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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Busy week whilst I was away then!? Quite happy we got the new years derby this year.
  2. This is true. Him and Stuart Cargill were always the two best, both now of east fife.
  3. He lives up in Glenrothes and was I think three years older than me at school. Decent player with a great left peg.
  4. Heard on Saturday night that we are preparing a BID for Kevin Smith.
  5. A lad i know died this morning. Had a seizure and died there and then. Cannot believe it. He would have been 14 on Saturday. Devastating.
  6. Cycling up a hill into the wind is the world's most frustrating thing in the entire world. The my wheel nearly fell off and I had to stop and tighten it back up, no idea how it got loose. Wasn't that impressed.
  7. My bird wants to go to the beach today and I have zero interest in it whatsoever. I told her that she could go, and I'd go out for a pedal instead. She's now in a total fucking cream puff. I have no intentions of going to the beach to sit with her and her pals for an afternoon.
  8. Mates who won't text you back. How hard is it? Also, on Friday night I paid £7 for a bottle of MD 20/20. £7!!!
  9. That's actually a very good shout. She couldn't buy the ground and call it Val McDermid Park, she she sponsored the North Stand and called it the McDermid Stand.
  10. The triple save against Ayr is still the best piece of goalkeeping I've ever seen in the flesh. Probably the best I've ever seen anywhere. The distance he has to cover to get to the 2nd one is obscene, but to then save the third whilst lying down is beyond belief. I'm laughing about it just typing, he shouldn't be making saves like that.
  11. If the lad Wallace could put some beef on, probably something close to two stone, he could be an excellent. Fantastic technical ability, just so lightweight. He's in the same ilk as David Templeton. Templeton has however totally filled out and has become a very good player.
  12. That's pretty much it, Dunc. We offered Joe Dunbar first team football and when it didn't translate into that, he took the huff and stopped turning up for training, so we tried to release him but he wasn't for it and sat and took our wages for 2 years. I realise that there must be a bit more to it, because if you don't turn up for training, you break your contract agreement and can be sacked, but that's pretty much the jist of it.
  13. Weir staying? Wedderburn? Simmons AND Davidson? McDougall and Amaya are away? Fucking hell.
  14. Gathuessi did the same on Wednesday night. I saw him kicking his heels up towards the train station at about half 7.
  15. Grant Murray has played 50 games this season!? Some effort.
  16. He lives in Czech Republic. Thus his "Location". :huh:
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