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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Jesus. The last page and a bit has been an utter shit c**t eye bleeding disaster f**k.
  2. Clarke is relatively sharp I thought... Either way, good signing. Very impressed with Mr McGlynn's signings so far.
  3. Looks as though we'll be getting Dumbarton joining us next season. Prefer them to Airdrie, obviously. Good to see Dargo doing well, too. Hopefully they can finish the job in the second half.
  4. I'm glad McGurn and Ellis have re signed, but Hill is a strange one. He's too prone to diving in at the wrong times for my liking. That, and his tendancy to get caught miles out of position leaves me feeling positively uneasy with him at centre half.
  5. I think we'll see a lot more of Ross Callachan next season. Hopefully anyway, he's an excellent central midfielder.
  6. It's a strange notion to think that Davidson and Baird would be our only full time players, especially when you consider that the youth system is apparently under review. Who will these guys train with through the day if there is no full time 19s and no other full time players?
  7. It sounds very like The Acorn, and it wouldn't surprise me. I wouldn't usually do this, but since you were so vehemenently trying to hide which club you attend, I'd like to bring it to everyone's attention that it's Kitty's. The biggest shithole club of them all. Horrific music, c**t clientele, dear drinks and entry fee, it has it all.
  8. I'd be disappointed if Baird went to a non-SPL team, but he deserves a chance to at the very least have a go at getting to the SPL, and we cannot offer him that unfortunately.
  9. Willie Dyer just posted on twitter that he'd like to thank all the raith fans for their support over the last two years and best of luck next season. He'll be away then. Disappointed to see him go to be honest.
  10. McGlynn saying Damian got on to see a 'wee cheerio' to the fans. Pretty gutted with that
  11. Essentially yes. All week you've been posting about how it "might not be McGlynn" who makes the decision on player's futures, when it was well known that he was signing a contract this week. I've yet to see you, or anyone else for that matter, come up with a name other than McGlynn. Year on year improvement minus this year, and even then we can still finish 7th with a win on Saturday. Hardly a disaster. A strong last quarter has got us with the second best form in the league and he's pulled us through when it mattered most. There is no other manager I'd rather have at the moment, because he's the best man for it. He's proved he genuinely cares about the club as well by taking a pay cut. I don't know of many other managers who are in on Sundays washing strips and mopping out the changing rooms either. He certainly earns his, now lesser, wage. So aye, McGlynn, all round gid c**t.
  12. Seen you post that a few times now. Thought it was common knowledge that McGlynn was signing a year extension this week.
  13. Another one happy for McGlynn to stay as long as he likes.
  14. Aye he got credited with a goal but it was actually Ferry that scored. You can imagine when he got home, wife has got on the champagne ice has he comes in the door...
  15. Heard wee rumours last night that Ryan Wallace is a shoe in for coming back next season, and also that we're going back to half part time half full time.
  16. As far as FanTalk is concerned, the boy attempting to decipher John McGlynn's post match interview with his unique blend of analysis is the funniest thing I've read for a while.
  17. What would you like to have been included in thsi statement, just out of interest?
  18. Was it not Jim Foy's choice to take a break from the website?
  19. Lad on FanTalk raised a good point: Hosting on .net is far cheaper than hosting on .com.
  20. What exactly were you wanting? There's only so many ways to report on games, give player bio's and show highlights.
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