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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. I hope Angelo goes round to Almondvale and sets it alight for the insurance money. There is no way Livi should be in business, they treat everyone with contempt and continually cheat, and they get away with it. There should be a boycott by all local businesses against the club. If Cowden & other smaller clubs were in this position , we would have been left to die.

    Funny you mention Almondvale. I wonder what'll happen come the end of the season when there's a nice pile of unpaid rent sitting again? <_<

  2. It was the correct decision at this time.

    Too many teams have went to the wall lately with out any help from some kind of Messiah.

    So what?

    Clubs who rack up debt to unaffordable levels deserve to go bankrupt. They are hopelessly insolvent (quoted from their administrator) and Massone was given a deadline to get out or else the club would be liquidated. He didn't meet this deadline. Why are the SFL bending over backwards to force Massone out and prevent liquidation?

    It's an absolute farce. Livingston have are being allowed to entirely cheat the system at the discretion of the SFL. The whole thing stinks.

  3. If indeed Livi are saved, then the moral of the story is that if you are going to mismanage a football team, wait until just before the season starts to go into administration, spend outwith your means, don't pay your bills, stiff your creditors, and then wait on the administrator blinking first. Then when all that is done, sit back and wait on the spineless idiots at the SFL telling you that it's okay to do all these things, that you'll escape with your league place intact with only the loss of three wins and a draw. Oh, you'll also get to keep your team intact as well.

    An absolute fucking farce, a massive climbdown by the administrator, who thought Massone would blink first when he gave him a deadline, and then extended it when he saw that Massone was not playing his game.

    The SFL have been an incompetent bunch of spineless buffoons throughout the whole escapade. They should have had their ducks in a row long before now. The SFL is a complete joke.

    I couldn't agree more.

    This is a fucking disgrace.

  4. Did Tade Put The Ball in the net? Thought so mate.. Bryce has a better scoring record than tade in pre season and although tade did work hard the night he can't score and we need a goal scorer on saturday if we're gonna go through :huh:

    Williamson didn't find the net tonight, Weir's failed to find the net all pre-season and hasn't looked like doing anything...

    Tadé works better than Weir does, he should be ahead of him in the pecking order atm.

  5. Not around where I was sitting Michael. One guy spent the whole game muttering under his breath about Davo and couldn't wait til he could jump on his back. And yes Ferry & Ellis got it in the neck too, but isn't that in itself a little ridiculous considering the season hasn't even started yet?!

    Seems to me like our boo-boys have been doing some pre-season of their own.

    Oh shite, that could have been me :ph34r: . Can't say I was guilty of shouting at him though, neither were those around me. To me, it seemed like he reacted at almost nothing, hence my criticism of him.

    It is ridiculous, I certainly can't disagree with that.

  6. Not really the best of games tonight in all honesty. The general complaint I'd put forward is the lack of creativity from midfield. We just didn't seem to have any ideas what to do with the ball. Arguably, you could say Killie are a superior side and simply did a good job of nullifying us. Again, our starting strikeforce didn't really look capable of scoring a goal.

    Defensively, I thought we were good on the whole. Grant Murray had another excellent game tonight, I've been very impressed with him so far. Certainly looks to be a good piece of business by McGlynn. Dougie Hill had a pretty good game too, certainly looks like he can do a job for us. Wilson done alright, but Ellis was really poor tonight. I like Ellis as a player, but he's had a few poor games pre-season, which is a pretty big concern.

    The midfield wasn't really at the races tonight. Simmons did well at times, but he isn't a get forward type of midfielder. Ferry and Walker aren't wide players, thus weren't particularly effective. Walker did OK at times, but I thought Ferry was awful. In conjunction with Ellis playing badly, our left-side was rubbish tonight. Davidson continues to frustrate me too, erratic and can't pass. He also had another "shushing" gesture at the fans after a couple of grumbles when he put the ball out of play. If it was a barracking of personal abuse you can understand it; but it was just a couple of grumbles. Poor show. The midfield misses Sloan hugely for the creativity he brings. The set pieces aren't good without him either.

    Upfront, Tadé had a good game but didn't really get any opportunities. Williamson was ok, but I'd rather see him played on the wing. The lack of width showed itself up again today, with both Williamson and Tadé forced to go wide to receive the ball. Bryce took his goal really well when he came on too. Given he's did something which neither Weir, nor Tadé have managed to do thus far, he should start on Saturday IMO. I'd play him with Tadé, both should be able to create chances for each other with their pace and running.

    O'Connor had a pretty good game tonight as well, btw. Had no chance with the goal, but dealt with what came at him and had a few pretty good saves.

  7. I feel significantly let down...mind you I get the feeling that this will probably be a familiar feeling throughout the season if our strikers maintain their recent form of bursting past defenders and proceed to leather the ball into the stand.

    That's actually implying Weir has actually done something of note!

    Do you think 36 cleen sheets and a goal difference of 0 would keep us up?

  8. Fair enough.

    It's curious, though. Without the fans and staff, what actually is "the club"? Angelo Massone and a League membership? I'd join you in saying I don't feel sorry for him at all should he do as appears likely.

    I'd use "the club" to describe the business side of things, the employer if you like. The fans are those that keep it running by putting in money as consumers.

  9. I didn't mean that.

    Do you feel sorry for Livingston fans? When you said, "why should football supporters feel sorry for Livingston?" I took that to include the club's support. Human decency generally kicks in to feel sorry for someone who looses something the love. You compared Livi to a company going bust, say ASDA, for example, which doesn't have a support to feel sorry for.

    I was on about non-Livingston fans.

    I feel sorry for the fans, but not the club. It's a pity that Livi fans are being punished for boardroom failings, but for me anyway, it's no different to people being dumped on the dole due to their company making a mess of things. Additionally, with a company going bust, I generally feel sorry for the workers, but not the firm. It's a shame people have to suffer because of incompetence from others. Obviously we see things differently.

  10. Well you certainly have milked the sympathy for years about the trio we bought! If we did not buy them perhaps this fate would have met you then & we would not have to listen to your persistant bubbling about it! :angry:

    Maybe you'll find the "persistent bubbling" is actually directed at those who put us in that mess and not the sale itself.

    Our club took it's warning from it's poor financial situation. Maybe if Livi had done the same this wouldn't have happened <_<

  11. For a moment there I felt anger reading your shite, but I actually feel sorry for you. As a football supporter you're the lowest of the low.

    Why should football supporters be expected to feel sorry for Livingston? Should the general public feel sorry when a company goes bust for financial mismanagement? I don't want to see the club go to the wall, but quite frankly; clubs who take risks and bury up piles of debt deserve to go bust. Spending money you don't have is also effectively cheating.

    It's harsh that the fans have to lose their club because of boardroom mismanagement, but teams really have to learn to live within their means.

  12. The powers that be?

    The bloke that owns the club is taking no responsibility for what he has done to the club,and he was/is taking no help from anyone to try and save the club. So why should the powers that be help them out when he is sitting on his fat arse doing bugger all to help. :rolleyes:

    It's a pity that Livingston fans (look likely to) have to lose their club because it's been poorly managed by the board. It's not really any different from a company going bust though, I don't see calls from all over for the government to prop them up.

    The only fault of the SFA is a failure to impose stricter financial responsibilities on clubs. Clubs that rack up debt are effectively cheating by spending money they don't have. Frankly, clubs who spend to the brink of danger deserve to go bust. I'm not saying I want them to go bust, but these are the risks that are being taken.

    That's Airdrieonians, Gretna and now probably Livingston. How many warnings are needed?

  13. The problem is this:

    Tadé is a decent enough player until he's infront of goal. He can create chances, but has no confidence infront of goal. He'd be a good player if he had a goalscorer alongside him. Sadly, he has Graham Weir who's notoriety for not scoring is well noted.

    Weir was a decent enough player last year at drawing out defenders and holding up the ball. I've been very unimpressed with him in pre-season, though. I haven't even seen him take a shot. We don't expect Weir to score, although this is no good when he has Tadé alongside him, given he can't score either.

    Basically, a strike pairing of Weir and Tadé isn't going to work in a million years. We need this loanee in ASAP and we need him to be a goalscorer. If he isn't, we're fucked. As a moot point, I'd drop Weir before Tadé. Tadé is faster, stronger and actually looks like he might do something (until he's 20 yards from goal). Weir has just looked like contributing nothing so far.

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