&B. I click the "Existing user? Sign in" tab. Enter my credentials and get a message saying something went wrong.

    Enter them again on that page and it lets me in.

    Wee irritant

    Yeah this has been reported by a few people.

    Not sure if it's related to the cookie changing because the domain on the site has changed.

    I made a change this morning to try and fix it but assume it hasn't?

    If you log out and try logging back in does the same thing happen now?

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