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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. Lightweight. tongue.gif

    My tolerance levels to chocolate are indeed in decline. Might be an age thing, so you'll be feeling it pretty soon too. tongue.gif

    It's could possibly because of my change of lifestyle too. Since I started going to the gym, I notice that I feel pretty rank after eating really fatty food. I had a McDonalds about two months ago and felt absolutely murder after it. I haven't had one since, as even the very thought of one turns my stomach.

  2. Aye, nothing major like, just wee flakes that lasted for about 5 minutes.

    Fair enough. I found it hard to believe given the sun's out and it's fairly warm now. Then again, I didn't get up until the back of 12.

    Snow on the 11th of May. Jeezo.

  3. 'Bullying' seems a convenient excuse from Dunbar anyway, given his apparent shite attitude. As Donny said, it was more than likely him being put in his place. People with egos tend not to like that sort of thing, and instead develop a persecution complex to compensate for their failings.

    I've not heard any rumours, but I've got a good idea of who I think is the kind of person not to tolerate a Billy big time. I'm not overly fussed if my thoughts are never confirmed either. It's in the past, so let's move on from it.

    What is good to see, is that egos aren't tolerated at the club.

  4. The Smith-Walker-Simmons-Tade midfield would cause alot of teams problems. When playing alongside someone other than Davidson, Simmons can be very, very effective in midfield.

    It's the best midfield we currently have IMO, and it's a real shame McGlynn won't play it. Davidson/Simmons just does not work in midfield. You can see the pair of them getting in each others way on the pitch, as they're both similar players*. Creativity is also a major issue; whilst Simmons is capable of getting forward and playing some excellent passes, putting the sole onus of creating from the middle on him causes our creative output to nosedive. He's primarily the sitting midfielder, though one who can get forward and support. Likewise, Allan Walker can sit back, but he's primarily the attacking link from midfield.

    That said, I wouldn't be too displeased if we brought someone else in to compete with Simmons for a place. He can be very inconsistent at times.

    *Broken record alert

  5. No real surprises then, pretty much as expected.

    Out of those staying, I'd only have got rid of Davidson and Weir (who was under contract anyway). Williamson has far from impressed me, but he's scored us a few vital goals. He'd be a decent enough player if he's just stick to where he's meant to be playing and got fucking involved in the game. We could do with BA Baracus chucking handfulls of Snickers at him as well to try and man him up a bit.

    I reckon we'll see a left midfielder signed and maybe another striker. I hope McGlynn's learned his lesson about trying to plug the gaps with loan signings from last season.

    Edit: I'd probably have got rid of Wedderburn too.

  6. looking forward having Tade on the right and Smith on the left looks like a good combination, both are hard working with a decent amount of pace (Tade more so) and both will track back to support the full backs. Do a bit of work with Tade's final ball and get Smith a run of games will see us with a good amount of width and danger coming from either flank

    Yeah, works for me.

    Darren Smith should have offered us more than he did last season, but he was very unlucky with injuries and couldn't get a run of games together. Johnny Russell was also selected ahead of him when McGlynn decided to play him out wide rather than up front. You could see it affected his confidence too, as he was unwilling to run at players as he did previously. That said, I would like to see us bring someone in to provide him with competition for his place.

    I'm hoping McGlynn will go with Tadé on the right, but I suppose that all depends on us bringing someone in up front. The Baird rumour appears to be probable, but we'll need someone else in too.

  7. Yeah, I also saw Gathuessi wandering up the road before the game. Didn't want to post anything about it on here at the time, but I thought then that he wouldn't be staying with us this season.

    Shame to see Sloan go, but it's for the best. He's not been in the team very much this season, so it's probably in his own interests. His assists were vital in getting us out of the 2nd, and he certainly made a good contribution in his time here. Despite limited appearances, he had a couple of cracking games against the Pars at EEP and also up in Aberdeen. His calmness in midfield that night was vital when we were defending our lead.

  8. Yeah, I'll be absolutely gutted if McGurn leaves as well. Someone on FannyTalk reckons he's signed an extension with us, so there's rumours on both fronts. The strangest thing about all of this, is that this is the first time in a long time we've actually had a couple of players who other clubs might perceive as worth signing.

    50 games is a ridiculous amount, especially in the twilight years of your career. It's testimony to how important Murray has been for us this year.

  9. Yeah, I don't think we're far from having a decent side either. If we can keep hold of our better players, hopefully we'll be looking at an improvement on this season.





    Murray / Hill



    Simmons / New CM

    New LM / Darren Smith

    New ST

    New ST

    Our defence is fine, something which I've said all along. I know we recently had a wee shaky patch in defence, but that was really down to some appalling luck with injuries. Dougie Hill has had a fantastic season, and I think it speaks volumes that I'm struggling to see him as a first pick in that defence. He's improved as the season's went on to - he seems less rash, which I think could be put down to the influence of Grant Murray. He'll have learned a lot from him and Campbell, which is always good granted they're both getting on a bit.

    I'd like to see Tadé started on the right next season. I think we can all agree that he isn't a striker, and I think he could offer us a lot from wide right. He can beat players, so could get in behind the full back, cut inside and play the ball across goal. If he was playing there, he's have to work on his crossing, though. Walker has been our best midfielder and deserves his place in the middle. I'd probably partner him with Simmons, who is a very handy player to have when he's on form. That said, I wouldn't be averse to bringing someone else in, as Simmons can be hit or miss at times. Out left, Darren Smith hasn't featured as much as I thought he would. He had a really good start to the season, but otherwise seems short of confidence. He seems to run to the by line, and looks reluctant to take players on. It'd be worth looking at getting someone else in.

    Up front is where the changes are really needed. There's the Baird rumours, but we need someone else in as well, even if these rumours turn out true. I'm inclined to say this rumour is more than likely true, though. It was good and well getting in Casa and Kevin Smith to fill the gaps last season, but I hope McGlynn will look for a permanent, rather than temporary solution this time around.

  10. I can't agree with those who want to keep Sloan. Recently, McGlynn has avoided playing him despite a massive fixture pile up. If that's not enough to give him a chance, I really don't know what is.

    I've defended Sloan on many occasions on here, from what I percieved to be very unfair criticism. He is an excellent passer of the ball, and he does have a good delivery on him. However, he suffers from a lack of consistency much like Simmons does, and he can be a bit slow at times. I'd personally see him as a decent player, but if he's not going to be given a chance, then there's very little point in him staying here.

  11. For me, progress is maintaining a core, yet looking to improve that core. Moving on our weaker players, and those who have not featured is the correct thing to do, both for the club and the players concerned. Replace them with new players, and give them a chance to provide some new competition to the incumbents.

    We're not looking at sweeping changes here, merely 4 or 5.

  12. Good post, and I agree with your sentiments.

    The only slight differing opinion I have, is that I'd keep Simmons for back-up purposes. If he'd find consistency he'd be an excellent player, but he does tend have games where he reminds me of Davidson, as he's culpable of a large number of misplaced passes. Him and Davidson are also completely incompatible in the middle, as they are similar players and get in each others way. My gut feeling, as I said, is that McGlynn will keep (and start) both next season. I don't think that entails utter disaster, but it's a big barrier to progress. The lack of creativity from midfield forces our striker(s) wide, and we all know what happens when there's no-one in the middle - no goals.

    We'll be damn lucky with a goal scoring midfielder - they're incredibly rare at any level of the game, let alone our own! Tadé has chipped in with a few goals from midfield, so it's not all doom and gloom in that area. I'm confident he could return a similar tally if played wide-right next season.

    Going forward is the issue we need to address. This means changes in midfield and up front.

  13. I'd keep most of the squad. I don't think there's a need for wholesale changes. Two Strikers, one or two CMs and a Left winger are the main requirements. Maybe a new back up keeper too (rumours about Andy McNeil on that front), as well as an LB (Willie Dyer rumored). Depending on how Campbell does, we may need another cente back. Hopefully that isn't required.

    I'm not sure about the rumours. I think the Dyer one is the most likely, as if we were relegated, it wouldn't be much of a loss. I'm making assumptions here, but Maxwell and Mckeown were probably on decent wages at Partick. That would be a financial risk, were we to be relegated.

    I'd release the following players - Sloan, Shields, Davidson, Armstrong, O'Connor. Gathuessi I'm unsure about keeping given a couple of his recent performances, but I'd keep Ferry for back up purposes. Sloan, Shields and O'Connor rarely feature, so it makes sense for both parties. Armstrong: Dundee at home aside, hasn't impressed me, so I'd release him. Like Shields, he was only brought in to plug the gap with injuries anyway. I'd get rid of Davidson, because he's far too limited and I've never rated him. He's the kind of player that needs to go if we're to progress.

    That's my opinion, but I think McGlynn will release the following - Sloan, Shields, Amaya, Gathuessi, Armstrong, O'Connor and maybe Ferry.

    The core of a decent side is there, it's just the question of adding a few players.


    Wilson - Campbell - Murray - Ellis

    Tadé - Walker - New CM - New LW

    New ST - New ST

    I'd keep the rest of the players that I don't want to see released. A few of them (Williamson, Smith and Weir) are signed anyway. Were they not, I'd have let Weir go. I'm not really a fan of Williamson either, but he has chipped in with a few goals for us, in fairness.

    A couple of things I do NOT want to see next season:

    A Simmons and Davidson CM partnership

    Allan Walker being punted out right to accomodate the above pairing

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