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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. Good grief. All this talk of clingyness just makes me glad I'm single.

    On of my mates used to go out with this girl who would text him all day. If he didn't reply within 5 minutes, she'd start phoning him wondering why he hadn't text back. He normally saw her everyday as well.

    I really don't know how he put up with it. If a any girl was as clingy as that with me, I'd have to chuck her.

  2. If we stay down & I still don't get my trip to Kirkcaldy I'm going to be holding you personally responsible for even suggesting it it might happen. B)

    I'll be hoping for cup draws at home to Brechin, saves my neck.

    Christ Michael, I didn't think anyone would need to point out to you that xEuphoria wants some...


    So, erm... ;)


  3. You can say you're awesome & I'll believe you seeing as you're a Raith fan and I do [secretly] quite like them, even though yous rather selfishly got promoted and ruined my trips to Kirkcaldy for next season.


    Brechin did have a chance to join us via the play-offs though ;) . If Brechin don't win promotion next year, there's a good chance a trip to Kirkcaldy will be on the cards again, fear not!

  4. I agree, actually. I think a lot of girls overreact about most things though. One of my mates once started crying in the middle of the street because her boyfriend said he was going to the pub with his mates. I mean full on hysterics. I was mortified on her behalf.

    But aye, I'm the same as you, I tend to get over things quickly, I'd rather not think about it than sit around dwelling on it. :)

    Jeez! that is a bit too far.

    That's the way to go. Dwelling on things isn't going to make them go away, better to accept it and move on. Just always tell yourself it's their loss. It always is, because I'm just so unbelievably awesome B) *

    *In my own mind, when I'm trying to forget about exs, anyway.

  5. I think it depends on how clingy or dependant a person is. I know if i was to split up with my boyfriend he would take it worse than me. Not that i love him any less than he loves me.

    A fair point. In my experience, girls tend to be clingier than guys, but I guess that isn't always the case.

    I tell myself any girl would be gutted to lose me, then I tell myself I could do better than them anyway. That makes me sound like a completely arrogant p***k, but it sure stops me from dwelling over the breakup, which is a good thing.

  6. True that & I do ignore him, it only annoys me that he thinks he annoys me. :ph34r: Female logic at it's best there.

    Without trying to be sexist, it does seem to be that girls are a lot worse at getting brassed off by exs.

    I was pretty gutted when I broke up with my last girlfriend, but I gave it a few days and convinced myself I'm better without her. It worked a treat :)

  7. There never being anyone decent on msn when I'm bored.

    Also, my ex. <_<

    Honestly, exs aren't worth bothering about. They want to get on your nerves, it's best to try and just ignore them. It works well for me anyway, I take the view that they're a lot worse off without me and just laugh at them :)

    Deleting them from Bebo, changing your relationship status to "Seeing someone" and setting your profile to private also results in interesting times.

    Dingying them works a treat though.

    I absolutely do NOT recommend sleeping with one of their pals :ph34r:

    I'd say shagging one of their pals is the best way to annoy them.

  8. This isn't anything bothering me right now, but I really, really hate people who use their laptops in lectures. I'm trying to take notes down and all I can bloody hear is the sound of keys getting presses at turbo speed. It's really annoying. Maybe they think I'm daft for not using my laptop, but I simply can't type fast enough to take stuff down.

    Fucking key thumpers. Hate them <_<

  9. After I sent her a text stating that "I want to have Robert Sloan's babies", she said she'd quite like to come with me to a game some time.

    Anyone who saw me running down the entire length of the South Stand after Sloan's goal will know that this MIGHT not be a great idea.

    I know what you mean.

    I was going to take my ex to the Scotland v Norway game last year. Fortunately, we finished, so I never had to risk making her think I was a maniac. I can get quite wound up at times during the game.

  10. Men.

    The boyfriend knew I was applying for jobs in England, and told me he was fine with it.

    'Oh aye, Newcastle's nice...not too far from Glasgow either... I'd be able to get a transfer through the work...'

    Now I've been offered a job I would kill for in the North of England. And he's thrown a wobbly. He likes his flat, likes Glasgow, would miss his mates, and wouldn't be able to get a transfer so would end up unemployed. In short, he doesn't want to move.

    Well why the f**k didn't you say so earlier? :angry:

    I now have less than 12 hours to decide whether the boyfriend is more important than a fantastic job. Fuxake. :(

    If a girlfriend of mine did this, I'd tell her I was taking the job. If it's one you've almost always dreamed off, she should understand. If she didn't like it, she'd get chucked.

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