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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. I'm not a new starter (3rd year student), but this seems the most relevant place to ask:

    I've not received confirmation from SAAS that they'll be paying my fees yet. I applied only a couple of days after my brother (who received his confirmation about two weeks ago), yet I've still received nothing.

    Anyone else not received their confirmation yet either?

  2. A couple things to defend Kilt here. Firstly, no-one complained when the same response was used after every savo post by a whole load of posters. Secondly, the lovelorn poster uses more or less the exact same sort of posts, and so by using a simple copy and paste post, kilt is simply doing the same thing, but making even less effort. Therefore, if you want those posts to stop, you would be better served asking BullyWee1878 to stop his repetitive abuse.

    As repetitive and predictable BullyWee1878's posts at Kilt may be, Kilt's been ripped good and proper a few times by him and offered nothing in return. At least throw it back and try and level the score up.

    It doesn't stop it though, does it? Did Burgundy stop attacking yourself after you'd posted '::snigger::' for the 837th time?

  3. :lol:

    That, and the 'ned' comment are the to most common ignorant c**t remarks.

    And eccies.

    i mean both

    Metal = no Dance = yes.

    I can see why both would slag you - you listen to mainstream stuff which they'll likely brand tacky and rubbish. Just slag them off for liking pish music no-one likes! Except the ones who like dance music, of course.

  4. By Vectron, its not a proper ignore unless you announce (preferably in several threads) which posters are to be ignored. Oh, and you should also insult them at the same time, while emphasising that they are on ignore. Otherwise by Vectron, you're not ignoring them properly.

    They're not getting the "pleasure" of knowing they've pissed me off enough for me to put them on ignore, to be honest.

    I'm enjoying the whole fingers in the ears, lalalalalala type thing.

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