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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Come off it, man. They’re light hearted and non-serious. Give them a break, ffs.
  2. Find it hard to believe that McGlynn would leave Poplatnik on the bench for 3/4 of a season then sign him at the first chance. I’d be quite happy if he signed for Falkirk tbh, closer to his level.
  3. Say it quietly but… Gozie Ugwu? Seems to have got himself fit(ter) since he left us and did well in a broadly rubbish Morton side. Holds the ball up. I wasn’t a huge fan last time around but he has done well since leaving.
  4. Option to bring a pal a few times, the discount, and the ability to get wee discount in other businesses and being able to spread the cost makes this year a pretty appealing option. Fair play.
  5. Honestly, not in for signing Poplatnik at all. Had about 4 good games. If he had them at the start of the season no one would want to keep him. Lovely, lovely guy, but we need to aim higher.
  6. I see Dylan Easton is busy liking tweets about Murray becoming our manager and tweets from fans hoping he signs for us. Good.
  7. These celebrations are all a bit embarrassing from St. Johnstone, truth be told.
  8. Yeah, I’m absolutely fine with this. Happy to get behind him.
  9. Everyone from Scotland thinks the place where everyone else stays is a shit hole. And everyone else has a funny accent. Really great patter. Hope it continues.
  10. Definite penalty. Feel for Easton as he has been excellent.
  11. Is there any word on if Simon Murray will be staying or moving on? Transfermarkt has him down as out of contract this month. Would take him at Starks Park if you don’t win today. Or even if you do…
  12. Genuinely don’t think I’ve ever seen a team get the breaks like Arbroath. Incredible.
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