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Michael W

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Posts posted by Michael W

  1. I tried replying to the post about logic gates, but it failed for some reason, no idea why. Anyway...

    I actually quite liked logic gates when I did Tech. Studies at school. I got the hang of them pretty easily, although the NAND equivalents did throw me off a bit!

    My own PTTGOYN - I can't get focused on revision just now and my first exam is a week tomorrow.

  2. I looked back at a few of the pages, but shat out of the rest of it. I know I was seriously unimpressed when we signed Tadé, although I was half right in one sense; he isn't a striker.

    I also remember being unimpressed when we were linked with Dougie Hill, though I seem to recall admitting I'd been unfair having seen him in the Airdrie friendly and being quite impressed with his performance.

    I think it all really boils down to the fact I'd never been impressed with either of those players when they'd played against us.

  3. I'm completely fucked off with uni right now.

    It's coursework time so that's to be expected, but I also think I've made a bit of an arse of one of my essays. Hopefully I'll scrape a semi-decent mark, but I'm not feeling good about it at the moment. If I can't, then I've a lot of making up to do in the exam which is never a good thing.

    The exam timetable got announced today too - 3 exams in 4 days. Fucking braw.

  4. I'm just back in from playing 7-a-side. What an utterly, utterly shite game it was.

    We had supposed adults moaning and refusing to go in when it was their turn to go in goals. Absolutely ridiculous. None of us wanted to go in, so we agreed we'd take shot about after every goal. After I'd went in, we then ended up with people just not bothering. Naturally, this pissed me and the rest who'd bothered to go in goals right off. We eventually ended up changing the teams because of this shambles.

    Childish wankers.

  5. Well, the good news is that what little I could see of the pitch (the covers were down over most of it) looked fine when I passed the ground in the train today.

    The bad news, is that it's snowing again mad.gif . I can only hope we don't get a big freeze overnight, otherwise it's safe to say that the game will be off. That would just be typical, and would also reduce the gate receipts on account of refunds quite significantly. Even if the pitch is playable, we'll still have Fife Police's nanny state squad to contend with.

  6. Chris may have dabbled in illegal drugs from time to time but a full litre of vodka was unheard of. Seems like this DarkBlue62 character's taking this level of mentalness to a new level. I'd stay well clear from your posts as they could have a very bad influence. Women and young children read this you know. mad.gif

    Anyway, I saw the hottest milf in the world this morning and she smiled at me. Sounds pathetic but it were amazing at t'time.

    Being exposed to this kind of behavior concerns me. I really fear for the futures of the impressionable younger posters on here. No doubt they'll be regaling us tales of them lying in a gutter covered in spew, gibbering rubbish to passers by next weekend. I'm old enough to know better, but think of the children. sad.gif

  7. And rightly so. He'd likely have been on decent wages and only played a handful of times.

    No ta.

    Yep, sums it up for me. McGlynn's comments in the FFP were actually quite good. It's nice to see he's realistic about our finances, as he spoke of not being prepared to damage the club for the sake of having cover. He was also correct that having players return from injury negates the need to keep Gathuessi. As I said at the time, he was a good player for us to have, but not really one whom was completely necessary. McGlynn also seems to suggest that our month of inaction didn't help the situation.

    As for Amaya, I think it's very important that we keep him. He's looked a good player from what (admittedly little) I've seen from him. We can certainly do with him when Kevin Smith returns to Dundee United, that's for sure. Hopefully he'll sign.

  8. I didn't even have to think twice. I knew I was going as soon as the FT whistle went last night.... even though I don't really want to sad.gif

    Finances kinda dictate that it might not be sensible for me to go. The times on the other hand, are set up perfectly for me to get out, drive to Airdrie, get a bite to eat and go to the game.

    I think I've managed to ease my mind closer to the 'no', as I've got two tutorials to do for Thursday, and I'd have no time to do them if I went. however, part of me still says 'f**k it, just wing the tutorials'.

  9. I've got a lecture at 4-6pm tomorrow. I dislike this lecture slot quite a bit. Though it means I can lie in my bed until 1 without missing it, it means that I generally can't be bothered doing anything when I get home. Petty, yes, but I do like to moan about insignificant things.

    Unfortunately, we also have a cup replay tomorrow, and I'm getting a strong urge to take the car and go to Airdrie after my lecture. I really, really don't want to go, but it's playing on mind.

  10. I used to get a fair bit of the old "aw, what you daen?" or "hae a proper drink" if I had a bottle of water towards the end of the night. It was only to rehydrate me, or sober a bit and I couldn't really understand what was wrong with that.

    I got my own back earlier last year when one of the guys who'd previously slated me for having a bottle of water was sitting with one after I returned from the bar. He was absolutely wasted and was trying to sober up. I'd have done the same in that position, but I thought I'd reciprocate what he said to me in that situation, and told him he was a pussy. He took the slagging quite well, in fairness.

    Edit: It's only been 2010 for nearly a month. Oops.

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