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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. Michael you don't genuinely believe that I'm jealous of what Raith and East Fife have? Please, you are a very deluded little man.

    Well it does always seem to be The Queens fans complaining about it. Why is this? are Queens fans annoyed they don't have a derby match of their own to look forward to, or are they all just generally a moany bunch? :rolleyes: . I did not suggest you were jealous, merely you were annoyed.

    FWIW, you'll find that this delusional "Fife nonsense" does not spill over the whole forum, it is kept confined to Raith or East Fife topics, if there is indeed any nonsense.

  2. Fife, more specifically East Fife and Raith Rovers.

    I Hate them.

    If Queens got relegated I'd be delighted to get out of the bloody second division forum. Complete garbage.

    Well don't read Raith or East Fife topics then you moaning c**t. No-one's forcing you to.

    Always the QP fans greeting about it, you're just pissed that QP don't have a derby game in this league.

  3. Might just be the environment that I grew up in but I can remember each and every one of my pals being in such a buckled state that they were incapable of slurring their own name, myself included.

    All part of the learning process I reckon. Although it wont seem like that at the time to a parent.

    I think Parents know it's probably going to happen, although want to do everything they can to stop their kid having a bad a time of it as they did. I'll be doing my best to ensure no kid of mine gets into the kind of state I was in that night.

    Not being a parent myself, I don't really know if th above view is accurate or not.

  4. :lol: My lesson was that drinking a bottle and a half of white lighting will lead to being sick, losing £30, making an arse of yourself by telling people you love them then vicious false rumours that you walked home naked being spread around school by two mates! The rumours are amusing, the rest is fucking cringeworthy. :lol::(

    Could have been a hell of a lot worse I guess.

    I'm sure one of my mates still has a picture of my blood stained shirt from that night. I want to get hold of it and show it to my kids when I have them, show them the dangers drink can land you in.

    I regret that night, god knows how much I had, most of it was straight vodka as well, what an idiot I was. I've never done it again though, that's one lesson I've certainly learned from.

  5. I got a call from my ex wife tonight telling me that my son was up in Falkirk and was very very drunk,I went up to take him home and he couldn't even walk.I hope he has a very bad hangover tomorrow and suffers.

    I've had a similar situation before, only I ended up worse off.

    I ended up getting absolutely hammered, the last thing I can remember is walking then I was being dragged up the road by my mates with my shirt covered in blood. I had no idea what had happened, I had to be filled in about it all the next day, turns out we got jumped and I got a bit of a kick in.

    Anyway, my dad picked me up and I had to go to hospital for scans and stitches, I got home at the back of six in the morning.

    I felt shit. I wasn't hungover, but I knew I'd let my parents down badly and put them through hell ending up like I did. I still feel ashamed of myself that night to this day. I should never have drank so much in the first place and I paid a huge price for it.

    I will never, ever do that again.

  6. Everytime you went from off to on with her you were repeating your mistake ;)

    Ah well, your only human, but I would recommend a total clean break, none off this let's be friends pish. Put some distance between you and her and get shagging someone else.

    I know, I seemed to think time would sort it all back out whilst knowing deep down it wouldn't.

    We won't be friends, I spent half of last night arguing with her. It's for the best really that I have nothing to do with her.

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