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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. Weir was much, much shiter today than Tadé was, though Tadé is more a hinderance than a help when he is in the box.

    I've been very unimpressed with Weir pre-season, he needs a boot up the arse ASAP. I know he isn't much of a goalscorer, but he hasn't even had a shot in the three games I've seen him.

    As I keep saying, Tadé is a decent player until he's infront of goal. Sadly, when he's not playing alongside someone who has an ounce of composure, this cause us huge problems and also makes him pretty useless too.

  2. watched the highlights of the hibs game and davo lost possession on quite a few occassions, anyone care to comment or was this pressure on the lad

    It's his lack of ability being highlighted. I've said for a long time he isn't good enough, McGlynn seems to disagree with me, though.

    Gutted Sloan's out for a while. I know we've plenty of midfielders, but I see Sloan as a player who should be starting for us. Injuries are something we could really be doing without too, given the small squad.

  3. You aint upset me at all pal.

    Hey i changed my opinion as many others have done. ;)

    When i said we would be relegated we had not even a full squad then. Now we have a smallish but quite strong squad and one that will fare far better than many suspect.

    We will be ok this year and i suggest its other teams that should worry about us, not us about them. :rolleyes: B)

    We've nothing to fear - teams expect to beat us. I don't know how it'll all pan out, really. What I've seen so far is encouraging, yet pre-season friendlies are notoriously poor indicators. Just for the sake of an example - we beat Bradford under Anelka. We then lost to Albion bloody Rovers! To rub it in, the fattest b*****d I've ever seen on a football pitch scored that day, painful.

    My main concerns are with the fact that our strikers couldn't hit a barn door and the size of the squad. Hopefully this loan signing will help settle the first. As for the second, I just hope we can stay pretty much injury free.

    RE the striker scenario - I'd personally drop Weir ahead of Tade at the moment. Neither of them have looked like scoring, but Weir has contributed a lot less than Tade has. In fact, I'm not actually sure Weir has managed to register a shot in the 3 games I've seen.

  4. I think we managed to cope pretty well with Hibs today, which is encouraging. A nice wee move for the goal as well. I really hope Williamson can carry this goalscoring form into the season.

    Individually, I was pretty impressed with Grant Murray today. Done a good job of nullifying the hibs attack and made a few good challenges. Graeme Weir played better today too, held the ball up pretty well at times.

    Tade was on crutches at half time, I hope that was only precautionary. We really don't want to be going into the season with injuries, particularly in a department where we ware already short.

  5. Tade way out of his depth today apparently. Maybe he just has to settle as a winger.

    I disagree on what I've seen of him. So far, he's completely faded out of the game when put on the wing. Similarly, Williamson has done nothing when put up front. He seems to be having a bit of success on the wing so far. I hope it continues into the season.

    Two-year deal for Tade. Hope he finds some form soon <_<

  6. He's more than that I think. Ferry possesses more composure to stick the ball in the net than Tade and Williamson do!

    Thinking back to his goals last season, he's best utilised as an attacking midfielder arriving late into the box. I know the central midfield berths are taken up and Smith will be wide left thus limiting his chances in the team, but i'm convinced he is best in centre mid - he's just hardly given a chance there. Even wide right is a position we should try him in.

    I wouldn't put him wide right in all honesty, he lacks the pace to play there. Ferry's best position is without doubt in the centre of midfield. He's got Simmons, Sloan (when fit) and Davidson ahead of him, so his chances of playing there are pretty slim.

    He slotted in well at LB when required last season. That said, I wouldn't fancy him there against the better players in this league. He isn't left-footed either, so I do worry if he's put under pressure with the ball on his left foot - anything can happen. I also believe Darren Smith can play there; as can Grant Murray going on what McGlynn's done when he's brought Dougie Hill on. I do wonder if he plans on dropping Ellis at LB and playing Murray there?

    Maybe we should threaten Tade and Weir with him. Score goals, or Ferry's in and you're benched.

    He'll be found out as a left back this season on the ground - if played there - though I will concede his clearing headers are invaluable in that position.

    I agree.

    The problem McGlyn has in signing players that can play in various positions, is that finding the best team formation is going to be a riddle he might not solve in time.

    It is possible. In the small squad, it does make sense to have players that can play elsewhere, though. If we didn't have the flexibility, a few injuries would be seriously damaging to us.

    Sadly, I think the most we have to fear from McGlynn's system is the constant selection of Davidson. It's a selection which is damaging to the team, we have better players who should be playing instead. Make Mark Campbell the captain and drop him for goodness sake!

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