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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. To be honest, I don't mind bumping into people I was at school with. Most of them do seem to be genuinely interested in what I'm doing these days, without trying to act like their my best friend or anything. If I don't want to talk to them, I make my excuses and leave.

    That said, I do get a good laugh when I see people who were complete wankers doing absolutely nothing of note.

  2. Think yourself lucky. My mate isn't allowed to go to Hampden for the second last game of the season. Not that she's asked him not to go but she's told him he can't go.

    I of course laughed heartily at this.

    I made it clear to my ex that going to the football was not up for negotiation. She was fine with that, me going to the football never bothered her. I'll hold my hands up to missing one game to see her though, that was the 5-1 home defeat to P'heid which was a meaningless game anyway. I finished with her that day :lol:

    "You wanted to do lunch? Here's some stovies."

    "This isn't what I had in mind....humph...men!"

  3. I was living with my girl(Now wife)and i came home pished as a fart from a Scotland game :P She asked me if i got like this most Scotland games and of course i said yes.

    She said excellent can i come next time :lol:

    Your a lucky man, she obviously understands what football means to a guy.

    I'd like to have seen my ex's face if I'd taken her along to Stark's Park with me. She'd be wondering what the hell was going on.

    To be honest, I'm pretty sure taking the poor girl along to a Raith game would have been rather cruel anyway.

  4. I'd never contemplate taking any girlfriend of mine to the football either. Well, unless she happened to be a Rovers fan and had been going to games for some time. This is, alas, unlikely.

    Asides from the fact I wouldn't want her thinking I was some kind of shouting lunatic, I'd see the football as an opportunity to get away from her for a wee while.

    Add my name to the list of those that are usually calm, but get wound up at the football sometimes a lot.

  5. I had a conversation about this with a mate at work who is from Cameroon. We both came to the conclusion that the reason is that there just aren't that many black people in scotland. The number is definitely increasing and I think in about 10-15 years there will probably be at least a couple of black players in the scotland team. IMHO this will be a very good development. Scotland really lack both pace and power and black players (not all i might add) tend to have more of both (yes I know that is a bit of a generalisation but it's also fairly accurate).

    Yep, I'd go with that.

  6. Ok, clubs going bankrupt isn't something you want to see, but clubs need to realise that they must control their finances better. They are not infallible, they can go bust like any other company out there can.

    The sooner clubs are run within their means the better. I'd be all in favour of using a system to stop clubs living without their means. For one, it's using money they don't have - technically cheating. Secondly, look at the shit it's put some of them in because they can't afford to pay it back. They can't afford it now, and they're unlikely to ever be able to pay it back.

  7. I don't drive. Unlike some...

    No trains? :(

    You two better bring notes to explain your absence and hand them in at the club office next home game or I'm telling John McGlynn on ye's.

    Dear Mr McGlynn,

    I'd like to offer you my sincere apologies for my absence at the recent fixture with Queens Park. As you may, or may not be aware, I have recently had to deal with a particularly challenging, yet boring piece of coursework for uni. As a result, me and my friends arranged a night out, where I made the disgusting error of forgetting to check the fixture list before confirming my attendance. As a result of not wanting to let the team (no pun intended) down, I have no choice but to go and get utterly pished.

    Apologies, and I hope to drink to a Raith victory when my brother texts me the score.

    Yours apologetically,

    Michael W

    P.S If Raith lose and I'm found KO'd in a gutter, I'm holding you and Raith Rovers FC personally responsible.

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