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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. You’d be in a shoe in for the vacant physiotherapist position with that diagnosis.
  2. After a quick look at Nathan Flanagan’s twitter I’m quite happy we’re not signing him, tbqhwy.
  3. I also think Milne will do really well. Scores goals, links the play and could be the elusive attacking, creative midfielder we’re after. Or we could shoehorn him in at left mid.
  4. Wooft, that’s unexpected. I don’t think we ever really got to see the best of Lennox, such was his luck with injuries. Out for a huge amount of time with an injury (what it was specifically escapes me), and then broke his jaw in a collision in a reserve game during his comeback which put him out for another long spell. Came back into the side when Graeme Smith was dropped and looked very shaky and was directly at fault for more than a few goals and then get injured again at the tail end of the season. I assume he’s going to be a back up and not first choice? Don’t expect to get any more than 10-15 games out of him in a row. Nice guy, though.
  5. I always liked Milne at Cowdenbeath, I seem to remember him scoring a beauty against us at Central Park - perhaps a late consolation? I think him and Gillespie would be a good central pairing. I’m currently out the country and I haven’t heard anything about him signing but that’s not to say it isn’t happening. I’d be happy enough if it were true.
  6. Given we’ve already signed Robbie Thomson, I can’t imagine we’re going to sign Ferrie to be first choice.
  7. One of the biggest disappointments of last season was Court not getting pretty much any game time. I think if he’s been given a run in the team he’d have been effective - certainly more so than Buchanan and Spence. As it was, he was flung on with ten to go and we were chasing the game, hardly the type of match environment where he could make a sustained impact. Good luck to him at East Fife.
  8. Loy would be good, aye, but unsure if signing our 4th player who’s only position is centre forward in a squad of 16 is the best of ideas.
  9. I’m torn between the Bobby Barr of last season and the Bobby Barr who spoke so well on the Pele Podcast. I don’t like him but kind of still do.
  10. Ross Forbes been released by Morton. I mind him being absolutely dynamite a few years back, scoring about 15 goals and setting up loads, too. No idea what he’s been like the past few seasons but hopefully we’re casting our eye over him given our dearth of midfielders.
  11. I get the feeling the name of the second, as yet unnamed, striker who we are discussing terms with will do a bit more to lift spirits on here.
  12. Must’ve grown a new, full sized heart since the last time he played for us.
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