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Posts posted by Div

  1. 18 minutes ago, Molotov said:

    Straight out of the managers PR manual. 😂 

    Well let’s be honest he’s unlikely to say otherwise is he?

    I think many of us feel that with Joe in the side at certain times in the season we would potentially have had more points in the league. We will never know. 

    Yeah I think that is all pretty fair comment.

    One thing Robbo was really passionate about last night, and O'Hara touched on it as well during the night, was how tight the group is. Mark said that was one of the big reasons why he signed a new contract because it's such an enjoyable place to work.

    Looks inevitable that Shags will move on in the Summer sadly, a player I really like.

  2. Remaining games;


    Livingston (H)
    Hearts (A)
    Rangers (A)
    Killie (H)

    Think the best we can hope for really is the 6pts from those two home games giving us a total of 44.


    St.Mirren (A)
    Motherwell (A)
    St.Johnstone (H)
    Dundee Utd (A)

    Obviously three away games isn't ideal for Livi, but all four games against sides currently in the bottom six is certainly a lot easier than our run in.

    Assuming the scenario above where Saints win the two home games and taking into account the goal difference which is heavily in Saints favour, Livi would need to take 6 points from the three games against Motherwell, St.Johnstone and Utd to beat our points tally.

    Far from an impossible scenario but it's still a very difficult one.

    No guarantees we will beat Killie either of course, we've not managed that in two previous attempts so far this season.


  3. 43 minutes ago, Molotov said:

    Thanks for the update.

    Any feedback surrounding the lack of use of Big Joe when we had injuries/suspensions?

    He was asked about Joe.

    Said he prefers Taylor to play if Dunne is out because he's left footed and that gives us far better balance.

    Reckons once Taylor has got proper up to speed we will see what a good player he is so he's no qualms about playing him.

    Said Joe is a dream to have around the club, a perfect professional, never mumps or moans when he's not playing and is always right at it in training.

    Robbo said he's just been unlucky as when he did get his chance and played for a few games he then got injured, and dropped back out again.

    Been no fall out, still has a great relationship with Shags.


  4. Found this quite interesting in the SMiSA statement today;


    Following a question from a member at the last meeting, Ex Club Board Director Alan Wardrop informed the meeting of a developing situation between the Charity and the Kibble Club Board Directors. This was raised at the Clubs AGM in January. If, as Alan stated there is more to come on this issue we will review any further information if or when it is made available to us. SMISA is the majority shareholder at the Club and all Club business is by default of interest to SMISA. 

    What does this mean?

  5. Q&A was very good last night. Robbo was there with Mark O'Hara and both came across very well.

    Nothing really earth shattering although was interesting to hear that Robbo really doesn't want to play 3-5-2, he just realised that was the formation that could best utilise the strengths we had in the squad and that was a base from which to build.

    Ideally, eventually, he'd prefer us to be able to play 4-3-3 but acknowledged there is always a fine balance between what you ideally want to do and the players you can get into the building given the budget we have.

    Ayunga won't be back until October.

    He's still hopeful of getting both Dunne and Main to sign a new contract but he did seem slightly more positive about the former. Said both absolutely love the club but end of the day both have admirers down South and the money down there is ridiculous, even League 2 and some conference clubs paying a lot more than we can.

    Possible route back for Brophy in the Summer but not convinced we can afford to keep him.

    Asked about why we don't seem to have a plan B, and said first and foremost he's trying to make sure we absolutely concentrate on having a solid plan A!

    Had tenatitive talks about extending his own deal but not very far advanced at this stage.

    Already well advanced with recruitment plans for next season, Australian market remains of interest as the players coming over from there are good value, usually very fit and very hungry.

    Jet lag for Strain and Baccus in particular a real concern for the Livi game as both aren't back in the country until Weds night. Greive slightly better as he returns on Tuesday.

    Think that's about all I can remember. He was in jovial mood and I think everyone present enjoyed listening to him.

    He asked before we started that nobody record anything and allow the club to release the official recording, hence why no tweeting last night.

  6. On 19/03/2023 at 11:31, Marko van Haddock said:

    The run in looks like we will fall short again and to be honest we don’t score enough goals to deserve top 6. Been an enjoyable year though, we look to be keeping the nucleus of the team and if we can just get someone who can bang in a few then next year could be a good one. Maybe Jonah would have been the answer, but sadly depth has let us down. We need to go for it now though, the Livi game a must win and just maybe results could swing in our favour.

    Wouldn't be throwing in the towel quite yet.

    We'll get nothing at Ibrox but we've two very winnable home games against Killie and Livingston and the away trip to Tynecastle shouldn't be daunting us, we should have got a point there last time out.

    IF we beat Livingston in a fortnight I think we've still got a realistic chance of making it. Any other result in that one though and I think it's very unlikely.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Coventry Saint said:

    I think Main will extend. He's been a bit of a journeyman and seems to be enjoying his football again. I made the same point about Carson and O'Hara, but seeing other seniors sign will hopefully start a ripple effect.

    I'm less confident about Strain, but he does have that family link so maybe sentiment will kick in.

    Not convinced we will retain Main unfortunately, he's got an admirer down South.

  8. 1 hour ago, Coventry Saint said:

    I think that Robinson has the measure of Goodwin, tbh. Not quite to the extent that Martindale did/does, but as the teams head out on Saturday I know which squad has the better manager behind them.

    Obviously the longer-than-usual gap between games should hopefully have Goodwin and Mulgrew right at each other's throats already, too.

    That said, close game. 2-1 to whichever team doesn't have a man sent off in the first 15 minutes.

    Yeah I think it will be close.

    There's pressure on both teams on Saturday. A win for either would be a massive shot in the arm for their respective aims.

    As always first goal is going to pretty much decide it IMO.

  9. Was looking for this and found it lurking on page 2.

    That's no way to treat a re-run of the 1987 Scottish Cup Final.

    Tannadice used to give me the heebie jeebies as our record was so poor but it's fair to say that three successive wins there, scoring 10 goals in the process, has me positively salivating over the potential for what would be a massive three points.

    Should be a competitive game though, Utd will surely be right at it from the start and their fans will be well up for it too..

    Dunne will be a big miss for us, Watt obviously out too but at least we have Greive fit again to partner Maino and hopefully Dec makes it, so we don't need to start Taylor.

  10. Seems like CBM (the new JDH) will only be a bit part player for most of what is left of this season but he has the carrot of that additional years contract to fight for and hopefully he takes that opportunity. Seems like a shrewd bit of business by the club for very little risk.

    What we're seeing these last few weeks is the tangible benefit of not being involved in the relegation dog fight for once.

    We can plan ahead for next season already, knowing we will be in the top flight. It makes for a pleasant change!

  11. I thought we were defending extremely well up until the mistake from Dunne. Having made the mistake he should have rolled the dice and let Kyogo go but in the split second of the moment he's panicked and hauled him down.

    At 10 vs 11 it was always going to be an enormous ask. Once the 2nd goal went in we obviously changed shape to 4-3-2 and tried to chase it and ultimately that caused us to lose a few more goals. I guess that was probably a bit naive given how tight the race for the top six is.

    Think Shags has been really unlucky not to feature more recently. I know Taylor is left footed but he's not even close to being as competent at the back as Joe is and he also gives us something in the final third with his aeriel threat and his throw in.

    Hopefully he gets the nod over Taylor for Tannadice.

  12. 3 hours ago, sergie's no1 fan said:

    True about it being a free hit but remember in the season after COVID when we missed out on the top 6 by a goal, that came after recent hammerings against Celtic in Paisley and Rangers at Ibrox. Every goal conceded could become vital, even in defeat. Top 6 is decided after 33 games obviously not just 1 or 2 moments we can look back at. Nicky Clarks overhead kick being a prime candidate 🤢.

    That being said we will hopefully make Celtic work hard for the 3 points if they are going to win. Sadly we won't be playing against Ralston and Welsh this time, and we are without Ayunga who was incredible in the 2 home games against the OF.

    Celtic were sluggish against us at Parkhead in the cup yet still put 5 past us. 


    Yip, I do fully expect the top six race to come down to the final round of games. It's going to be extremely tight with every goal and every point vital.

    Suppose we rescued one last weekend but it sure didn't feel like that at the time.

  13. 15 hours ago, FTOF said:

    Captain Joe, Tanser, Baccus and Greive all training for the first time this week, today and then on Saturday. Hopefully some of them will be passed fit for Sunday.

    Not massively sure I'd be risking anyone who isn't 100% on Sunday, both because Celtic are absolutely the sort of team who will take advantage of any weakness, but also because we have much bigger battles ahead than this one.

    Very much a free hit on Sunday. I want us to win of course, and there is no reason we can't give them another good game in Paisley, but our top six destiny probably lies in the three games against Utd, Livingston and Kilmarnock with a wee sniff of maybe getting something at Tynecastle.

    Only having two games in April could be a massive blessing for us given the current injury situation. I definitely wouldn't be risking Greive this weekend since Watt won't be available for Tannadice.

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