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Posts posted by Div

  1. 29 minutes ago, Ex Machina said:

    I'm unable to access the forums under Scottish Professional Football League since the site came back up. Any ideas on what could be causing this? Cleared my cookies but still not working and using Chrome on an Android phone if that's any help. Keep getting the below error. 


    All other forums under other categories seem to be working fine.

    That's really odd?!?

    How are you trying to get to those forums? Via the main board index?

    Have you tried clearing cache?

  2. Just now, Blue Brazil Forever said:

    Pre Maintenance,  signing in for me was a piece of cake: Post maintenance I have to sign in with user name and password each time and first password is rejected. The second sign on attempt  with the same password is accepted. Now that I am having more and more senior moments, I keep forgetting my password. Please restore the old sign in Div. I'll need for when Cowden beat St Mirren in the League Cup.


    I'll get to the bottom of the first login problem, but once you're logged in you shouldn't be logged out again anyway. Issue today was caused by the change of URL so your browser sees it as a new site. We won't be changing the URL again. Ever!

  3. Thanks for your patience this morning as we completed the maintenance on the forum.

    You may have noticed that we are now on a new URL, the forum is at https://forum.pieandbovril.com

    Previously this was at https://www.pieandbovril.com/forum

    The old URLs automatically forward to the new style, so hopefully won't be any major disruption.

    Any other wee gremlins you spot following today's maintenance do give me a shout.

  4. Guys, some of this stuff has gone WAY too far.

    I’ve hidden some posts. Don’t re-post this shit please.

    Whether you are pro or anti monarchy doesn’t bother me in the slightest but please do respect that there will be plenty others with a different view to yours.

    Healthy debate is fine but let’s keep it decent for fucks sake.

  5. Always generally found our fans far more forgiving if anything of academy graduates when they come into the team.

    The exception to that rule was Marc McAusland who took up a Kibble-esque role in the team. He got the blame for absolutely everything that ever went wrong, it was quite incredible how much abuse he got.

    I think most of it was down to the perception that he was there because of his father, but actually when you strip it all back he was a very decent centre half, albeit one that never looked massively comfortable once Danny decided we were going to play like Barcelona.


  6. Terrific to see Season Ticket sales showing a healthy increase. To be at close to 3000 at this stage is tremendous and a testament to how enjoyable it was to go to games in Paisley last season.

    Hopefully there will be some signing news soon to get the juices really going. Barely seen anything in the press the last few weeks other than the stuff about Bowie/Street and Bedeau.

    Club is fairly tight now, not too much leaking, which although boring, has to be viewed as being a good thing I suppose!

    Wonder if Marley Watkins might be on our radar?

  7. I'm going to take the forum offline this coming Monday, June 19th, for a few hours from around 7am so I can do some maintenance tasks on our site and the forum database.

    There won't be any massive changes following this, but this work will stand us in good stead for the new season and keep things running as smoothly as possible. Hopefully you've all noticed a reduction in service disruption this season just gone by, and no that's not just because St.Mirren had a decent campaign 😋

    Will be back up and running later on Monday, well in time for the build up to the Georgia game on Tuesday.

    Nobody mention wasteland, ok?

  8. This is all a bit basic, but this is the data from the P&B 500 without any personal details. Use Find on your browser to find your entry, either by Forum Name or Twitter Name. Hope this works!


    And here are the right answers for all 25 questions, along with how many got each one right.


    We've ended up with 5 players all tied on the same number of points at the top of the leaderboard.

    I'll figure out what to do about that tomorrow!

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