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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. It's harder for some people to lose body fat, it depends on your body type.
  2. I'm so bloody ill. It's awful. I very, very rarely get ill, but my girlfriend stayed at mines Sunday night and she had a bit of a sniff, and I think she's passed it on to me. I'm aching all over my body, was sick last night, have got the runs, a blocked but runny nose, sore ears.. the works. It's fucking horrendous. I'm now into my final few weeks at college and could really do without this.
  3. Got my graded unit exam tomorrow. I need to a B to get into Criminology at Napier.
  4. Mega disappointed to be losing Wilson. He's been our best right back since.... I don't even know who. Campbell has been out of form, but remember how awesome he was when he was in form? Absolutely unstoppable. A genuine goal threat as well. All the best to all the players leaving. Every single one of them gave their all for us this season, and we came very close to achieving something spectacular. On my count we have 10 first team players retained for next season. A few youths will perhaps come through and appear more on the bench this year due to the cost-cutting. I don't think we'll see more then four new faces over the summer, with one most likely being a loan signing.
  5. Kirk is out of contract, but will also be on over a grand a week.
  6. That was mainly down to McGlynn being told the job was his, and Dundee Utd changing their mind at the last minute.
  7. Not tghe only person I know to have mentioned this, although they didn't specify which player.
  8. I also beat Brewster to a header at one point In all seriousness though, Brewster was still absolutely brilliant. He just seems to find so much time for himself.
  9. I was thinking after the game - that couldn't have went any better today. Sitting in the changing room before the game, and Paul Smith throws me the armband and tells me to lead them out, then go out and have an amazing time playing. Then score an absolute screamer, the game finishes in a high scoring draw, then I score a penalty in the shoot out and we win overall. A truly tremendous day, I still can't get the grin off my puss.
  10. Away and watch Barcelona then. This season has been the most exciting I can recall, and folk still moan. Fucking unbelievable.
  11. I'm just looking through the pictures from the POTY night at DV8 on Saturday night, Allan Walker is in a few absolute belters, including one with some random bird grabbing his nuts. I was talking to my neebur who was there, and he was saying that him and his pals bought Walker a shot each, then Walker gave them a £20 a note and told them to go and spend the lot on more. He sounds like a good lad.
  12. That's not what you said. You said that there should be a highlights package, which there already is. Plus, it isn't up to the BBC to promote SFL.
  13. What would be the point in spending money on something that already exists?
  14. I better get my finger out my arse, but there's apparently no more concession tickets
  15. I've fired off an email to Soccer AM letting them know about us picking up on their gags, and our intention to go to EEP dressed as Ravers, we'll see if they read it out next week.
  16. If that's not a rallying call, i dunno what is. If we're gonnae do it, this is the season. KAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!
  17. This thread has taken a turn for the worst... What a load of absolute fucking shite.
  18. Any thought of the players having been told not to try is absolutely ridiculous, and should be immediately rubbished.
  19. That's the only thing stopping me to be honest... A change of clothes would definitely be required.
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