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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Varian is just about as good as you’re going to get at unsettling defenders, being physical and a nuisance. He’s miles better than Ugwu was. It’s a shame he can’t seem to stick it in the net.
  2. Ugwu, a few moments apart, was total muck. Ball bounced off him like the side of a ship.
  3. I am generally very positive about our chances most weeks, but there’s something I just really, really detest about playing Inverness. Probably something to do with the no wins in 20 odd years.
  4. A lot of doom and gloom amongst the support lately, somewhat understandably so given our goal scoring issues, but it’s worth noting that after not scoring a goal from open play in 6 matches and undoubtedly enduring our worst run of the season so far - and quite importantly are likely to go through for the rest of the season - we are only 4 points off top of the league, in January. A few more shrewd signings at the top end of the park and a few wins and we will all be singing John McGlynn’s name again whilst challenging right at the top. Said right from the start of the season that I thought we would win the league, and I’m reticent to jettison that feeling at the first sign of a few poor performances. McInnes being appointed at Killie is a spanner in the works, right enough and it’ll be really interesting to see McGlynn test himself against someone who, up until very recently, was looked upon by most as one of the most talented managers in the country. Lots to be positive about at the football club. Just really hope we can get back in sooner rather than later to support the team.
  5. If Gullan is an additional signing to another striker, I’m fine with that.
  6. What does a team who have scored 1 goal (a penalty) since November 27th need? A trip to Inverness, who we haven’t beat for over two decades. I simply cannot wait.
  7. Happy to see Falkirk now take the light of shame away from us. Goodwillie should just finish his career at Clyde. Their fans seem to have broadly accepted him and he would just divide any other fan base. I wouldn’t be back at Stark’s Park if we signed him.
  8. Goodness me, that was fucking abject. Glad I never got tickets.
  9. One of the worst games I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching. Utterly fucking terrible.
  10. We’re the better side but still not great. Exceptionally lucky to have 11 men on the park.
  11. Connolly behaving like a fucking loser, there. Zero contact.
  12. We have been fucking hopeless at the back. This really shows him important Berra is - he misses out and we are pish.
  13. Benedictus should be off the park. He’s been fucking miles off it today.
  14. Yeah, little to no enthusiasm for this. Applied for tickets this afternoon and our entry number was a little into the 400s. No idea what’s hat sort of performance we’ll put in. I was going to try to guess the team but I can’t really be arsed. Meh.
  15. I see Val McDermid is on twitter saying she doesn’t want him running around with her name across his chest. I think it’s safe to say this won’t be happening.
  16. Quite frustrating that this seems to come up fairly often without any real threat of actually happening. Drives the fan base apart and turns folk on one another.
  17. I really don’t think I could support the club if we signed him. Hope it doesn’t come to that.
  18. I did initially think that Cummings might be worth a punt, but he is a most un-McGlynn like player. A wee scum bag ned with too much money and not enough between his ears. Quite suited to them along the road, I’d say.
  19. Stanton and Williamson in covers centre midfield. I think we still need a wide player and a striker, but preferably we send Poplatnik back and get two strikers.
  20. Whilst I agree, no fans can get in the fucking bin ASAP. Watching this level of football on the tele is absolutely fucking horrific.
  21. Entirely justified and deserved win for Ayr today, if a little predictable after the “we’ll never win” patter. Big game on the 2nd now.
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