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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. There no other strikers, to be fair. Vaughan can’t get t back fast enough.
  2. Well, this is nice. A wee jolly before the inevitable red card and two injury time goals.
  3. I notice we haven’t had Colin Steven at all since that last Caley game.
  4. Stewarding was a bit OTT last night, I thought. Why did they lead the two young Arbroath fans out right along past our fans, rather than putting them out the back, like they had done with one other young lad previously? Also, what are 9-12 year old children doing that’s so bad that it’s worthy of being ejected? They seemed to all have a very high level of self-importance.
  5. Very tough shift for Frederiksen last night. We gave him precisely zero balls into the box for him to attack. As much as the thinking is that he will hold the ball up and let others get around him, his ability to defend set pieces makes me think he’d be good at attacking them, but we almost never cross the ball into the box properly for him to attack. Not writing him off just yet.
  6. Don’t know how you watch the game and think he’s honking tbh. Him being the steady base has a lot to do with Stanton being given the freedom to get further forward. One doesn’t happen without the other.
  7. Mind when folk were up in arms about having no centre halves and how our defence was a disaster and we should’ve kept centre halves who were terrible last year? Now we’ve got a centre half on the bench and a left back at centre half and the second best goals against tally in the league, with Vaughan to come back up front. Everything going to fine imo.
  8. Really pleased with the win, we needed it. Another clean sheet for the back four. Hard to see Nolan getting back in with Dick in that form and Ngwenya taking his chance. Great stuff.
  9. That’s happened more than once in the last few years. We never win. We won’t beat Inverness, ffs.
  10. Looking forward to Inverness returning to their imperious best against us on Saturday. It’s the way of the universe.
  11. I say this as someone who is on record as a defender of Ross Millen: Reghan Tumilty is a much better right back. He seems to be having a very rough time of it at Hartlepool at the minute - they were thumped 6-0 at home to a bunch of Everton kids last night - but he is proven at this level. I think him getting to the byline and getting crosses in would help us massively, as we don’t really have anyone doing that at all at the moment. Ethan Ross has the potential to do it, but he has blown hot and cold (mostly cold) for months now. It looks like the Scottish experiment at Hartlepool is all but over already, with Hartley gone and their fans seemingly writing them all off. I guess it all comes down to how much these guys are on, how much Hartlepool are willing to pay them to leave, and whether or not the players are too proud to be back up the road within 6 months of leaving. For what it’s worth, I’d quite happily welcome Tumilty, Jack Hamilton and Euan Murray (I know, I know…) into our squad whenever they want to come back to Scotland.
  12. You were given a completely free choice to pick things he is terrible at. You chose two things which he scores highly at. You don’t even know what you’re even angry at anymore, you slaver.
  13. You say he can’t tackle, but he’s got the 6th best defensive duels record in the league? As for crossing, he’s 8th best in the league: Not what you’d really expect from someone who “can’t tackle” and “can’t cross”, is it? You don’t even know what you don’t like about him, ffs.
  14. Excluding the Inverness penalty, someone please give me 5 things Millen has done that were really glaringly terrible. The abuse he’s getting is way, way OTT.
  15. Probably. The question posed was whether or not it would be a realistic signing, though.
  16. A thread of “we are shiter than you” awaits. How is Scott Allan getting on with the ball sailing over his head 50 times a game?
  17. Stop replying to him please. It only encourages him. No surprises he’s been very active after a loss, after being very quiet last week after a win. A miserable b*****d, best ignored.
  18. Actually looking at the strikers for each club in the Championship: Arbroath: Kareem Isiaka - had him on trial, not good enough. Dale Hilson? No thanks. Ayr: Dipo Akinyemi - would take him. A total shot in the dark though, and it’s not exactly a name you’d be sitting down and identifying pre-season. (What a truly horrific website btw) Cove: Megginson - failed here before and it clearly suits him to be based up there. Dundee: Zak Rudden - would take. However, just joined Dundee and likely on a fortune. Not a realistic target. Morton: Robbie Muirhead - no, absolute huddie. Hamilton: Literally no one. Children. Inverness: Shane Sutherland - nearly signed him before he went to Inverness but chose to stay up north. Billy McKay - pretty old. George Oakley - might have been an option? Not sure. Thistle: They have three actually very good options up front, and are the only club in the division to have so. No surprise they are top and look to be the favourites. Graham, Mullen and Anyon Dowds would all walk into our side. They are all very likely earning much more money with Thistle than they could with us. Queen’s Park: Simon Murray would be a starter for us, no doubt, but given his reported salary, would not even consider a move to us. There is a complete dearth of attacking talent across the division. There are very, very few options we could have actually got.
  19. Unless the match photographer was in my front room, I’m going to hazard a guess I’m unlikely to be in any photos.
  20. If the Morton photographer is worth his salt, there will be some incredible pictures to come of the Morton players celebrating in front of our fans. A few real heads gone, and but for the grace of the traffic gods, I’d have been one of them.
  21. Good to see our fans completely writing players off after *checks notes* 83 minutes of competitive football.
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