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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Fair enough, hadn’t seen that anywhere, makes sense though. I wouldn’t be entirely surprised to see something similar happen with us, based on the sounds coming from the boardroom.
  2. I see the East Fife manager is saying the boy they had on loan from Hibs - Joao Balde - will be joining an as yet unnamed Championship side next month and has played his last game for them. He plays centre mid. I don’t think it’s outwith the realms of possibility that we will lose someone from that position and sign him as a replacement. My bet would be on someone giving us a fee for Sam Stanton and us signing this boy as a replacement. Just guessing of course, no real substance to this other than thinking out loud.
  3. You were suggesting we sign a player from the 9th tier of the league set up just 2 pages ago. Now you want us to sign Marc McNulty. Make you mind up, ffs.
  4. Muirhead’s redemption arc at Moron is really something. Was a joke figure in an awful side, now a key player. Got a lot of time for his razzing on oppositions fans too. Had me boiling last night, respect it.
  5. I’ve slated Muirhead on here a fair bit but I’d have him in a heartbeat. Quitongo too.
  6. Can’t tell if you’re joking or no, but he punched the ball.
  7. We’ve just got far too many players who all want to play the same position. Vaughan, Easton, Gullan, Stanton and Ross are all number 10s. So we end up with one of them up front, one at centre mid and one of them out wide which completely blunts out attacking threat. Each and every one of those players will be on a healthy wage and we are getting very little in return.
  8. Bo’ness is fucking miles and miles and miles off the Championship. Scoring at that level is zero barometer for how good he is.
  9. To be totally honest, we could do with Ethan Ross off the wage bill. He will be on a good wage alongside his long contract and we are getting very little return from him. If he’s injured for the season that’s a total fucker.
  10. Heard tonight that Big John won’t be back after Christmas.
  11. Not sure either side will be that interested in analysing that performance. Every goal was a mistake but our second was really fucking hilariously bad defending. The two touches preceding Connolly scoring were both Morton touches. Don’t see that very often Total lottery. Could’ve won it at the end but Morton missed some incredible chances, including the number one worst miss I’ve ever seen at Starks in 25 years. Worse than Cummings for Hibs. About 3 yards out, no goalie, middle of the goal. Take the point and move on.
  12. A new stadium is never, ever going to happen. Be as well discussing where about on the moon we’d like the stadium to be.
  13. I think the point is that the fans are putting money in, it’s more what we’ve done with that money that seems to be the issue
  14. Really not looking forward to this whatsoever. A win under the lights with fans who have hopefully had a few pints and are bit more boisterous would be ideal and could get our season going and cheer everyone up at a time when it’s much needed. A meek, insipid draw or defeat and folk’s backs will really be up and Murray will be under undoubted pressure. Fingers crossed.
  15. A very weird interview all things considered. We are looking to move players on, unless we can keep them. We need investment because we don’t have enough money, but we are not far away from breaking even. We’ve spent a load on lights and a pitch but there is significant stadium maintenance required, but the maintenance is just tidying up and other bits and pieces. Sounds like a really fucking bad interview to be honest. Edited to add: again Edited to add again: Ending the interview with a plea for people with money to phone the club and give us it is one of the most tinpot things I’ve seen. Our communications are.. not good.
  16. We’ve all had this exact discussion on our thread. We’ve gambled on a complete unknown in big John which hasn’t worked and are now back at square one. Strikers which are going to make a difference to a championship team which are in anyone’s budget are like hens teeth.
  17. You’ve had more flip flops than Marbella this season, you’ll forgive us for not taking anything you say seriously.
  18. Snow bad through Kirkcaldy way? If it’s anything like Dunfermline we’ll be doing well to get this game on.
  19. Thoroughly, thoroughly looking forward to this being postponed and then the whole of both collective fanbases saying, “sO mUcH fOr An AlL wEaThEr PiTcH!!!”
  20. The pink strip is great. I believe it sold really well, as well.
  21. Vaughan out-jumping Alan Lithgow for the goal. Mortified for him.
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