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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. I wouldnt be going back to Dundee tho. :P

    If he aint finishing till silly o'clock then Its Casino and early bus home in the morning. :lol:

    Fair do's.

    Casino whilst pished doesn't sit well with me though!

  2. Im wanting to go but getting back may be a pain in the arse. Time would you think it will finish?

    I'd say you've no chance of getting a train from Glasgow to Edinburgh, never mind a connecting train to Dundee. Bear in mind there will be support acts as well, and that Deadmau5 probably won't be on until about 12/1AM. That's generally the way an event like this goes. It's a nightclub, remember; it's not like going to see Glasvegas at the Carling Academy. If you're serious about it, you'll need a hotel. Either that, or you can wander around Glasgow city centre and get the first train back.

    Or...get about 15-20 of your mates to go and hire a bus.

  3. The Scottish Conservative & Unionist party were at our freshers fair. Strangely, I didn't see any Socialist Societies trying to gain members. I'd have thought it would be the other way around. It's not really surprising students tend to fall to the left of the spectrum, quite a few are utter p***ks that expect everything to be provided for them. A few always moan about having to pay for print-outs. Diddums, eh? Maybe if they lived a couple of hundred miles to the South they'd have a few valid complaints about cost...

    On the other hand, I remember some nutter deciding to email all law Society members about a night out that was planned. She was complaining that the bar they were going to was owned by the israeli government, and that due to the conflict with Palestine, we should boycott :lol: . That'd really put the shiters up Israel, that would. Even worse, the organisers actually changed the venue if I remember correctly. I didn't really care either way, I went to Cav instead.

    The same student was also dragged off campus by security a couple of weeks later. She'd been handing out pro-Palestine propaganda and eventually began to badger people. After repeatedly being asked to leave and refusing, she was dragged off.

    Edit: And no, I didn't join the Scottish Conservative & Unionist party, before anyone starts!

  4. Greedy.

    I knew someone would say that, thanks for not disappointing :P . I feel obliged to make it clear that I don't go for both, my petty nag is men moaning about woman and woman moaning about men .

    I think the situation can be summed up like this:

    Men - Woman are hellish. They take exception to petty things; remember trivial little things; PMS; will say they aren't bothered about you going out with your mates, but you know fine they are bothered about it and they show they're bothered, even if they won't admit it.

    Woman - On second thoughts, I'm not actually sure what it is we do that annoy them. I'll go with 'Men are c***s'.

  5. River Island's application form is just silly. "Why are you interested in working in River Island?" Like any 16 can actually write, "I feel i'll bring lots to the company" and mean it.


    "The 70% discount for uniform sounds fucking ace"

    Anyway, my nag for the day:

    Having done my ankle in playing football over a week ago, I proceeded to go over it yesterday whilst taking in a delivery at my work. It's bloody sore again <_< . I'd forgotten just how easy it is to do in your ankle when it hasn't fully recovered.

  6. I'm not a new starter (3rd year student), but this seems the most relevant place to ask:

    I've not received confirmation from SAAS that they'll be paying my fees yet. I applied only a couple of days after my brother (who received his confirmation about two weeks ago), yet I've still received nothing.

    Anyone else not received their confirmation yet either?

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