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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Honestly, I don’t think not speaking to the press is the worst idea. Benedictus had to speak to them on Tuesday and probably didn’t get it quite right, although based on the timing of the release and lack of media officer there to guide him, I can forgive it. As others have mentioned, there may even be a legal reason that we aren’t speaking. Time is running out, however. Really need something official from the club by Monday.
  2. Was unsure if this was who I thought it was, but based on this I now know.
  3. Meant to post this in here, rather than the club thread. Better side overall. Moyo missed an absolute sitter from a header after we gifted them a corner, it was one of those ones where, if he scores, you’d say, “he couldn’t miss”, but he put it wide from 3 or 4 yards. We’ve had the better of the play and Ethan Ross visibly grew in confidence as the half continued, creating 2 or 3 chances himself, one where he pulled back to Connolly which was cleared off the line, after receiving a raking 60 yard pass from Musonda. Lang’s injury looked a bad one. Pulled up initially but played on but he was never going to be right and eventually totally buckled when going for the ball near the half way line. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if he is out for a long time. McGlynn received a mixed but mostly warm welcome I’d say, some dissenting voices but more positive than negative.
  4. Honestly wonder what folk think they’re watching sometimes. It’s a red all day long.
  5. Very good post. Thought you spoke very, very well on the show, too.
  6. There are few people in football, perhaps none, that I’d afford a second chance to in these circumstances, other than John McGlynn. If Raith TV are still interested, or Alan Temple fancies another exclusive, and I worked at the club, I’d be on the phone at 9am tomorrow morning organising an interview where John can say a heartfelt sorry to the fans.
  7. I agree with every word of this. I understand not everyone will feel this way, but it echoes my feeling perfectly.
  8. Will be on K107 on Saturday. Usually starts 1pm. Available online.
  9. Very nice to have been out for the last 3 or 4 hours and not have 20+ new pages to read through. Saturday Sports Show was very good tonight, and enjoyed all contributors. A tough show show to chair but thought Grum did a cracking job.
  10. Fully respect anyone who doesn’t want to/can’t bring themselves to go back. It’s a horrible situation. I feel pretty emotionally drained from it all.
  11. I’m really torn. I think I will go, but honestly don’t think I have it in me to protest too much. I just want to support the team.
  12. “Allshit Fergiscum” is one of my earliest memories of the forum.
  13. Temple clarified the matter on his Twitter and said that the interview was after the game on Tuesday.
  14. Well lads, what a crazy, crazy few days. I am going to choose to accept the club’s apology on this matter, with caveats. The main one being that I need to hear from McGlynn in the next few days. If he shows any form of frustration or anger that the transfer has been cancelled and he didn’t get his player then he needs to go, without question. I am going to choose to believe, naively perhaps, that McGlynn didn’t fully appreciate the ramifications of this transfer due to existing within a football-centric bubble. I need to hear that he is sorry for this whole episode and that it should never have happened. I have been John McGlynn’s biggest fan since he returned and would’ve happily seen a statue of him erected outside the main stand and handed him a lifetime contract. I am fully aware of how much this is probably affecting my thinking, but I am a simple man and have mountains of respect for how he has nearly single handedly turned the fortunes of my football club around from the dark days of Gary Locke and John Hughes. Upon reflection, that £120,000 that the fans raised in the first lockdown should never have simply been donated as a gift to the club. The immediate problem we found ourselves in ultimately blinded us. That money should have been transferred into something tangible and given us more of a voice - this is something that should never be repeated. I am immensely proud of every volunteer who has walked away from the club over the last few days - you made this happen. I am beyond pleased that we will never have that eternal stain on our record and that the correct decision has been made, despite it costing us close to £220,000.
  15. Last one before I go to bed, and likely last one for a long time. I am fucking shocked and beside myself at what’s happened tonight at Starks’ Park, and even more so at the actions of those who I trusted to keep the morals of the club in tact. Unsure how I’ll now spend my Saturday’s as yet, but it sure as shit won’t be in Kirkcaldy. Cheers.
  16. I’m fucking devastated that I essentially can no longer support the club I have loved for as long as I can remember. I’m struggling to put into words how annoyed/upset I am about this. I cannot go along and support that. I have literally just accepted a job which allowed me to go every week. Beyond gutted that a club which I felt really matched my values has decided to throw it all away in a terribly misguided attempt at promotion. Everyone at the club has completely fucked it with this.
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