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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. Pedantic fucker. In baldy we trust. Don't ruin my Ice Cream buzz!


    Should have shared then! :(

    Is anyone there actually a proven goalscorer in this division?

    Wilson won't score you goals, Williamson will put in a shit load of effort but will get at most 7 goals, Simmons is proven to be awful in this division and even then how many did he score in the second?

    Tade won't get your goals either, the players you've mention arn't even that good going forward so attacking football..nah.

    You will not be an attacking force in this division your best chance is to ty and build from the back, and without Marv your defence just looks much weaker and the chances of getting anyone near as good are slim..

    Relegation is a very real possibility unless McGlyn pulls something out the hat.

    No. The squad is almost entirely unproven and I expect us to be relegated.

  2. I think to get the best from Macro Pelosi we'd have to with 5 at the back. 3 centre backs with Pelosi and Wilson as wing backs.

    Which would only really be an option if we get Marvin back, because as much as I don't like to post negative stuff about our squad, I just don't feel a central defence of Campbell, Ellis and Davidson is strong enough for this division.

    That would make the signings of Smith and Williamson look really pointless, though.

    I agree about the centre-backs though. I think Campbell will cope, though I think Ellis will struggle with a few of the better players. The thought of Davidson playing in the first has been giving me nightmares for two months now, I really don't want to see him played in defence. I'd rather not see him played at all, but he's going to anyway, so he can go in midfield to stop his unique brand of marking costing so many goals.

  3. So, any truth in the rumours on Fantalk about Dougie Hill and Marco Pelosi training with us?

    First of me hearing about Pelosi, but I've certainly heard a few times about Hill. Can anyone shed any light on the Grant Murray rumour that was posted too?

    If Marv doesn't sign, I'd sign Pelosi and put Ellis in the middle. Scott Thomson is past it and Dougie Hill is a Second Division reject. Either signing wouldn't inspire any confidence at all.

    I don't share the same high opinion of Pelosi as some Rovers fans do, but he's the best option out of those three.

  4. To be honest, I'd never have thought mid 30's woman would be interested in guys in their teens, given that girls of around my age have tended to go for older guys. Hell, you'd be lucky to get a mid 20's woman at that age! This maybe isn't quite so prevalent now, but it was up until a year or two ago.

    The oldest girl I've ever pulled was 23, that was when I was 18. The again, she thought I was also in my 20's and was quite shocked when she found out I had only turned 18 a few weeks previously.

  5. As much as i like most of Showtek's stuff, that tune is seriously cringeworthy

    It is rather cliched, I'll admit; but I love the lead.

    It's not yet been seized on by the neds yet in the same way f**k the System was though. It's always amusing when they start banging on about this "nu choon thats lyk amazin, ken?" even though it isn't actually all that new at all.

    Anyway, back on topic: Underworld - Born Slippy

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