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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Absolutely no doubt about it in my eyes. There was a bit discussion about it on the Ayr v Stranraer game thread but the only ones who thought it wasn’t a red were a handful or Ayr fans. He glances up to see where his opponents is before the ball comes down, he then jumps a good yard past where the ball would land and catches the Stranraer defender flush in the face with the elbow. Definitely meant it, don’t think there’ll be any way to explain it away.
  2. Shankland’s appeal hearing being held on Thursday, apparently. Not a chance they’ll win the appeal, hopefully he gets another game added on top for their cheek.
  3. Is the East Fife fan in the cowardly clique? What about the couple of Ayr fans that called you a moron? Perhaps it’s just that you’ve said something (again) which easily identifies you as a puddle drinker?
  4. That’s maybe the single worst analogy I’ve ever read. Even by your standards, that was impressive.
  5. Aye, but that wasn’t the case today. We won at a canter.
  6. Hamburg via Rangers and we’ll get not a bean. Incredible.
  7. I’m pretty sure that wee fucking charlatan Chris Johnson got farmed out to Peterhead in January. He’ll be at Linlithgow if he’s lucky next year.
  8. You should probably delete that bit about McHattie, libellous and pretty out of order.
  9. If we just played Buchanan or Spence with Lewis Vaughan up front I’m sure they would’ve both been a shit load better than playing together. To think they were going to do well together is a tactical own goal.
  10. Maybe we could save money on sacking managers by not giving unproven shit the beds 2 year deals.
  11. Spence and Buchanan signed up for next season though, that should give us the fire power needed to shoot our way to the... Oh wait.
  12. Here’s the thing - John Sim is a self made global financial millionaire and he thinks it’s a good idea. I’m pretty confident in standing behind him rather than some back of a fag packet maths conjured up by a guy on the spot on a football forum.
  13. Agree that the Hendry/Vaughan and McKay/Robertson issues have been the two biggest failures of Smith’s tenure, though he’s not the first Rovers manager to favour experience over youth. I can only presume that when Hendry first arrived Smith didn’t deem him fit enough to play and it took him that long to get to the required standard as his quality is evident.
  14. Voted Davidson. Only player who’s really put together a string of consistently good performances. Also been a phenomenal servant to the club, it seems fitting for him to win it. I was one who was fairly disappointed he was staying at the end of last season but he’s absolutely strolled League 1. Edited to add: Vaughan’s early season form was as good as I’ve seen at Stark’s. It’s a real shame that he was forced to drop back and fill gaps in midfield. If he’d played up front for the whole season he could’ve been phenomenal.
  15. Fair play to the 200 club. A seriously good donation at a critical time from a shower of thoroughly good c***s. Well done.
  16. It’s a classic older person thing to say. I hear it in pubs every time I’m in Kirkcaldy. Zero basis or logic to it.
  17. Three wins in the last ten games - unacceptable for a team looking to return to the Championship at the first attempt. I made a lot of noise in the heat of the moment last night about how we should dispense of Smith, but i've woken up and feel exactly the same. Many will point to us being unable to afford to sack him - a point I understand - but there was a figure of £350,000 quoted as the amount of income we are down by being in this division compared to the Championship. Can we afford that for another season? If we stay down we should absolutely go back to part time, it's clear there's barely any playing advantage to be had anyway.
  18. Admittedly I’ve probably only seen about 20% of our games this season, but the last time I enjoyed a game was the 5-0 win at Hampden earlier in the season. We’ve been fucking abject for months and folk have rightly had enough. The last month has been a particular shitfest. Hard to see us winning the league now, and for me that’s the end of the line for Barry Smith; no confidence in him being able to guide us through the play offs and it’ll be another season in this league with dwindling crowds and even greater apathy. Yay.
  19. “No doubt you’ll see that differently”. What? As in with facts to back up his statements as opposed to wild stabs in the dark and crazy claims put down to “opinion”?
  20. Albion Rovers seem to be an entirely different outfit whenever they play us compared to literally every other team in the league. That East Fife side are complete toilet. Failing to win the league when in direct competition with an Ayr team who have failed to win any league they’ve been in for over two decades is just about the most Raith Rovers thing I can think of.
  21. An unofficial, in no way connected to the club, forum where you can’t swear or tell someone they’re a fud. It’s full of people who think, “it’s ma opinyun!!!!!” is a valid retort to what they’re saying being called out as nonsense.
  22. Which thread? I don’t fancy scrolling through that place to find it.
  23. The signing of Willis Furtado really seems to have swung the momentum of the season back in our favour. The difference in having him up front instead of Spence is absolutely massive. That’s not to say that I don’t think Spence has done OK - he has - but the physicality of Willis has definitely made us a far more menacing attacking prospect. Obviously he’s scored a few goals so he’s clearly dangerous, but the thing i’ve been most impressed with is how the ball sticks when it’s played up to him. He’s got a great touch and the strength to hold off defenders which means we can get far higher up the pitch and the midfielders beyond the strikers, as shown in Herron’s first goal against Albion Rovers. His anticipation of the second ball also helps us keep pressure on the opposition high up the pitch, generally forcing mistakes which have led to goals. He’s made a big difference to the way we play. Really strange situation to have Buchanan and Spence, who were so prolific in this league just last season, probably not part of our current best XI.
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