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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Haha, that was pretty much it. I got up, decided it wasn't for the best, and got straight back in. In terms of the games, your goal in the first was a beauty. I managed to get two in the last game, somehow. The cramp was an absolute nightmare and both times when I was running onto the ball that was all I could think about. Right up the back of both legs. Thanks again for coming along.
  2. I'm in absolute agony from the four games of football yesterday. The backs of my legs and join of arms to shoulders being the worst bits.
  3. So this is how it feels to be lonely...
  4. Sorry, that's just the stock response over there when someone gets telt for spouting pish.
  5. I've to apply to SAAS, and the website is complicated as fuck.
  6. I use Twitter on my phone to post updates from the Rovers matches when there aren't any on the official site. The "Off The Ball" team follow me. http://twitter.com/RaithRoversLive Correction, it's not Off The Ball, it's Open All Mics.
  7. Hi guys, I play for the Raith Rovers Supporters Team; Geordie MunRovers, and on 8th August, we're going to be playing four 90 minute games in aid of Leukemia and Lymphoma Research. The reason we chose this charity is because an ex-Raith player, Ronnie Coyle, was diagnosed with Leukemia a few years ago. He has fought the disease, and although is completely there yet, he is well on his way to recovery. We asked Ronnie which charity he would like us to choose, and he chose this one. We have a Just Giving page, and myself and my team members would be really grateful if you could donate what you could. Any amount would be fantastic. Cheers. http://www.justgivin...sendurancematch
  8. I was raging with ti aswell. It was blumin excellent all week, too.
  9. I can't understand for the life of me why anyone would go and watch golf. Why the f**k would you do it!?
  10. You play football at the bevi last night? If it wasn't you, it was your stunt double.
  11. My girlfriend's been at a party and she's home drunk, and on MSN. She's daen my tits in.
  12. I read it in the Record. It was a full page story, and it had quotes from Sparky himself saying that he was confident of making a recovery and playing for us again in September.
  13. I was moaned at tonight for not being jealous enough. I mean WHAT THE FUCK.
  14. That's devastating What kind of dog was she? I can just remember our last dog having to be put down, I was really wee though and didn't really understand.
  15. People who say, "Jings! Crivens! Help ma boab". I think it might be the most cringeworthy thing anyone can type or say.
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