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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. FFS. I’m still going for the “la la la this is not happening” approach. If this was to happen if need to have a long, hard think about my support of the club. Praying it doesn’t come to that.
  2. If you’re Fulham and you have the chance to send him to us or a team in the Premiership, it’s a no brainier. I really thought this Goodwillie cut was dead in the water. I’m going to keep hoping that these Clyde boys are bamming us up.
  3. Out in Glasgow on Friday so won’t get to go, or even see it, but hopefully we can get our finger out and not just let the season fizzle out.
  4. This is just objectively a pile of pish. Unsurprised to see you posting a lot more often now we are in a bad spell.
  5. Those highlights, they are something . Big fan of Morrison’s 50p napper ballooning a header over the bar with the goal gaping. At least Taylor-Sinclair looks a good signing.
  6. Caught the second half on Raith TV. From that, we are getting exactly what we deserve. We have been dog shit for weeks.
  7. Dunfermline trying their absolute best to emulate the season we got relegated from the championship under Hughes.
  8. Every time I go to Starks’ Park I am amazed that cars are allowed up the street before a game. Pratt Street always used to be closed at Links Street before and after games, which was safe. Now, if you’re approaching the ground from the Beveridge Park end, getting across the road isn’t possible until you get to the bottom of the ramp, which is on a corner. There must be loads of near misses every week. It will unfortunately probably take someone being knocked down for it to change.
  9. I’d love to see it, but I’m not sure there’s much if any incentive to Arbroath agreeing to the game on Tuesday night.
  10. We tried to sign Dowds but Falkirk blew us out the water with their financial offer.
  11. Should MacDonald do better? The shot bounced twice and is from a long way out with no obvious block to his view.
  12. We will not win the league throwing points away like that. Simple.
  13. We have missed some chances today. We won’t ever beat Inverness. It’s written in fucking stone.
  14. f**k me. Inverness have been pish, too. Throwing away too many points.
  15. Without wishing to speak too soon, have Inverness had a shot?
  16. I think you’ll find, Mr. Mutiny, that it’s not actually the fans that sign the players.
  17. I reckon it’s a ‘staying up til midnight to watch the Dunfermline highlights’ sort of evening.
  18. It seems they’ve chosen 500 of the angriest and screechiest highland weirdos for the home end today.
  19. We’ve been much more like ourselves today. Stanton going to be lynchpin of that midfield, looks some player.
  20. I don’t know what it’s been like more recently, but not long ago Benedictus stats from Wyscout were far superior to Lang’s. The Terrace did a bit on it. I’m sure @McGuigan1978 could clarify more recent stats.
  21. He’s out of form just now but you’ve a pretty short memory. The amount of goals we’ve scored earlier in the season that came as a direct result of him winning a header or a flick on bullying a defender out the way is high. QoS is one example that immediately springs to mind.
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