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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Feeling a lot of love from the friendly opposition this year. Watched Houston's interview on the website a while ago, he's a big softie. Send us Johnny Russell, since you're offering, like...
  2. Disappointed I won't make today, first friendly I've missed. Results not really telling the whole story of our pre season tbh, we've played neat stuff most of the time, hopefully that continues today.
  3. Right, it's in the Rangers thread, and I'll also start a separate thread on this forum to raise awareness of it.
  4. If I could just interrupt this for a second. Some of you may have already read this post in the big Rovers thread in the first divison forum, but if not, here it is: This is the account that the donations are being placed into: Account Name : Support Rovers Account Nr: 06025487 Sort Code 80-16-84 I can't really elaborate any more on what Yoss has said, I just thought id pop this into a far wind domain as a few fans of SPL clubs had expressed a wish to donate to this and i assume more of you will read it in here. Cheers. #WeAreAllTurnbullHutton
  5. Infact I'm going to give this a kick up the arse and get it going. This is the account number and sort code of the Support Rovers fund, set up by the Rovers Fans' Director - Dave Wann. Account Name : Support Rovers Account Nr: 06025487 Sort Code 80-16-84 Any money donations should be made into this account. I'll post it onto the big rangers admin thread as well, unless someone has already done this.
  6. Did the just giving site get set up? I've been telling folk about it and they're interested.
  7. Just off the plane to the news Mr McGlynn is off. Sad news indeed, glad we'll get to give him a proper send off at Laurie's testimonial, though.
  8. I'm worried about any potential signings now. Who's going to want to sign for a club who doesn't have a manager? We must act quickl.
  9. Oh Christ. He was in the year above me at school. Complete welt.
  10. Trains and hotel booked for Wick. Got a triple room up there for £100, and the train for two of us for £67.05. Cannae wait
  11. Aye, train gets to wick at 1455, ut it's only a five minute walk. Hopefully no hitches along the way!
  12. Are people still not getting the cheap train on the scotrail website? I've taken a screenshot on the iPad to prove I'm not talking shite, but I can't post it..
  13. Also, coming home the next day, train leaves wick at 11:53, gets in at 21:24 and is also available on the advance single £15.10 deal.
  14. Quick heads up to Rovers fans. You're getting an advance single to Wick from Kirkcaldy for £15.10 on the Scotrail site just now. Train leaves at 07:03 and gets in at Wick at 14:55 with two changes, and you can't get there and back in the same day. f**k it I'm going.
  15. Just noticed this. Absolutely terrific. I know him!
  16. I find it hard to take as well, but their average crowd is far, far higher than ours, and their intake from that will also obviously be more. Baird moving to them is very sore, Davidson, not so much.
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