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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. COD. w**k

    Fucking geeks.


    Having uni work due was actually a blessing in disguise - I don't have to go out and listen to all my mates going on about shiting COD. That's if any of them have actually vacated their PS2.

    I really don't understand. They play the same online game (hardcore search and destroy), against the same people repeatedly. No doubt they'll have some new 'hilarious' banter about COD MW2, as well. <_<

    What a bunch of sad fucks.

  2. :rolleyes: Aye, ok.

    Provisional? That means f**k all at the end of the day. Had we played the game, provisional or not, an immediate prejudice comes over our appeal. "Oh they've started playing, let's not disturb the league any further" or something along those lines. None of the games involving the teams should have been played and that would have been the case until Dave Siegel at Ross County threatened to sue the SFL.

    Airdrie and Cowdenbeath had already played. Going by your own argument, re-instating Livingston would have 'disturbed the league'. Ergo, Livingston wouldn't have been put back up anyway if what you claim is correct.

    It's perfectly correct that the games were played. What if this saga had dragged on for a few weeks? I can't imagine clubs would be too pleased having to catch up on mid-week nights, do you?

  3. My main gripe was it led to a bunch of nuggets staying on, disrupting things for the rest of us. It was money for old rope really. There should be minimum requirements: do three highers or you're not getting it. Something like that. *

    I may also have been slightly jealous these people could afford to buy a nice £80 pair of trainers at the end of the month and I couldn't.

    *And pay it to the parents, as they're the ones incurring the expense of the child being at school.

  4. People getting EMA gets right on my tits.

    The theory behind it is that the extra money will allow children to stay at school, whom may otherwise have been 'made' to leave by their parents and get a job, due to them being unable, or would struggle, to keep them at school financially.

    Accordingly, why don't they give it to the parents? All they're doing is providing the Strongbow/Lambert & Butler fund with credit for the weekend piss-up. In my experience, it also led to a few complete and utter nuggets staying on at school too - they could get £120 a month for turning up, easy money. I doubt they'd have been there were it not for the EMA.

    On a personal level, I'd have used any EMA money to buy some new clothes. In fact, I do spend some of the money I get o clothes- I earn it by working. <_<

  5. Capy tells the truth...

    I'm honestly amazed the courier services can operate in Edinburgh. Dreadful roads, particuarly bad given it's Scotland's capital city.

    I'm pretty sure I'll be needing part of my exhaust replaced after going straight through a pothole. Seems to be rattling a bit, although nothing major. It'll get progressively worse, though.

  6. Let's assume that is the case, once cigarettes are banned the most addictive substance remaining will be alcohol, will they ban that too? It is a slippery slope to go on.

    Who on earth advocated banning cigarettes?

    They will never, ever be banned. They rake in far too much money in tax. They're one of Brown's favorite stealth taxes, along with booze.

    Edited to add - The only 'slippery slope' we're on is the slide to price rises year upon year. Alcohol and tobacco duty are the traditional easy target in the budget. It could get even worse up here should the minimum pricing bill go through.

  7. Whether you think it's hypocritical or not, I'd say the main reason it's being done is because smoking is more addictive than alcohol. Were people to smoke to the same extent they drank, the alcohol would probably do more damage. However, this doesn't generally occur in practice. Most people who smoke will do so regardless of whether they've been drinking or not.

    I've never understood 'social smoking'. I know several people who'll smoke when they're drunk, yet won't touch it sober. Bizarre.

  8. Don't people have a right to get addicted to what they want to?

    If smoking is consumed in moderation does it cause any serious health problems?

    Really? What a bunch of losers.

    Your stand on alcohol and tobacco is hypocritical to be honest.

    It's a crazy policy, but at least it is consistent.

    How many people do smoke in moderation though?

    Not many people who drink will drink everyday. Most people who smoke will smoke every day. It's not really as hypocritical as you make it out to be.

  9. I've applied for about half a dozen jobs and been rejected because I'm a rookie, or in one case because I said I wouldn't work weekends (which I'm obviously now going to have to sacrifice if I want a job). <_<

    No wonder no-one will employ you! Weekends are when you're needed most in retail.

    I work both Saturday and Sunday, yet still manage to enjoy my Saturday nights etc. The weekend doesn't have to be sacrificed just because you have a job.

  10. Just went through the pictures on my spare phone there, some absolute crackers. I've had the memory card the phone uses since I was 17, quite funny looking back at some of them. A few reminders of what the £12 free bar at Candlerooms did to us all as well!

    On the slightly negative side, there were a couple of pictures of me and my ex. That put a bit of a dampener on things.

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