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Michael W

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Everything posted by Michael W

  1. Purposely picking fights seemed to dispose of my ex. I ended up blocking her on MSN and was generally a p***k to her if she text me. Maybe that's harsh, but sometimes drastic measures need to be taken.
  2. I intended to get some revision done when I got in from work. I'm a tad tired and can't be fucked with it now. I'm also working at 7 tomorrow and can't be bothered with that either. It'll be the same scenario tomorrow, probably
  3. Pishing it down with rain, AGAIN! Fuxake, when did the monsoon season hit the UK?
  4. Do you drive with no hands on the wheel? It's a car, not a bicycle.
  5. I'm just glad Kilmarnock fans etc, don't provide geographical reference.
  6. This isn't anything bothering me right now, but I really, really hate people who use their laptops in lectures. I'm trying to take notes down and all I can bloody hear is the sound of keys getting presses at turbo speed. It's really annoying. Maybe they think I'm daft for not using my laptop, but I simply can't type fast enough to take stuff down. Fucking key thumpers. Hate them
  7. I know what you mean. I was going to take my ex to the Scotland v Norway game last year. Fortunately, we finished, so I never had to risk making her think I was a maniac. I can get quite wound up at times during the game.
  8. If a girlfriend of mine did this, I'd tell her I was taking the job. If it's one you've almost always dreamed off, she should understand. If she didn't like it, she'd get chucked.
  9. Two weeks of laziness ends tomorrow - back to uni, with exams just around the corner.
  10. To be honest, I don't mind bumping into people I was at school with. Most of them do seem to be genuinely interested in what I'm doing these days, without trying to act like their my best friend or anything. If I don't want to talk to them, I make my excuses and leave. That said, I do get a good laugh when I see people who were complete wankers doing absolutely nothing of note.
  11. I feel crap Went to bed at around half 12, took some anadin for a splitting headache I had. Fast forward an hour an a half, I'm awake sweating like mad. Nightmare. I only got up in the hope I'll spew up, feel better then can go back to sleep. I'm bloody wide awake now
  12. I made it clear to my ex that going to the football was not up for negotiation. She was fine with that, me going to the football never bothered her. I'll hold my hands up to missing one game to see her though, that was the 5-1 home defeat to P'heid which was a meaningless game anyway. I finished with her that day "This isn't what I had in mind....humph...men!"
  13. Bass D and Matthew King - Like a Dream (Darwin Remix)
  14. Raith Rovers fans aged 24 and above seem to suffer from long standing (no pun intended) leg problems. 4 years, 1 month and 15 days and I'm fucked too
  15. Although I seem to be getting some fitness back due to playing football, I can already feel my legs seizing up. Tomorrow is going to be painful.
  16. Mates are going out in Edinburgh tonight, I can't go because I'm a little skint. The tables will be turned when I'm over there next Sunday and they have work on Monday morning though B)
  17. £30 on: Holland -1 evs and England 2/7 paid back £77 and a few pence.
  18. The RoI done me for £40. Thanks Kevin Kilbane, you fucking w****r. collected £77 today, but it could have been more.
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