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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. OR

    Let her know about it, until she feels guilty enough to make it up to you with sexual favours.

    My ex just cried when she did a similar thing and I took her to task for it :(

    If she wants to see her friends, that's fine, but it's pretty poor if she suddenly decides to go out with her friends after arranging to meet her boyfriend. You can only imagine how upset/suspicious/paranoid the girl would have been had SB went out with his mates rather than meet her when he'd arranged too.

  2. But, I'd arranged to meet her when I finished work today, and was really looking forward to seeing her. So I wasn't best chuffed when I went into my locker when I finished and saw a text from her saying she was off to the cinema with her mates instead.

    To me, that just shows a complete lack of respect/caring. Maybe you feel like there is a lot at stake, but seriously, take her to task for it. Ask her why she arranged to meet you, then completely disregarded it to go to the cinema with her friend.

  3. :(

    I dont want to go to fúcking Airdrie again. :angry:

    I'm hardly overjoyed either, having never been to Livi before.

    However, it serves the cheating c***s right. Let this be a lesson to teams who don't handle their finances. Either the SFL put forward far more stringent relegations, or we show no sympathy to clubs who mis-manage their finances by relegating them or imposing sanctions.

  4. The lack of anyone with the ability to tackle in there terrifies me.

    Simmons did the sitting role fantastically at Brechin. Got stuck in and put the tackles in. I'd say that's more his role, hold play together and put the passes about. When he has Davidson alongside him, we have to get Simmons going forward and it's not really a role I'm sure he's comfortable with.

  5. My mate convinced me against my better wisdom to go to the worst nightclub in the worst night-out spot in the country (it's Greenock). Basically, the shithole has a dance floor about the size of a standard living room, one room, shit music, and is full of pretendy-posh 16 year olds with delusions of their own worth to society. So it was shit and I left very early.

    I also left a night club early tonight due to it being shit.

  6. "But demotion wasn't considered because the prospective buyers of the club have a business plan that involves Livingston being in the First Division."

    f**k the prospective buyers and their business plan. The SFL has lost any integrity it had remaining. I can't believe they've allowed themselves to submit to the wishes of McDougall and Rankine. Those two must be absolutely pishing themselves at how spineless the SFL really are.

    I hope the other clubs screw Livingston with a massive points deduction; 15+ perhaps.

  7. Id be astonished if Ayr were to vote in favour of Livi. Those who have cleaned up BB's legacy would surely be contradicting the measures they had to take years ago to keep ayr united in existance. It'd surely also be a slap in the face to Clyde who have also taken the hit to ensure a club with a future without relying on shysters who for some reason seem to line up to take on Livi.

    As another club who have had severe financial problems in the past, I hope we won't be voting in favour of them either.

    We spent four seasons in division two cleaning up the mess the club was in. In these four years, I think the club has made excellent progress, although I'd have to say that it's still work in progress. Why should Livi be given a free ride when clubs like ourselves, Ayr and Clyde had to take the hit to sort themselves out?

    I might even take the time to write to the club, reminding them of what we went through and urging them to vote against this rule change.

  8. There seems to be a split between Rovers fans speaking to my flatmate about thuis guy, he is a long serving player and captain but theres a few Rovers fans who don't like him, from the games I have seen of the Rovers(granted not many) he has looked decent enough quite composed on the ball etc, whats the problem with him?

    He can't pass, he constantly charges out of position, has a suspect temperament and his marking at set pieces causes me to soil myself. He's also a rather shit captain. The only thing he's good for is running about, which isn't good enough really. Because he's the captain, he's also undroppable and he just doesn't fit into our best 11. This bugs me to no end.

    Last season he was responsible for the throwing away of several goals due to not bothering to mark players. He also received two very petulant red cards (kicking the ball away and trying to punch and Arbroath player after the final whistle).

  9. Why are you guys so defensive about this subject? Would it really hurt you that much if joined the Pars? We 'let' you guys have Simmons and you don't here us greeting about it.

    By all accounts, he was shite though. I wouldn't complain an ounce if he "let" Dunfermline have Iain Davidson.

    But yes, it would hurt me :( </3. It does seem a pretty poor fishing effort, though.

  10. Are they insolvent? Is the definition not that they cannot pay their debts. I would have thought that the jury is out on that, since we don't know what kind of cash or commitments the latest white knights are going to make.

    They are "hopelessly insolvent" according to their administrator - Link (about half way through the article)

    I'd suggest that this is exactly the time. The consequences need to be plainly and clearly laid out well in advance so that the league doesn't leave clubs like Livi wriggle room should they fail to pay their debts in full and so clubs like Clyde don't feel cheated when they try to pay theirs


    Yes, although I'd rather vent my anger at the cheats than have a serious discussion in this thread ;)

  11. Just been on radio scotland Livi have to get 75% of the votes for to get the rule change.

    Airdrie will not be happy Cowden will not be happy so that could be 2 lost votes for starters so its not all over yet.

    Hopefully the clubs will see sense and veto it.

    Have they really? Yeah, there has been a bit of a circus over the past 6 months (or is that the past 3 - 4 years) but, at this point, Livi haven't tried to avoid paying their debts and have promised to fulfill their football commitments for the next season.

    Hopefully the SFL have demanded concrete financial evidence that Rankine and the other fella have the resources to keep these promises and, while I think they would be perfectly entitled to hammer them should they renege on these promises, it'd be a bit premature to punish them just now.

    I also think the SFL should bring in fixed penalties for financial irregularities e.g. 30 point deduction applicable within the current season should a club fail to pay 100% of its debts upon leaving administration and explusion from the league following full insolvency.

    Unfortuanately, if the latest reports are anything to go by, they seem to be looking to create a loophole.


    The club are insolvent and deadlines were given. These deadlines have now passed. The club should be being wound up as we speak.

    I'd also agree that greater financial control is required, although this isn't the time to discuss them.

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